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Posts posted by ArVaGuy

  1. Any thoughts as to who the Night King actually was when he was alive? I have heard it theorized that he is a Targareyan... maybe Aegan the Conqueror or even Rhaegar... and that the war will be resolved with Jon on Rhaegar/dragon and the Night King on Visareyan/dragon. I know they should a scene with the Children of the Forest plunging dragon's glass into a man that became the Night King but have never identified the man.


    Sad to see Thorus of Myr go (no clue on that spelling?) ... Guess this means that we really won't see Lady Stoneheart. Dang it.


    Not sure where we are headed with Arya and Lady Stark. You would think that if your brother was the 3 Eyed Raven he might be able to clue you into Littlefinger's machinations.



    Several theories speculate that Brandon Stark is the Night King. He could be trapped in this body due to a past warg and has been warging his way through time trying to find a way to kill the Night King. The Children of the Forest created the Night King by accident. Bran witnessed this as the Three Eyed Raven.

  2. In Center City Philadelphia and theaters close to Center City,

    Dunkirk is only playing at Imax at the Franklin Institute. That's a drastic change from last week. Is the film not doing well financially?


    I live very close to the Franklin Institute but am not a fan of Imax only because of my poor eyesight.





    Domestic = 165 million

    Foreign = 229 million


    Budget = 100 million


    I think it's a hit but Hollywood has some arcane accounting practices. It may never make an actual "profit" but a lot of people will make a boatload of money.

  3. I've been intrigued by Tyler the Bad Wolf for a while. He's visiting DC in a couple of weeks and would like to know of any recent experience. His last review here is about a year ago.


    Started following his Tumblr and his blog and he clearly has a "thing" for older men.









    Any information would be appreciated. Thanks.


    Personally, if I had been Jon, I would have asked Danaerys to use one of her dragons on the Night King. Fire kills them and we've seen how effective dragons are in battle. Easier than using Dondarrien's fiery sword and killing them one at a time.


    Bets on whether Cersei is really pregnant? Seem to recall her talking about menopause at one point. Euron Greyjoy is going to be disappointed if his new wife (assuming she keeps her promise) has her brother's child.


    Had to cheat and look up what the letter Littlefinger left for Arya to find meant. Setting her up to turn against Sansa.....


    Great episode, all in all. Especially that Jon is a true Targaryen. Clever.


    I surmise there will be three riders for the dragons in the final battle with the Night King. Daenerys, obviously, Jon Snow-Targaryn, and Brandon Stark. Brandon was told by the three-eyed raven he would never walk again but he would fly. This either means he wargs into one of the dragons or he travels through time farther into the past and finally the future.


    Also, pay attention to the opening title sequence. The northern ocean is freezing over. The Night King and his walkers are heading for the Eastwatch Tower. His army will not assault the wall, they will just walk around it.


    The question also arises if Brandon is his own ancestor, Brandon the Builder, AND the Night King.

  5. As I noted earlier, I'm pretty much indifferent to tattoos. But discussions about the pros and cons of getting/having a tattoo(s) always draw my interest. This has been a fascinating thread. :)



    I recall an encounter where the guy had a few tattoos and it became obvious he was fishing for compliments on his collection. They didn't seem all that good or bad to me given my indifference. We were settling the finances and he finally asked me what I thought of this new tattoo he had on his chest. I replied "it's nice" which clearly wasn't enthusiastic enough. He wasted no time ushering me out the door. :D

  6. Spoiler Alert!


    The revelation that Jon Snow is a legitimate Targaryen was deftly managed.


    Dropping that annulment line in the exchange between Sam and Gilly was interesting and key to the entire episode and the series.


    Sam was so distracted he didn't catch the reference that the High Septon annulled Prince Rhaegar's marriage and immediately married him to someone else in a secret ceremony in Dorne. Obviously this refers to Lyanna Stark.


    Jon Snow has the strongest claim to the throne than anyone. Even more so than his aunt Daenerys. Also, note how Drogon became more submissive to Jon and allowed him to touch it's snout. Jon will have likely even more power over the dragons than Danny. That is assuming he survives the quest to capture a white walker.

  7. Mostly I'm indifferent to tattoos. I will take note of the exceptionally well done and artful tattoo. But most tattoos are poorly designed and not well executed.


    I read a while ago that about 40 percent of people under 35 have one or more tattoos. From personal observation I'd agree with this assertion.


    IMO having a tattoo used to mean one had an "edge". Tattoos were the domain of sailors and military guys, truckers and blue collar workers. Being inked was a way of expressing nonconformity to the greater society as a whole.


    Today, besides the military and blue collar groups a lot of professionals and students have gotten themselves inked. Rather than the discrete image hidden on various parts of the body, the younger folks will go all out for body, arm, and face tattoos. It's more like "look at me! I'm edgy!" Unfortunately, rather than having an "edge" the tattoo has become so ubiquitous that having one is more conformist than not.


    I recall reading about a well known tattoo artist who was lamenting the current state of the tattoos business. He said people today seldom work with the tattooist to choose a design. They will come in with their own artwork and demand it be executed to exact specifications. When he tries to advise or suggest alternatives he gets a lot of negative reactions. This doesn't surprise me in the least as I've witnessed the generational changes occurring these days.


    Another interesting point he made was that tattoos preferences change over the decades. The artist says he can tell by design if some served in the first Gulf War, got a tribal tattoo in the 1990s, or a more recent design fad.

