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  1. Love
    + honcho reacted to + easygoingpal in Any Other Muscle Addicts   
  2. Love
    + honcho reacted to + easygoingpal in Any Other Muscle Addicts   
  3. Love
    + honcho reacted to + easygoingpal in Any Other Muscle Addicts   
  4. Applause
    + honcho reacted to + easygoingpal in Any Other Muscle Addicts   
  5. Thanks
    + honcho got a reaction from + easygoingpal in Homo Sapiens - Homo Erectus   
    Sutro tower, which hold antennae for multiple TV and radio stations: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sutro+Tower/@37.7542973,-122.4555313,16.09z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x808f7dfb85c26ab9:0x30e2a49d9c000605!8m2!3d37.7552213!4d-122.4527624
    From the perspective, the picture was likely taken somewhere in the castro or upper market area, but I don't recognize the railing.  (Or the guy ... I'm *SURE* I'd remember if I saw him around ....)
  6. Like
    + honcho got a reaction from BabyBoomer in Homo Sapiens - Homo Erectus   
    Sutro tower, which hold antennae for multiple TV and radio stations: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sutro+Tower/@37.7542973,-122.4555313,16.09z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x808f7dfb85c26ab9:0x30e2a49d9c000605!8m2!3d37.7552213!4d-122.4527624
    From the perspective, the picture was likely taken somewhere in the castro or upper market area, but I don't recognize the railing.  (Or the guy ... I'm *SURE* I'd remember if I saw him around ....)
  7. Applause
    + honcho got a reaction from whipped guy in Homo Sapiens - Homo Erectus   
    Sutro tower, which hold antennae for multiple TV and radio stations: https://www.google.com/maps/place/Sutro+Tower/@37.7542973,-122.4555313,16.09z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x808f7dfb85c26ab9:0x30e2a49d9c000605!8m2!3d37.7552213!4d-122.4527624
    From the perspective, the picture was likely taken somewhere in the castro or upper market area, but I don't recognize the railing.  (Or the guy ... I'm *SURE* I'd remember if I saw him around ....)
  8. Applause
    + honcho reacted to Scott Virginian in Ranks   
    After the last 15 months, Rob, everyone would qualify for the "needs to get laid" rank.... 
  9. Haha
    + honcho reacted to RadioRob in Ranks   
    As I noted in the Achievements thread, the new ranks are the default out of the box ones generated by the new system.  I did not spend time trying to customize them because it would mean creating new associated images, etc.  To be honest, I was just too lazy at that moment as there were bigger fish I was working to fry.  
    I posted about how ranks could be changed.  While I'm not actively working to create/develop new ranks and graphics for those ranks...  if someone else wants to do it, I can implement it if the members here like what is proposed.  
    The final rank if we were to change it...  I would suggest "The Sleeper - Needs Laid" since they obviously spend too much time here.  
  10. Love
    + honcho reacted to RadioRob in Reactions (split from NOTIFICATIONS thread)   
    I think I found a decent image that fits in with the rest of the reaction theme.  I've swapped the original like for this new image and added the heart as "Love".  
    (Ya'll better "Love" this post instead of just simply "Like"ing it too!)
  11. Thanks
    + honcho reacted to RadioRob in Reactions (split from NOTIFICATIONS thread)   
    Swapping a reaction image is a two second task.  The bigger challenge is finding a transparent image that would fit in well with the current reaction images.  
    If people feel like it should be changed, I would propose also providing what ya'll want it to actually become in order to save me the effort of needing to go create or find something.  
    BTW... If we do replace "Like", the original heart image is still staying as well.  I'll add it as another reaction called "Love".  So don't be thinking you're getting rid of my heart!

  12. Haha
    + honcho reacted to jjkrkwood in some members' names are in italics now....   
    Well as long as we are upgrading, Can I get MY name in "Glitter" ?     If you havent already noticed, I have a "sparkling" personality  🥰
  13. Thanks
    + honcho reacted to RadioRob in Search Inbox?   
    It's not a default capability.  I'll add it to the "wish list" of things to try and figure out.  There MIGHT POSSIBLY be a plugin available for IPB to add this functionality.  So I'll take a look and see what's out there.  
  14. Thanks
    + honcho reacted to RadioRob in Role of a Moderator?   
    I agree with everything said by @rvwnsd and I'm going to add a couple other thoughts as well.
    Everyone of the staff are volunteers.  We do this because we believe in the community and see it as a value to ourselves and to others.  It's not our day job and we don't make any sort of living from our efforts here. This site averages over 600 posts per day.  None of us have time to read every single post and make a decision if it's within the community guidelines.  As we interact with the site, if we see something wrong...  we all follow the same process you do and report that post.  Now as a part of the staff, we then take the next step of dealing with the situation.  That could be giving a gentle nudge in the right direction or giving out a formal warning.   If anyone on this site sees something out of place (be it a rule violation or something that needs updated or anything else that warrants calling specific attention to), we ask you simply report what you see.  "If you see something, say something" applies here.  That will ensure we actually catch it and can review it.  We can't guarantee that we'll agree with every report made, but EVERY single report is reviewed and actioned by a moderator.   At the end of the day, we just want to be another member like everyone else.  We're each "just another person" with likes/dislikes.  We occasionally have disagreements or differences of opinion.  We just also happen to have a few extra responsibilities.   Each of the actions the team takes are not done from spite or malice.  It's because we want to see this place be a fun, friendly, and safe place for us all to be.   I'm going to close this topic for now, however if anyone has any questions please feel free to use the "Contact Us" button below.  It will create a ticket that can be seen by the entire team and allow any of us to respond.  
  15. Haha
    + honcho reacted to RadioRob in Wow! I Am Now A Newbie!   
    I just thought about it as being new all over again...  for a short period of time, I had my V-card back.
  16. Applause
    + honcho reacted to RadioRob in Wow! I Am Now A Newbie!   
    I'm not sure I understand your question...  why achievements?
    The simple answer is that it is a base part of the IPB software.  It was applied this morning while upgrading to the latest version of the software which updates a few security bugs that were discovered and fixed.  
    It does not hurt anything having it enabled, so I did not spend time to specifically disable it.  
  17. Like
    + honcho reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Updated Stats - July 2021   
    Your transparency about site stats is refreshing.  Well done, sir.
  18. Like
    + honcho reacted to RadioRob in How do you embed videos?   
    It’s a bit harder to learn the software if you’ve used forums prior, but actually more intuitive and simple. 

