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Everything posted by loremipsum

  1. She deprecates the gays because they know where to find the boys AND the booze!
  2. I meant to merely say... Callipygian!
  3. And sir, even if I were (note the subjunctive mood), it would impugn neither my proactivity nor my kindness. ?
  4. Many a sexual partner have oddly asked after the fact if I’m disease-free or “clean.” For example: “By the way, you’re negative, right?” Favorite way to respond: “No... Didn’t I tell you?”
  5. You’ve been missing out on a cultural phenomenon. It’s a whole thing. From the infamous “crack is wack” interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdyaLWMt6qA ”Show me the receipts” has entered the American lexicon as synonymous with “I don’t very much believe you; furnish me with proof.”
  6. Perhaps that’s part of it. A small part, though, because believe me, as soon as I was aware of their presence, my entire apartment was a veritable dust storm of sedimentary powder.
  7. “Meanwhile in L.A., a neighborhood barber was just arrested for selling drugs. Blew my mind. I’ve been going to him for years. I had no idea he was a barber.”
  8. I’m proactive and kind that way.
  9. I think that one can really be enamored of the subject matter and the end result of one’s efforts and still dislike the drudgery (research, citation, editing, etc.) entailed when one wants to delve into and generate literature of it (granted it is an immensely satisfying feeling when one realizes a dream). Aside from that, there’s the bureaucracy and politics and unfortunately, popularity and being perceived as collegial that is part and parcel of academia. As we were headed in the same direction, I walked with one of my favorite professors after class. She talked about how later that day she had to attend some academic function at the university and how she greatly disliked the tedious process of “schmoozing.” And as another professor advised the entire class vis-à-vis becoming a professional academic: “It’s not a fun process.”
  10. “The newer generations are hooking up in record speeds, due to apps... they literally are ordering sex like ordering a happy meal from McDonald’s....” I should’ve pared down my original quoting of you to this. It’s the sort of line of thinking — not referring to safe-sex practices or lack thereof — to which I was referring when I brought up the concepts of sex-negative and sex-positive. Didn’t know it would inspire a brouhaha.
  11. I’d say that “sexually-repressed” would be a misnomer for or falsely analogous to “sex-negative,” as being sex-negative entails the oppression of others and the pervasiveness of either obvious or subtle pernicious mentalities. And “sexual adventurist” is a noun rather than an adjective like “sex-positive,” referring to one person rather than an attitude and estimation of others’ sexual practices. I think your terms are more individual-focused, concerning how one views oneself or how one conducts oneself, whereas the newer colloquialisms address how society views certain sexual practices and the people attached to them, etc.
  12. So... if I can’t get past you on the sidewalk, I join your family.
  13. My friend worked at a small clinic as the front-desk receptionist. The clinic administered both the rapid (the results for which you have to wait two weeks) and early tests (results rendered within sixty seconds). In his capacity as receptionist, he was privy to someone testing positive, as they had to arrange matters to make the appointment longer and possibly push back another to accommodate it. He said the most awkward part of the job was seeing the tested-positive people walk out and having to say "Bye, have a nice day" in a falsely cheery voice. He also (perhaps unethically ?) related anecdotes such as a couple coming in to get tested together — one tested negative, the other positive. The former berated the latter right then and there, ostensibly inferring that his partner had been unfaithful. My friend also intimated that "it's usually the cute ones" who test positive.
  14. I’d venture that the people of whom you speak would probably label you as “sex-negative,” a popular buzzword along with “sex-positive.”
  15. Gatsby believed in the green light, the orgastic future that year by year recedes before us. It eluded us then, but that’s no matter; tomorrow we will run faster, stretch out our arms farther, and then one fine morning — So we beat on, boats against the current, borne back ceaselessly into the past.
  16. I’m not at all a Trekkie, so I had to look up “Prime Directive” to discern how the quote fits contextually, how the Prime Directive would be either breached or observed. Reminds me very much of the sociological concept of colonization. Cool. This then led me to the “zoo hypothesis” — a little compelling. I can spend days on Wikipedia. One concept leads me to a sub-concept or a related one, and it snowballs into an infinite wormhole, branching out into YouTube videos and JSTOR articles (to which I regrettably no longer have access). Almost at all times do I have around 50 tabs open on my laptop and all 500 available tabs on my iPhone. It’s sort of a problem.
  17. Thanks for the tips Just kidding. Sorry if you’ve been burned. I don’t quite comprehend the second half of this post
  18. Thanks for commiserating ? Not to throw shade, but I couldn’t help but notice something glaring at me here — a mindset that may play some small role in an STI spike ?? ... The fact that with greater sex education or general awareness in modern times, more people know that they are so easily treated — perhaps spawning a slightly more lackadaisical approach to preventive measures — it may be a case of the law of unintended consequences.
  19. Yep, save during the actual testing and waiting-for-results process. There’s always an element of abject terror to it all for me, even when I’m almost 100% certain that I’m in the clear, that my getting tested is a mere formality. A few of my friends have stated outright that they wouldn’t be bothered if they were to contract the virus, due to the great efficacy of modern drugs. I, on the other hand, would be a little perturbed.
  20. I read that diagnoses of HIV are also up after having taken a downturn in recent years past. An interesting theory posits that during the 90s and the aughts of this century, the devastating AIDS crisis was still fresh in the minds and hearts of people, leading to more precautionary measures. Then a new generation (mine, I guess) came along who DIDN’T watch friends and family die of it, didn’t witness the horrendous ravages of the disease, didn’t experience the climate of fear and uncertainty, but have seen the emergence and subsequent success of anti-retroviral drugs and ipso facto feel safer, thus culminating in a new season of unsafeness.
  21. https://www.phrases.org.uk/meanings/to-the-manner-born.html This brief explication lays it out. “To the manor born” most likely arose out of a misspelling of “manner,” or it was a deliberate play on words that became popular. “To the manor born” would certainly seem at least as equally correct as the original, as someone born in a manor or to a family owning one would likely be predestined to live a privileged life, but it certainly appears that the “manner” version came first and is more accepted.
  22. More people are having more sex? More people are getting tested and therefore more cases are diagnosed?
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