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Everything posted by BuffaloKyle

  1. As far as the reviews go maybe we can start a thread in the deli and have it tacked at the top where if you hire someone you can share the basics of your meet with no explicit details. You could state for those details whether or not you are willing to share more over PM. Here is the form details: Date: Location: Appt Length: Rate: Rating: Match? Hire again? Lived up? Where: Which: Experience: By: About: -------------- This would all be for cooper to decide of course.
  2. He is not totally my type anyway so I'll pass. Just been ready to dive back into the pool soon.
  3. If he didn't like you based on your stats just make up something like already booked. Geez. Sorry to hear!
  4. https://daddysreviews.com/ it's still there. although sadly it will no longer be updated.
  5. I just scrolled through all the NY cities and yea they have a few really random suburbs of Buffalo now. Not even the biggest ones. Very weird!
  6. Man I still remember when I got this issue! http://akns-images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2016417/rs_634x767-160517131024-634.Justin-Timberlake-Rolling-Stone-Magazine.ms.051716.jpg
  7. BUMP He is coming to my town for a few days starting tomorrow. Would love any recent info. Feel free to PM if you like as well.
  8. ? Very sad news. He died relatively way too young. R.I.P. ?
  9. This guy is back with a new name. https://rentmen.eu/Preston_Premium He is not 21 though that's for sure.
  10. I just saw him online today. Very yummy indeed. Here is one you might like then: https://chaturbate.com/adrian_andres01/
  11. It is indeed quite magnificent. Besides just seeing the falls you can do the maid of the mist, journey behind the falls, take a helicopter tour over the falls and do ziplining over it as well. Although there is way more to do if you go to to the Canadian side of the falls. They have a strip called Clifton Hill with tons of cool shops, museums, arcades, restaurants. It's so much fun. https://www.cliftonhill.com/niagara-falls-attractions
  12. http://images.3xmuscles.xyz/779/143770/697973f617798ec057b38aef0b4b143f/3224769.jpg
  13. This reminded me of one of my favorite SNL commericals!
  14. I have a feeling Kansas City gonna be playing in quite a few super bowls this decade so get ready to force yourself a lot. ?
  15. For better and for worse I learned everything from online message boards, porn sites, and chat rooms. This is back in the days when AOL had chat rooms galore.
  16. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5cd431d15822f Cumshot at 5:35 mark. Looks like one tasty BBC!
  17. https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph600b97ec40f89 Cumshot right after 2:45 mark. The sound of that first rope of cum is so fucking hot.
  18. http://zmut.com/uploads/cache/pins/2013/08/http-scallyguy-net-wp-content-uploads-2013-07-1017-jpg_213124562195945172-582x.jpeg Sometimes you need them so you won't get cum in your eyes! ?
  19. I hit him up on rm to chat a bit through messenger. He has no number listed. The language barrier seems like it's gonna be too much to overcome to set up something.
  20. http://images.3xmuscles.xyz/529/137088/b282bffdc3e7ca8a5c15fcbf8a482708/3161332.jpg
  21. In my area for the week would love some info on him. Feel free to pm as well. https://rentmen.eu/Siberian_Boy
  22. I'd love to suck off Fallen_disaster . He is one hot, bad ass straight guy.
  23. I report zero here as well! ?
  24. Illinois had a case as being the hottest team going into the tournament too even with Gonzaga being undefeated. It really is the Zags to lose now.
  25. Scott_Bleu a twink in Kentucky gets me horny as heck. Would love to get with him. I especially dig his pale groin area. He has videos on pornhub of himself with this really old guy. He does all his stuff in a camper so I figure it belongs to that guy who is letting him live there for free in exchange for some play.
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