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    + AntonGraza reacted to + Coolwave35 in With a shine on your shoes...   
    I was in ROTC in high school and had to polish my shoes every Monday night. That was 20 years ago. I last polished my shoes June 20, 2012, the night before my wedding.
  2. Like
    + AntonGraza got a reaction from + Charlie in With a shine on your shoes...   
    Shoes were shined and inspected every Sunday before church. Damp cloth to remove dirt, Kiwi polish, buffing with horse or boar hair brush, a few sprinkles of water, and a final buff with a cloth rag.
    For work over the last 30+ years, I wore black or brown leather shoes until the dress code was abolished and now it is a free for all. I go to the local shoe store to buy shoe polish or to match a new shade of brown. I also have the worn down heels on my shoes replaced for $20.
    I typically would polish them when they were looking tired, about 3 to 4 weeks, or before going out to dinner, a wedding, funeral. More so in the winter due to all the salt.
    As for the shoes shine guys at the airport, I would get to O'Hare a bit early before a flight so I would have time to stop and have a "professional" shine done before I went to Europe on business, especially if I was going to Italy.
    My last shoe shine was at the airport in January before a business trip to Spain. I got back to the States just in time before the world stopped in March. They have been in the closet since I have been working from home.
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    + AntonGraza got a reaction from + Just Sayin in Random Acts of Kindness   
    I didn't think it was a big deal a the time, but it was Valentine's Day and I was picking up some groceries at the store and was then going over to pick up some dry cleaning. I had been using this cleaners for years, so I knew the three ladies to say hi and make small talk. I decided to buy a bunch of red, white and pink carnations to give to them. They were totally floored that a customer brought them flowers. I asked if anyone had ever done that and they said no. When I go in, they give me the biggest smiles. It really was just an impulse thing, but it meant a lot to them.
  4. Like
    + AntonGraza reacted to + sam.fitzpatrick in With a shine on your shoes...   
    My grandfather had a routine of polishing his shoes every Sunday evening. He was raised in a family where resources were limited and he only had one pair of good shoes through all of college and grad school. He felt is was important to keep them polished so they would last. Eventually he added a second pair of shoes so that he would always have available a pair when it was time to get the other pair resoled.
    I've not been a frugal as my grandfather. About once a quarter I realize that a pair of shoes needs polishing, so I pull out all of the shoes I can polish and do them all at once.
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    + AntonGraza got a reaction from + Pensant in Random Acts of Kindness   
    I didn't think it was a big deal a the time, but it was Valentine's Day and I was picking up some groceries at the store and was then going over to pick up some dry cleaning. I had been using this cleaners for years, so I knew the three ladies to say hi and make small talk. I decided to buy a bunch of red, white and pink carnations to give to them. They were totally floored that a customer brought them flowers. I asked if anyone had ever done that and they said no. When I go in, they give me the biggest smiles. It really was just an impulse thing, but it meant a lot to them.
  6. Like
    + AntonGraza got a reaction from + MysticMenace in Random Acts of Kindness   
    I didn't think it was a big deal a the time, but it was Valentine's Day and I was picking up some groceries at the store and was then going over to pick up some dry cleaning. I had been using this cleaners for years, so I knew the three ladies to say hi and make small talk. I decided to buy a bunch of red, white and pink carnations to give to them. They were totally floored that a customer brought them flowers. I asked if anyone had ever done that and they said no. When I go in, they give me the biggest smiles. It really was just an impulse thing, but it meant a lot to them.
  7. Like
    + AntonGraza got a reaction from + Charlie in Random Acts of Kindness   
    I didn't think it was a big deal a the time, but it was Valentine's Day and I was picking up some groceries at the store and was then going over to pick up some dry cleaning. I had been using this cleaners for years, so I knew the three ladies to say hi and make small talk. I decided to buy a bunch of red, white and pink carnations to give to them. They were totally floored that a customer brought them flowers. I asked if anyone had ever done that and they said no. When I go in, they give me the biggest smiles. It really was just an impulse thing, but it meant a lot to them.
  8. Like
    + AntonGraza got a reaction from mike carey in Random Acts of Kindness   
    I didn't think it was a big deal a the time, but it was Valentine's Day and I was picking up some groceries at the store and was then going over to pick up some dry cleaning. I had been using this cleaners for years, so I knew the three ladies to say hi and make small talk. I decided to buy a bunch of red, white and pink carnations to give to them. They were totally floored that a customer brought them flowers. I asked if anyone had ever done that and they said no. When I go in, they give me the biggest smiles. It really was just an impulse thing, but it meant a lot to them.
  9. Like
    + AntonGraza got a reaction from + WilliamM in Random Acts of Kindness   
    I didn't think it was a big deal a the time, but it was Valentine's Day and I was picking up some groceries at the store and was then going over to pick up some dry cleaning. I had been using this cleaners for years, so I knew the three ladies to say hi and make small talk. I decided to buy a bunch of red, white and pink carnations to give to them. They were totally floored that a customer brought them flowers. I asked if anyone had ever done that and they said no. When I go in, they give me the biggest smiles. It really was just an impulse thing, but it meant a lot to them.
  10. Like
    + AntonGraza got a reaction from + bigjoey in Random Acts of Kindness   
    I didn't think it was a big deal a the time, but it was Valentine's Day and I was picking up some groceries at the store and was then going over to pick up some dry cleaning. I had been using this cleaners for years, so I knew the three ladies to say hi and make small talk. I decided to buy a bunch of red, white and pink carnations to give to them. They were totally floored that a customer brought them flowers. I asked if anyone had ever done that and they said no. When I go in, they give me the biggest smiles. It really was just an impulse thing, but it meant a lot to them.
