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Posts posted by Anthony

  1. On 10/26/2023 at 9:28 AM, Silver Spring said:

    Bumping this hoping to get some recent advice about the Long Island options above.  Thanks in advance. Feel free to send a private message or post here. 

    Long Island is dead. I've learned that the hard way. Good luck to you. 

  2. On 8/20/2023 at 4:02 PM, GeoMitch said:

    I posted this on Muscle Service, as well, and wanted to share on this site too.  I was hiking on a trail on Long Island the other day and who should pass by on his bike but Apollo Phoenix.  He was shirtless, wearing red shorts, and sporting a beautiful tan.  It was unmistakably him.  He passed me once again when he was returning in the opposite direction AND it would be an understatement to say he looked GOOD!  He is beautiful... wish he still advertised.  Having fantasized about him for years, but never having met him, I felt as if I had seen a celebrity.  



    Just found this and I've been drooling over him for a while especially since there's no talent on Long Island. How is it possible to meet him? He could literally be my neighbor and I would never know.  

    On 8/28/2023 at 6:38 AM, Bokomaru said:

    It seems myophile posted Apollo P’s ID here so you could DM him on CoM. 

    That's not his ID but another users ID. 

    On 8/28/2023 at 12:26 PM, TruHart1 said:

    Last email address I have for Apollo (which he gave me permission to share) is Dgh97072012@gmail.com. That was a good address last time I checked. If Apollo doesn’t answer that, I will check with him and see if he’s still available at at this time.


     TruHart1 😎


    I've been trying that email for a whole straight year and haven't received any replies ever from it. 

    On 8/29/2023 at 12:41 AM, TruHart1 said:

    Impressive photography, @V_Marco!!!

    AFAIK, Apollo’s work now mostly is as a personal trainer in Manhattan and doing gigs as a stripper at bachelorette parties on Long Island. Since I first met him as Logan through the now defunct Maximum Escorts, he’s kept in touch with me and has always accommodated me whenever I get to NYC. He’s not only one of most professional escorts I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting, but he is always so enthusiastic both in bed and out when we get together!

    TruHart1 😎

    That's exciting to here. I would cross dress as a girl just to see this stud at a bachelorette party since there's no talent on Long Island and I'm desperate for some beef cake. 

  3. On 9/16/2023 at 8:33 AM, BOZO T CLOWN said:

    Troy is not only handsome and well-built, but also someone who has made a conscious decision to go against the current trend by not desecrating his body with vile, ugly tattoos that so many other models seem to think are attractive.

    Wish there more more like him......


    Troy actually decided to "desecrate" his body by using the tanning bed so much he looks burnt and not a sunburn which I wouldn't mind. It's such a shame he destroyed his skin.

  4. On 8/29/2023 at 10:13 PM, flexed said:

    If you like and are into muscle worship, it averages to about $250 an hour, I don’t find that unreasonable. I think he’s the best out there but everyone has their own likes/dislikes 

    Exactly so $500 is literally double the rate for someone who doesn't even get naked. 

  5. My first time to Adonis Nude Party was on Saturday and have some raw thoughts about the place. First off, there are tons of dancers so if you are like me and never experienced much, it can be hard to choose who to go after but love having more than a few options. My biggest pet peeve is how dark the entire place is and choosing to dim the red lights to make even darker. I don't understand what's the purpose behind it. It's not a romantic dinner and more importantly I'm there to see the naked guys. It was hard to even tell some of them apart. They wanted to show off their bodies but with the lightening environment its extremely difficult to see. The only other thing that stood out to me was how aggressive some dancers can be just to get with you. It can be a turn on if your into the guy but at the same time a huge turn off if your not into them. I could also tell there's competition between the dancers. One of the guests had two dancers fighting over him and things were getting heated for sure. 

  6. 9 hours ago, waterviews said:

    You gotta check out rentmasseur or mintboys to find some....but I love me an authentic asian spa experience! To each his own......

    I've been looking on renmassuer and rentmen for the past 4 years and there's no talent on Long Island for the type I'm into. Never heard of mintboys before. Just checked it out and there's guys on there that look the part but only meet with women so that's disappointing. Not everyone is into Asians 

  7. On 7/28/2023 at 3:16 PM, Lgilnd23 said:

    Any non Asians on Long Island?

