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  1. My favorite of all gay movies since 2000 that I can remember is probably God's Own Country. It seemed so much more authentic about how relationships start and have ups & downs: no steamy kisses in the rain, no running across airports to kiss amid crowds cheering. A lot quieter and less flashy than other movies, and more focused on people having lives beyond sex (in this case, working a sheep farm that was on shaky ground financially). But the romantic parts were hot too.
  2. Caligula, shown at my university in a special showing (reason unknown now). So many other people walked out halfway through, that my roommate and I left because we didn't want to be left alone among "the perverts." But that was in the 1980s, when any porn was kinda shocking. That makes at least 2 of us to not like that movie. Took me many tries to sit through it at home and still not a fan.
  3. "Handsome young Georgio ftom Crete still has quite a contemporary look to him despite it being around 55 years ago."
  4. I use NordVPN, and it doesn't slow anything down.
  5. There is a learning curve on Mastodon, but there was on Twitter and everything else too at first. Worth giving it a try.
  6. 1899 sucked me into its mystery box after only 1 episode, and I quickly binged it. A little surprising, since I snoozed through the 1st season of Dark (same producers) and never saw the appeal. But 1899 is dark, slow to some, and a little cerebral, so not sure how widespread the appeal will be. I liked the characters, the setting, the abundance of mysteries, and very civilized online fan community trying to decipher all the puzzles.
  7. You and me both. Wow. It's odd this is marketed (where I first read about it) as "philosophy explained for the masses", because I found it heavy on drama, light on philosophy, and more specifically, I didn't see philosophy playing any kind of role in the students' lives. They had usual college lives: making friends, fighting with friends, fighting with parents, having lovers, gossiping, partying, and sitting through lectures trying to stay awake. It was OK despite the mis-marketing.
  8. AceHardware


    The special effects for the many stunt scenes were amazing. Acting was good. Two leads were my type (big, brawny, bearded, macho), so watching them do anything was fun. Production values were impressive. I found it a little too heavy-handed in how awful the British were as colonial oppressors. I'm not letting the British off the hook, just found it extreme at times and half-expected Darth Vader to show up with a Death Star and a threat to kill everyone in South Asia. And speaking of extreme, some plot points really went overboard, but still, I enjoyed it overall. Both leads demonstrated an unshakeable sense of duty to their quest/mission vs. American movies where we mostly have cynical anti-heroes, so breath of fresh air. Was it worth its length? Yes. Did I enjoy the music and dancing? Yes. Do I know much about Indian cinema? No, and I've read this is more old-style, and newer Indian films have less spectacle and more nuance. It was fun, mostly, and a great testament to friendship.
  9. The green background is oddly distracting, but I like the trade look.
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