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Everything posted by Pd1_jap

  1. Yes, I told them both multiple times.
  2. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/entertainment-arts-64328590.amp?espv=1
  3. Preferred stocks are really only important for activist investors and other companies looking for a voting interest. Common stock rarely gets a vote in board members or management decisions. Preferred stock usually does.
  4. Not a medication issue. I think these guys just don't want to work on a chubby guy.
  5. He's pretty hot but not 600 hot lol.
  6. Howdy y'all, I've recently had two masseurs give such strong and aggressive deep tissue massages they left bruises on my body. As far as I know, bruising your client is not a good sign. Are these masseurs trying to tell me they don't want me to rebook? I've told them both that deep tissue isn't my thing and I powers prefer soft but consistent pressure. Anyone have similar experiences?
  7. I got a few lap dances from him at an Adonis event in LA. He knows exactly how hot he his. Last I checked he's 600/hr for the complete experience.
  8. I've never gotten a single reply from anyone on mintboys. I occasionally check it when board but not often.
  9. I've been to a few. Many forum members here will take issue with the disdain for condoms at these parties. Disclaimer: each time I attended I was on prep, as I am now. And I get tested frequently for everything. Gods bless the AHF. The first party I attended was the super bowl party. I was able to live out many of my darkest desires while the supper bowl played in the background. There was a large variety of guys there. A lot of hot muscle guys. Many of whom were getting gang banged. I admit I took a turn on a few of them. In the back there was a trough urinal. I drank the piss of this incredibly sexy muscle guy. He was obviously bulking because he had a thick layer of chub over those massive pecs and arms. It tasted sweet. In the basement a dungeon was setup where people were fucking all over. There were three guys down there I know from only fans. Fucking and sucking those hot guys I've been jerking off to for a long time was very gratifying. The second was at sanctuary and there were a lot of hot guys there. Less chubby guys so I felt a little out of place but I still had fun. These parties are NO ATTITUDE and NO Perfume/cologne/after shave! You will be thrown out. Be respectful. If your not into someone politely decline.
  10. Invest in the companies and products you use. If you pay for Grindr's services you should prob invest. I haven't used Grindr for over a year so I'm staying away. On the other hand, bank stocks have only increased marginally in five years. Does anyone think the value will fall?
  11. 1. I value my lived experience more than your anecdotal evidence. 2. I'm not sure why this topic intrigues you so much. Are you a chubby chaser? Or maybe you have some body issues you should talk to a therapist about. 3. My "word" that I hookup with hot guys seems to upset you. Let's be real. In every situation there's going to be things you cannot predict. I've been to a sex club in Palm Springs were it was almost all chubby guys and none of them wanted anything to do with me. Adversely when I go to the gym or the spa I can pull guys just fine. No they aren't all muscle jocks but if they get my dick hard who cares? I hire when I want a specific fantasy fulfilled or don't have time to cruise.
  12. There are many obese/large sex workers you just won't find them in RM. There are sites that cater to those interests. Also we need to consider basic economics here. There are many more gay larger men out there ready and willing to hookup for free. Due to American prejudice and cultural body shaming, most chubby guys, myself included, would never try sex work. Because people like you would harass us. There are far fewer "muscle-jocks".
  13. We all have different bodies and metabolisms. 4 years ago I did "hit the gym" and my body was getting close to looking like yours. But to do that in my body, it took six hours of exercise a day six days a week, religiously watching my calories (no alcohol), and almost no social life. And to be honest I wasn't even getting laid that much. Most of the "hot guys" I wanted were still not into me even though I had visible abs and ass for days. I'm 60 pounds heavier today and have sex at least twice a week with a new guy. Many of which are sexy as fuck.
  14. Hello my fellow fantatical sodomites, Any Intel on this delectable delight? https://app.rent.men/GentlemannXL
  15. Big_JordanStark - Male Escort, Gay massage - Barcelona | Rent.Men APP.RENT.MEN Big_JordanStark Gay Escort in Barcelona, Spain, available for Modeling,Erotic Massage,Bodywork. | Find all the best... For me there are several red flags in his profile but if his pics are real he may be worth the risk. Any thoughts?
  16. Oh he's been discussed. I believe he's changed his name a bunch of times.
  17. I don't mind sharing info as long as the one questioning is polite and respectful. I had one guy demand to know a bunch of details. I have a job and other things to do in my life. I can't spend all day on here answering questions about where and how I came.
  18. Best Rewards Credit Cards: Top Picks for 2023 CLARK.COM The best credit cards right now! Compare the latest sign-up bonuses and rewards to earn the most cash back, points and... These Are the Credit Cards in Clark Howard's Wallet CLARK.COM People are always going up to money expert Clark Howard and asking about the credit cards in his wallet. Here's the... This guy has no fashion sense but he knows his credit cards.
  19. Many want the advantage of selling sex without the downside of then having to provide it.
  20. His pics are accurate. Met him recently and he was very genial. I recommend.
  21. If you could figure out a way to forcibly remove the anonymity from the general public and maintain a list of bad apples. Then every government, corporation, and industry would be banging down your door! On another note, I have had guys from hookup apps send me to dead end alleys, random houses in the middle of the night, gyms, Walmarts🤢, and in each case they block me. The amount of time I have wasted getting fooled by catfish on the Internet is absurd. I sympathize with you a great deal on this issue. Here's some general rules I follow to keep these losers from wasting your time. 1. Do not get angry! Getting angry is like swallowing poison and expecting the other person will die. 2. Never commit unless you have an address. Verify the address is a real home/hotel on Google maps. 3. Try and get a sense of the person you're dealing with. Ask leading questions. Be polite and professional. Trust your instincts and if the vibe is off then bounce. 4. Most of these assholes live for the thrill of making you lose your cool and break down. Don't give them the satisfaction. Grace transcends misery. 5. If this income stream is important to you then invest your business. There are several VOIP virtual assistants you can pay for that are relatively inexpensive. You can even automate some of the basic questions. I hope this helps. Remember, deep breaths and grace above all else.
  22. That Photoshop job is so bad. I find it very disturbing that the woman's shoulders and upper back appear to be inside the man's torso.
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