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Posts posted by Hoover42

  1. I was reading another Montréal thread last night & some of you made the good point that “straight but open” dancers can be as much fun - or more - than gay or bi ones. So I guess what I really meant was: where are the friendly dancers these days / are there any dancers who are really hot-looking but not that fun or friendly?

    Most dancers are friendly and fun, especially pre-lap dance, but there are a couple of other circles in the Venn diagram of dancer behavior that you need to watch out for.


    Some dancers can be aggresive or impatient when trying to get lap dances and this can be a problem for customers who don't know how to respond to that. Don't say, "Maybe later." Just be polite and say , "No, thanks."


    Later, once you've agreed to a lap dance, it's not uncommon to find that you're not hitting it off with the dancer. Perhaps the lap dance is not what you expected, the dancer is having a bad night, or the chemistry is just not there. Don't let this ruin your night, and don't waste money and mental energy trying to correct it. Just end the dance at the end of the song, thank them, and move on.


    p.s. It's definitely possible to turn both of these situations around, but that is an advanced topic for a later class. :)

  2. I’m going back to Montreal for a much-needed vacation for almost a week at the end of May/start of June.

    Is Lux still open? (I wasn’t impressed the one time I went, but things change.)

    Do many of the hottest dancers at Campus still keep their pics off the website?

    Any locals want to hit a club together some evening? (or afternoon, lol) I’m American but my français is decent. Mid-40s, often guessed younger, and a gym regular. (Not that anyone will confuse me for one of the dancers )


    I met one diamond-in-the-rough at Adonis/Lux years ago. Because of that, I always make an appearence there when I'm in Montreal.


    Will lightning strike twice? Who knows.

  3. Anyone have a suggestion for a substitute for olive oil in recipes? I just don't like the flavor of olive oil.

    I love butter!


    However, now that I'm avoiding butter (at least until after my next blood work :)), I usually use canola oil and then add a tiny bit of butter or "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S NOT BUTTER!!" spray just to give it a little flavor.


    Canola oil has the additional advantage that is has higher a smoke point than olive oil so there's less chance of setting off the kitchen smoke detector. lol

  4. The bill cleared Congress on March 21. Congress is not in session this week. [...] Does anyone know why the 10-day pocket veto did not occur?

    Since Congress is on break until April 9, 2018, it sure seems like Trump has exercised the pocket veto.


    I wonder if there is some debate over whether this mid-session break is a true break or not.

  5. Rainbow Room is in a shit location. Uber in or out if it is late. I haven't heard good things. But things change. You probably have a better chance of hooking up using an Ap and then Uber to that hotel. Several properties have tried having gay bars. They always have steep covers and pay parking.

    Hmmm, sounds like I might be better off visiting Philly unless I'm dead set on using the slot machines.

  6. Thanks for the info!


    My primary goal is go and check out the Rainbow Room (assuming it's still going on). I don't have a room lined up yet, but the Borgata looked the most interesting.


    The one and only other time I was in AC, I stayed at one of the Trump properties and it was the second worst hotel room I've ever stayed in. The worst being a flophouse for homeless kids in Los Angeles in the 70's.

  7. The full commentary for the film by Timmy and Michael Stuhlbarg is now on Youtube, at least for a while. No visuals, but full audio.



    This is the third posting of the audio commentary I've seen on YouTube so far; the other two were taken down for "copyright claims."

  8. The building on 14th Street near 6th Avenue has two places. On one floor is MMX (www.mmxnyc.com) and on another Daddy Retreat. Daddy is run by Aaron, himself an excellent masseur, S&M teacher, sexy man. Check them up.


    The MMX website says, about MMX, "It is a one-stop resource for in-shape guys who appreciate the benefits of healing touch."


    Is Daddy Retreat also targeted at in-shape guys?

  9. The work of switching emails for me recently was made a lot easier by using a password manager.


    After creating the new email address, I went through the password manager list a few entries at a time, and slowly but methodically moved over 300 accounts. This took some time, but it also gave me the opportunity to update website addresses and delete accounts I no longer wanted to use.


    Once everthing was changed, I kept the old email address around for three months to catch any stragglers, and then deleted the old address.

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