  8. Mostly I'm indifferent to tattoos. I will take note of the exceptionally well done and artful tattoo. But most tattoos are poorly designed and not well executed.


    I read a while ago that about 40 percent of people under 35 have one or more tattoos. From personal observation I'd agree with this assertion.


    IMO having a tattoo used to mean one had an "edge". Tattoos were the domain of sailors and military guys, truckers and blue collar workers. Being inked was a way of expressing nonconformity to the greater society as a whole.


    Today, besides the military and blue collar groups a lot of professionals and students have gotten themselves inked. Rather than the discrete image hidden on various parts of the body, the younger folks will go all out for body, arm, and face tattoos. It's more like "look at me! I'm edgy!" Unfortunately, rather than having an "edge" the tattoo has become so ubiquitous that having one is more conformist than not.


    I recall reading about a well known tattoo artist who was lamenting the current state of the tattoos business. He said people today seldom work with the tattooist to choose a design. They will come in with their own artwork and demand it be executed to exact specifications. When he tries to advise or suggest alternatives he gets a lot of negative reactions. This doesn't surprise me in the least as I've witnessed the generational changes occurring these days.


    Another interesting point he made was that tattoos preferences change over the decades. The artist says he can tell by design if some served in the first Gulf War, got a tribal tattoo in the 1990s, or a more recent design fad.

  9. The Duffle Blog Presents Weekend Safety Brief as written by George RR Martin.




    For those not familiar with the Duffle Blog it's a humorous site dedicated to the absurdities of military life. It's popular among active duty and retired veterans. At one time "the brass" tried to shut it down but the troops let them know that wouldn't be good for morale. The site is run by veterans and has posted serious editorials about our current military operations.


    This parody of GRRM is definitely on point.

  10. I've read all the books and will finish the series if Martin ever finishes the damn story. I speculate that Martin may have a significantly different ending in mind for the books compared to the series. It is rumored he told the producers which character "wins" the Iron Throne years ago. I think he's more than comfortable changing up the ending especially if the HBO version is not well received by the fan base.


    There's likely to be a significant drop in book sales if the HBO series ends and he hasn't released the next book. Interest is going to wain among readers who are not diehard fans.


    Martin may drop dead before he finishes the story anyway. The man is not exactly in good health from what I've read.


    I stopped reading the books after number five. I was frustrated that George R.R. Martin took so long to come out with a new book in the series even before the HBO blockbuster started. So I figured it would the years for the next one!


    Now it's an interesting conundrum. Does he pick up the book series and incorporate his contributions to the HBO series? Does he take it in a different direction? Or is the book series just over?

    I stopped reading the books after number five. I was frustrated that George R.R. Martin took so long to come out with a new book in the series even before the HBO blockbuster started. So I figured it would the years for the next one!


    Now it's an interesting conundrum. Does he pick up the book series and incorporate his contributions to the HBO series? Does he take it in a different direction? Or is the book series just over?

  11. I've read all the books and will finish the series if Martin ever finishes the damn story. I speculate that Martin may have a significantly different ending in mind for the books compared to the series. It is rumored he told the producers which character "wins" the Iron Throne years ago. I think he's more than comfortable changing up the ending especially if the HBO version is not well received by the fan base.


    There's likely to be a significant drop in book sales if the HBO series ends and he hasn't released the next book. Interest is going to wain among readers who are not diehard fans.


    Martin may drop dead before he finishes the story anyway. The man is not exactly in good health from what I've read.


    I stopped reading the books after number five. I was frustrated that George R.R. Martin took so long to come out with a new book in the series even before the HBO blockbuster started. So I figured it would the years for the next one!


    Now it's an interesting conundrum. Does he pick up the book series and incorporate his contributions to the HBO series? Does he take it in a different direction? Or is the book series just over?

    I stopped reading the books after number five. I was frustrated that George R.R. Martin took so long to come out with a new book in the series even before the HBO blockbuster started. So I figured it would the years for the next one!


    Now it's an interesting conundrum. Does he pick up the book series and incorporate his contributions to the HBO series? Does he take it in a different direction? Or is the book series just over?

  12. I subscribe to the theory that Bran is the Night King or somehow connected to him.


    The series has departed from Martin's version of the creation of the Night King. In the series, the Children of the Forest created the Night King by accident. Bran sees all this on one of his wargs. He sees a man tied to a tree stabbed in the heart by Leaf. Bran asks who was she trying to protect her people from, she replies "From you." Bran wakes from his warg lying in the same position with fist clenched in the same manner as the man who was killed.


    In the book Martin hints that the Night's King may be Brandon Stark the Builder. The man who built the wall may possibly be the one to destroy it.




    Dianna Rigg was excellent as usual as she slugged back the poison and then let Jaimie know she was responsible for his son's death. Jaimie did not even try to deny he was Joffrey's father as there was no point in trying to convince Lady Martel that he was not. Was sad to see Bran had become so unemotional and detached. His reunion with his sister should have been a triumph but instead it was one sided. I suppose when you know everything, as the Three Eyed Raven does, emotions have to be controlled, so that makes sense. What does not makes sense is his inability to explain cogently to his sister what it is that the Three Eye Raven does. I mean how tough is it to say that he has the power to see the past and future in small pieces but is gradually learning how to make those snippets last longer and connect to make sense. I know he is capable of doing more, but that simple explanation should have been enough to get Sansa to realize the extent of his power. Anyone else notice how many times characters have said the simple sentence Hello Sansa.
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