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Posts posted by Lazarus

  1. Well, isn't the one with a q the one mentioned here?

    And hasn't the previous 4 page thread convinced you it's the same fake ad with just a different name?

    Thanks, but I’m not that stupid. I was wondering if anyone in LA has met the fraud behind that ad.

  2. His area code for his phone is actually the one for Nassau County though of course he could live in the city. I'd think based on his name maybe Brooklyn.

    Based on his name I thought he lived in Stuyvesant Town in Manhattan.

  3. The one good thing about Friendboy. They allow you to leave comments about the person. I foolishly was tricked by someone using fake pictures on Friendboy & left a comment that he was a fake. A week later...someone else said the guy was fake. Then the ad disappeared. I don’t understand why Friendboy leaves these fake ads up once they have been notified the guy is not real.

  4. I actually had a guy that used to come into Manhattan from LI. He would take the train to Penn & then the subway uptown. Never once did he ask me to be reimbursed for his travel expenses or travel time. . I refuse to hire these guys in the city who want you to pay for their Uber. That’s one reason why I don’t like dealing with local guys who do not have a place.

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