    There are but it from the last couple of pages on this forum they are obsessed with the asian twinks from that spa since its basically the only masseur spa that exists. Personally not my type and I quickly learned there's hardly any beef cakes on Long Island

  8. On 7/24/2023 at 10:11 AM, flexed said:

    Yes, he’s from Czech but travels to the states for shoots often. He normally charges around $500 but it’s well worth it to be honest.

    His onlyfans says he does no nudity. Who pays $500 for someone with clothes on 

  9. 2 hours ago, Coolwave35 said:

    Been there, done that. Wouldn’t repeat. Danthemann is on Long Island and is fine as hell! 


    That's not what you said two years ago. 


    2 hours ago, Coolwave35 said:

    I’m really sorry that was you experience. Mine is very different.

    yes. He’s a diva. 

    Just to make it clear we are not discussing about Gymnastkid but GymnastJock.  They are both located on Long Island. Gymnastkid is complete trash and is a diva. Are you sure GymnastJock is too?? He doesn't seem that bad. What was your experience with him?

  10. 8 hours ago, big-n-tall said:

    According to his ad he’s been on since Feb 2022. So he’s relatively new.

    Here’s the thing… this forum as great a service as it is, not every escort will be mentioned or talked about being seen. It’s a small microcosm in the escorting world. There are people posting on it all the time about how they just discovered the site. Furthermore, if you’re waiting for more reviews on rm site to gauge whether he’ll be a good choice… well rm changed their reviews policy and you can only leave reviews if you’re a paid member and have contacted the provider through the system. Those facts alone cut out a lot of potential new reviews.

    With all that being said, if you’re interested you’ll have to decide if you will take a chance on this relatively new guy.

    As a frame of reference, in the last 2 years of all the escorts I’ve met (who I haven’t previously met) only one was well known and had multiple reviews on rm. The rest were relatively new guys with little to no reviews. All have been good to outstanding hires except for the well known multiple review guy who was just meh.

    Sometimes you gotta just take a chance with the unknown. ;)

    I need a little bit more info about the guy before I decide to meet him. Feb 2022 is over a year ago which means someone out there must have met with him. Plus this thread was started a year ago and not much has been discussed about him. As I mentioned, I always look for guys on Long Island specifically in Suffolk and I've never seen his profile before until yesterday. He is literally one of the only men I've seen within Suffolk that looks hot based off his pics on RM compared to the other slobs on Long Island so I am pretty surprised no one else hasn't discussed anything about him. It looks like he also uploaded two new pics. He looks different compared to the original set he uploaded back in 2022. 

    5 hours ago, guru68 said:

    Not much on the pictures, except that he apparently did have an OF at one point but now it is either renamed or gone.

    5 hours ago, marylander1940 said:

    Amazing ass, dick, body, face, eyes, etc!

    I was looking for that as well and couldn't find it. There's no discussion about him on LPSG either or any other forum and YES he does have such a nice body!! This is why I am wondering why he hasn't been discussed or anything else online about him. I can't find any social medias either and I think the Twitter account he had was suspended. 

    5 hours ago, kaboom35 said:

    I really do not like to be the one to "take one for the team" because let's be honest - I'm a wuss and I won't meet someone without reviews (but this is a case where I can meet him in public first).  But I did just message him just to see what will come out of it - only because he's on Long Island.   It would be nice to find a guy that I do not have to keep taking the train into the city and deal with subways.    lol.    I'll let you guys know if anything happens.   

    EXACTLY! He is legit the only guy that looks good on Long Island!! This place sucks. I hate going to the city and really do not like to travel that far. 

  11. Long Island is totally dead. I've searched for very long time and there is nothing on Long Island. If you're located in Nassau there are probably a few escorts compared to Suffolk that travel in from NYC from time to time. However, once again, the escorts on Long Island lack quality. They aren't worth the time/money. I've tried rentmen and grindr but no luck. There is a Long Island thread on this forum that you can check out but it never helped me. 

