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Posts posted by AceHardware

  1. Don't forget male nurses. I was in the ER a few months ago which led to surgery, and there was a small parade of nurses in and out of my room and as part of the surgical team. Three of them were young, tan, gym-bodied guys with thick arms that I couldn't keep my eyes off of. I don't remember saying anything flirty, just that I eyed them like slabs of sexual meat. (They weren't interested in return. But I had a hot dream later about one of them.)

  2. No punishment for that but there are a few uptight forum folk who will zing you for non-pc humor. [but just between us - Nobody likes them! :p:p]


    So they won't like it when I say I stopped hiring providers in Moscow. They always finished too soon and it felt like they were russian through everything. [OK, that's the last one, promise.]

  3. how can it be against the law to "out" someone for something they are doing? improper... depends on the situation. immoral...maybe. unlawful? i cant see how.


    You can't always control the situation. Remember Ty Fox? As I recall, he had a job as a school PE teacher. Someone spotted him on the cover of a tape in an adult video store, and he lost his job. That could/would still happen today, I think.


    OTOH, it didn't hurt Carlo Masi as he was teaching at a university and getting his PhD in math. Situations vary.

  4. About 20 years old dude working in my local chipotle. Thinking about giving him a note with my email. Has anyone dared to make such adventures?


    I thought this would never happen to me, but it just did, only role reversal: I'm mid-50s, and a 20ish guy (Egyptian, and very handsome) working in a local pizza shop that I frequent hit on me. 1st time I thought I was imagining it, 2nd time it was beyond doubt, but the rub is it's family-owned and a small space, and I couldn't think of any way to flirt back with him without his uncles, brothers, cousins, etc all hearing every word and seeing everything (and they all seem pretty str8, so I wasn't expecting a sympathetic crowd--I guess I feared being thrown out by them if I was too obvious, and that he'd get in trouble too).


    Well, damn, I kept going back after that, but they rotate between a few shops they own, so didn't see him again for awhile, and now he's just polite and professional again. Not sure what the moral is, except that if there's chemistry, act on it while you can, and always be more prepared than I was.

  5. Nope. Nothing in the law prevents police from misrepresenting who they are, or even outright lying.


    I had a rude awakening to this reality many years ago. Friend from college became a detective. We reconnected after a decade, talked about our jobs, I asked about his, he told me about busting a drug dealer by bringing the dealer's wife in for questioning and telling her they'd been monitoring the dealer, and he'd been having an affair. Would she like to testify against him? She was furious and gave them testimony right there. But, he told me, they invented the affair. I was horrified, but he said it was business as usual. I'm not anti-police, but I really have an ethical problem with that and still do. (Yes, we're still friends.)

  6. You mention you rent. Have you brought the problem to the landlord?


    Yes, I told my landlords, who are the best landlords possible in most ways, including maintenance issues, but they view the problem as "just buy traps," and that's all. But they have a lot more pressing issues with a leaky roof and leaky basement, so I understand them making it a low priority.

  7. Maybe visit the local shelter and adopt a killer cat (landlord permission).


    Chemical, odor and audio repellents don’t work.

    Here’s a website with some good advice:



    Very helpful site--thanks! If they actually just stayed in the attic, which maybe they're doing, I'd be fine. This is an old house with too many points of entry for them to ever get my landlord to block them all. I hoped his cat would be eating them, but it's apparently too old and lazy, and I'm allergic to cats, so I wouldn't get one myself. But it appears I've baited my traps correctly (and I have 3 in the kitchen, so got the location right, if they do come looking for a snack.)

  8. A few months ago I saw a rat in my apartment as it crept along my walls, going room to room methodically, like a trained scout. I did nothing but monitor its progress: I know from long-ago experience I can't catch and kill the things, so there was just no point.


    But after that, I tried to make my apartment rat-unfriendly by putting all the food in my kitchen cabinets in sealed containers, buying a kitchen trash can with a lockable top, and putting out 6 rat traps baited with a mixture of almond butter + sugar. Since then, no rat spotted, no traps sprung (or bait eaten/stolen), and no rat droppings.


    I kinda feel like it's too good to be true--did it really scout me and consider me not a good home/food source? (I rent the 3rd floor of a house.) Or are rats still here, ignoring my traps and...well, not eating my food, but maybe nesting somewhere? I thought once they moved in, they never moved out, so I'd appreciate advice/perspective on the situation from folks with experience. Thanks.

  9. That was a different list (albeit there's some crossover) pertaining to my anticipated November debauchery. This is for December. (Thank you, Santa! ;) )


    OK, if you score with every guy on the list AND need a new list each month, then I feel justified in envy and really kinda hating you. :)

  10. Spanish Gypsy Just say No!


    Beware the Kansas City Roller! November 29, 2019: A day that will live in infamy. Pvt for details


    So is Spanish Gypsy = "Kansas City Roller," or is the latter a different provider? I couldn't find that name on RM.


    PS. Either way, sorry you had a bad experience.

  11. His ad, like some others, says "I only book same-day appointments." So, what happens if he's not free today but is tomorrow? Does he (& providers like him) give you a flat "no," or do they say when they're free? I'm actually not sure what the advantage to them is of "same day only," especially given how many clients travel and want to book ahead.

  12. His ad, like some others, says "I only book same-day appointments." So, what happens if he's not free today but is tomorrow? Does he (& providers like him) give you a flat "no," or do they say when they're free? I'm actually not sure what the advantage to them is of "same day only," especially given how many clients travel and want to book ahead.

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