    We basically have to unlearn some bad habits. 🤣
  19. Thanks
    + honcho reacted to RadioRob in polls in the lounge   
    The default action when creating forums is to enable polls.  So when I created this forum originally it had it enabled.  
    Apparently Daddy had polls implicitly disabled in that forum.  I never manually ran through every single forum to look at it's poll status.  I've manually enabled polls in The Lounge, but I'm too tired to manually going through each individual forum looking for it.  If there is another that ya'll just gotta have it in, you'll have to ask.   
  20. Like
    + honcho reacted to + easygoingpal in Following/Followers   
    RR: Here's a suggestion for the FAQ...  It would be great to have a better understanding of the below area...  Eternally grateful for all your support!!!

  21. Like
    + honcho reacted to RadioRob in Following/Followers   
    Under Followed Content is a section for Followed Members. You can chose to receive notifications or emails when a person you follow posts somewhere. 
  22. Like
    + honcho reacted to RadioRob in Updated Report Function   
    As part of an effort to support the new review database, I've made a minor change to how the "Report" function works.  
    When you click the report button, it will list the following options:
    Duplicate / Spam Rule Violation Update Content If the content violates one of our rules, we will no longer ask you to pick which category.  Simply choose "Rule Violation" as the category.  You're welcome to optionally include which rule is being violated in the comment section at the bottom of the report.  
    If there is content that needs corrected (such as updating a field in a provider record to provide a new profile address/name), you can use the "Update Content" option.  
    "Duplicate / Spam" is meant for any content that is posted twice by mistake OR in situation where someone is intentionally posting junk advertising.
    If none of the above work, there will be an option that says "The content is OK but I want to tell a moderator about it".  Just choose that option if all else fails.  
    I hope this change simplifies the process for getting our attention!
  23. Like
    + honcho reacted to jjkrkwood in Updated Site Guidelines   
    I will volunteer to setup a Go Fund Me page to get you a REAL vacation, the one you DESERVE.....    Your contributions around here have been immeasurable, and your open mindedness, and THREAT FREE governing a welcome addition.   I am hoping that when Xmas rolls around we wont see the Grinch surface ?    🤗
  24. Haha
    + honcho reacted to RadioRob in Updated Site Guidelines   
    I'm thinking about assigning some warning points to myself in order to get a vacation!   
  25. Applause
    + honcho reacted to RadioRob in Updated Site Guidelines   
    As a result of some recent changes to the site as well as well as some upcoming changes that are in the works (such as the introduction of the new review site), we have taken an opportunity to update our Community Guidelines.  These rules govern how the site is run and what is acceptable to be posted.  You can find a link to our guidelines in the footer of any page on our site or directly at:
    Below is a summary of the major changes that have been made:
    We have MODIFIED the rule that prohibited explicit content from being posted.  Explicit content can now be posted in areas that are not visible to guests (people not logged in).  Examples of non-public areas include the member's only category of the new gallery that will soon be introduced as well as closed Clubs.  For clarification purposes, the current legacy gallery IS still public, so save your porn postings for now!  😁 We have REMOVED a rule that stated files cannot be uploaded to the site.  With the migration to IPB and our use of a 3rd party to store attachments, we can now allow files to be directly.   We have ADDED a rule which clarifies that our site rules also apply to private messages.   We have ADDED sections which will govern the new review site as well as site clubs.   We have REMOVED the section "Action of Moderators".  This is more of a "moderators handbook" and not apply to what our rules are. We have REMOVED references to specific US laws.  We don't need to reference a specific law to state that posting certain types of content is against our rules.   None of the changes should directly impact how you interact with the site.  In a way, we're somewhat "loosening" up on some of the rules we've used to follow.  
    I also wanted to take a moment to acknowledge and thank @sam.fitzpatrickas he handled the heavy lifting of tracking all of the edits/changes to the guidelines as well as compiling all of the moderating team's feedback into the master document.  This has been something that has needed to be done for awhile and I'm grateful for his efforts in pushing to get this done.  
    As always, if you have any questions, feel free to ask!
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