    On the other note, about traveling to NYC, I am on edge about that because that immediately drives up the cost to travel into the city and also takes time and on top of that escorts charge more in NYC. Also, NYC is massive and not really sure where to look and there's also a safety issue I'm worried about. I almost think its more affordable, safer and better to travel to a different state and find something there than to travel, book a hotel and find an escort in NYC but that's my opinion 

  12. 9 hours ago, BOZO T CLOWN said:

    Brandon is all over social media.

    Seek, and ye shall find...
    Matthew 7:7



    Found him and I am shocked how many followers he has on Instagram! My goodness his voice is soft and adorable! Why didn't anyone mention he was a ginger/red head. It's mind blowing knowing he does this on the side from being a fitness influencer/online coach. If I lived in Canada, I would totally sign up for an in person session and surprise him! 

  13. On 6/24/2023 at 4:58 AM, DMICS said:

    Mr. Biggs, Loic and Brandon from MTL, Stefan from Nashville. 😍

    This weather, though. Will be a last-minute decision for me, this rain is ruining my visit so far.

     Brandon from Montreal looks so freaking hot! Does he have any social media or know about any porn he has done? Does he still live in Canada? Those Canadian men are getting bigger and bigger 

    On 6/26/2023 at 8:15 AM, Leo Hammond said:

    Would enjoy details!

    Yes, please share! I want to know what the experience is like and if anyone has pics or vids please include them or message me. 

  14. 1 minute ago, Buff Daddy said:

    If you're coming from out of state, or just want to make plans our next event in Manhattan will be on Sunday July 16. Buffdaddys Lap Dance Parlour. Working on the lineup 💪. If you're not on the email list this is my new email. buffdaddysparlour@gmail.com




    Will there also be an event on Long Island?

  15. On 6/11/2023 at 1:06 PM, Woofiecmh said:

    I’m so sorry this happened to you!  I think you should at least post a link to his profile.  This is a safe space and it would be a positive things to warn others.  I’d be afraid to post a negative review on RM for fear of harassment.  On the bright side you were at his hotel so you didn’t risk your home and had people around if things got bad.

    I’ve had two really bad experiences in my time.  One was a hot guy I picked up late at night on the street in a known hustling spot who later pulled a gun on me and robbed me.  The other was a college kid who lived down the block who extorted me for money threatening to tell my bf at the time we hooked up.

    How did you find those two men? 

    On 6/13/2023 at 8:12 AM, FrankR said:

    I can see why it would be a concern for you. You previously posted that you are looking to be: Roughly used by homophobic, abusive, selfish, conservative men

    Your words. So yeah, approaching those men will certainly put me on edge too. If you are fishing in a shark tank, dont be surprised when you end up tussling with a shark. For most people, who hire well reviewed gay men who enjoy the company of other gay men, it is an outlier, not the rule.

    Conservative men is what I am attracted to unfortunately. It's not a personal choice just like being gay isn't a choice. Engaging with gay men doesn't make you immune to threats of violence or harmful behavior. 

    On 6/13/2023 at 8:31 AM, SouthOfTheBorder said:

    your point is well-taken & there are many clues in providers online profiles to use for vetting.  
    we all have different levels of risk tolerance & mine is extremely low.  if I see any mention/references of pnp, party or anything goes, that’s an immediate NO for me.  I interpret that to mean the provider is risky with their own body and likely won’t treat mine any better.  It also tells me they have poor judgment  & likely someone I’d rather avoid.
    I look for providers that have clear ground rules because it tells me they are running a business & serious about what they do.  Not somebody looking to make a quick buck who will agree to do anything

    Pursuing unknown people online who will engage in an “abuse” scene is asking for trouble imo 

    Sorry to mention this, but from my personal experience the ones who are "running a business" tend to over charge and are literally doing it for money on the other hand the ones trying to make a "quick buck" and are doing this temporary might not care to over charge clients and just doing it until another opportunity pops up 

  16. This thread is honestly why I fear so much about meeting anyone. Also, the lack of information is only exacerbating my fears. Are there really providers pulling guns out? Are all the reviews on this site exclusively from people who live in the USA? How can this be acceptable? Did the provider that had the dangerous encounters with have positive reviews? Could providers fake their reviews just to extort us for our money? I have too many questions and there's not enough info to figure it out myself   

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