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Everything posted by lonely_john

  1. Despite your good intentions I don't think they ever implement any suggestions that is not within their scope of work. I already lost the count of times I have suggested only to get the generic reply along the lines of: "Thanks for your suggestion, we passed them to the development team", and never seen not even 1 of my suggestions implemented.
  2. Hey, I just checked and WOW! It looks like "La Fierté" attracted all the escorts. My default page is Toronto and I was wondering: "Where did all the men go?!" 🤣 It's probably the first time that I see Montreal with more reviews than Toronto. Right now there are 104 reviews in Montreal and only 87 in Toronto. It's usually the other way around. So envious of you @Luv2play being so close to the studs.
  3. I think this could become its own gay porn genre. A video title would be: "My straight Turkish barber gives me massage and lets me taste his Baklava" Turkey it's now top priority on my bucket list. I just researched and the hobby is completely legal there. I just need this Pandemic to be over as they have still have tourism restrictions. God dammed Antivaxxers!
  4. It happens in Turkey. Apparently, in their culture, it's not strange to be serviced like this. I wonder if there are providers out there who provide this kind of service. I think I need to visit Turkey.
  5. I like the rating system that @RadioRob implemented in our reviews site.
  6. I think it's helpful to some degree. As you say, as an indicator of how was the experience of being with the provider at his place. For me it would be the difference of: Did his place and his behaviour make you feel relaxed so you just went with the flow and he made you see the stars in the end? VS. His place was dirty/disorganized, and his attitude made you feel anxious/nervous/rejected and you felt sexually dissatisfied in the end?
  7. His loss. There is always someone for everyone.
  8. 100% agree. It's already generalized. We would lose the count of guys out there who use in their ads terms such as: masculine, hung, top, xxl, thick, bubble butt.
  9. It's included by most surgeons as part of the packages they sell, and it provides some benefits but once or twice is more than enough. There are doctors who tell their patients to have them every 6 months or every year but just 1 or 2 is enough. Much more is achieved with Finasteride (Propecia) and Minoxidil (Rogaine).
  10. I didn't know this. You have all my sympathy. Glad to know that you are feeling better.
  11. This is actually what happened to me even though I'm not the typical Grindr user because I'm over 50. But I got tired of the bad manners, unresponsiveness, flaking, ghosting, and the like. So, if I used to log in the app on a weekly basis, now I do it maybe every 3 months and that could be an exaggeration. Counting the money one invests on dating, it can easily be close to $150, with no guarantees of (good) sex in the end. $150 is the rate of some providers and when you put that in context, then it's worthy investing $150, $200, $300 or more, in good quality memories that might stay with you for a long time.
  12. Risky as we are still in a pandemic but I suppose it doesn't hurt to try. Worst case if it doesn't work it can be converted in any other kind of bar.
  13. That explains why the body in his recently uploaded video looks WAY SKINNIER than the body in the first pictures of his profile.
  14. I respectfully disagree. I doubt that the level of popularity of some porn stars makes them a lower number of business inquiries than a regular escort.
  15. Not sure if it's for the same reason, but I don't feel any appeal for porn stars in general, or more recently OF "creators" or the Instafamous who charge $400+ for their footprints on Social Media. I feel like they've been with SO MANY PEOPLE, on and off screen that they are overused, and abused, like a 2nd hand engagement. Not to mention the fact that despite being on PrEP, practising unprotected sex with so many other people (and creators) expose them more than a regular provider to sexually transmitted diseases. I rather much prefer a good looking escort, or even a next-door-boy type, with good reputation and reviews that during our session is going to be focused solely on me and my pleasure, instead of being concerned about how the scene and he looks on camera.
  16. There is always someone for everyone. Sorry for re-posting this link but it's just proof, LOL. https://adult.mat6tube.com/watch/-95497226_456239637
  17. Does Manhunt still exist?
  18. Oh come on, this sad attempt to undermine my POV is already old and boring. No pun intended 😜 So far only the responses of @keroscenefire and @nate_sf have been enlightening, almost making me reconsider. I was actually expecting something better @jeezifonly but again, I was probably expecting too much from you.
  19. Again, you're kidding me right? Social Media footprints are a usual factor to consider in HR evaluation. What I make of it, it's of course up to me.
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