  11. Like
    + AntonGraza reacted to + Coolwave35 in Random Acts of Kindness   
    Share a time you did something super nice for a human or animal. No humility in this thread. Boast about how kind you were or are as inspiration for us all to be a little nicer.
    I’ll start us off. My grandmother is 91, struggling with some early dementia. She had to give up her drivers license and is bummed about being stuck in her house all the time.I sent her some flowers over the summer to brighten her day which made her very happy, but upset her that I spent money on her.
    A month later, I told her I had won a years supply of weekly floral arrangements for free. I asked her if she would be willing to take the prize because I’m hardly ever home and don’t appreciate flowers. She reluctantly accepted, after trying to convince me every which way to keep it for myself.
    I also have the florist put my phone number in the card with a reminder to call me when they get delivered. Every Monday for the past 4 months, without fail, she’s called me to say thank you for giving her this prize, how it brightens up her kitchen and she loves how they make the house smell. We also get to catch up, which is essentially the same call over and over week after week, but it feels fresh to her. It’s the best $100 a week I spend.
  12. Like
    + AntonGraza reacted to + Just966 in Edging Videos   
  13. Like
    + AntonGraza reacted to + bencleve29 in And the 2020 award for best masseur goes to....?   
    I agree with those calling out Dann in Dallas and would personally choose Lennie in NY.
  14. Like
    + AntonGraza got a reaction from + Charlie in ADVICE to your Younger Self   
    1. Find and maintain friendships with people who truly care about you. They may be different people during different periods of your life, and understand - recognized they many not be there for long periods of time. You only need one or two.
    2. Be kind in life as much as possible as life is not easy for everyone. Also, understand there is a big difference between being kind and being nice.
    3. Unconditional love is rare and all good things in your life will flow from such relationship(s). These relationships requires you to be vulnerable, and it will be painful. Do not assume your parents and/or family of origin will automatically have your back on this one.
  15. Like
    + AntonGraza got a reaction from jtwalker in ADVICE to your Younger Self   
    1. Find and maintain friendships with people who truly care about you. They may be different people during different periods of your life, and understand - recognized they many not be there for long periods of time. You only need one or two.
    2. Be kind in life as much as possible as life is not easy for everyone. Also, understand there is a big difference between being kind and being nice.
    3. Unconditional love is rare and all good things in your life will flow from such relationship(s). These relationships requires you to be vulnerable, and it will be painful. Do not assume your parents and/or family of origin will automatically have your back on this one.
  16. Like
    + AntonGraza got a reaction from OCClient in ADVICE to your Younger Self   
    1. Find and maintain friendships with people who truly care about you. They may be different people during different periods of your life, and understand - recognized they many not be there for long periods of time. You only need one or two.
    2. Be kind in life as much as possible as life is not easy for everyone. Also, understand there is a big difference between being kind and being nice.
    3. Unconditional love is rare and all good things in your life will flow from such relationship(s). These relationships requires you to be vulnerable, and it will be painful. Do not assume your parents and/or family of origin will automatically have your back on this one.
  17. Like
    + AntonGraza reacted to seattlebottom in Books You Loved As A Child-Say 10 And Under   
    Nancy Drew, Hardy Boys, The Three Investigators, Dracula, Encyclopedia Brown, The Great Brain, The Little House on the Prairie books. I had few friends so books were my great escape.
  18. Like
    + AntonGraza reacted to + poolboy48220 in Books You Loved As A Child-Say 10 And Under   
    Along with all the other mystery books (Three Investigators, Encyclopedia Brown), we read "The Happy Hollisters" series, a family whose kids solved mysteries. We belonged to a subscription service that sent one every month or so (at that age, my sense of time wasn't that accurate). I think we had the whole series of 33 books, and I still have the bookstand that came with the set.
    I remember one of my sister's friends, at a drunk party, saying "Y'know, all that stuff in Encyclopedia Brown - that would never have stood up in court".
    There's a book, I can't remember the name, about a kid inventor. His dad worked for a spy organization called Mongoose, their nemesis was some snake-related name, and the kid called his group of friends VACUUM - Volunteer Agents Crusading Unsteadily Under Mongoose. UPDATE: Just googled it, it's "Secret Agents Four", written by Donald J. Sobol, the same guy who wrote the Encyclopedia Brown books.
  19. Like
    + AntonGraza reacted to marylander1940 in Merry Christmas!   

  20. Like
    + AntonGraza reacted to + Oliver in Merry Christmas!   
  21. Like
    + AntonGraza got a reaction from + Just Sayin in Those who use rent masseurs or the like, how common is it for masseurs to allow you to massage them?   
    Like @Capitano, I have made the same arrangements and offered to provide a gentle rundown after my massage. Some providers have even asked me to work on certain areas (no HE- kept it “professional ?”)
    If they agree, I enjoy climbing on the table, straddling them, oiling them up and using my hands and chest to massage from the small of their backs to their fingertips.
    So, my experience is, after a couple of visits and a comfortable rapport-relationship, the percentage of a post masseur massage or a post shower request, for me, is pretty high.
    PS - I am not a tall, athletic- buff guy, just an average 50+ Is it a compliment to be called comfortable?
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    + AntonGraza reacted to + Balthazar in Do straight male homophobes turn you off from liking other men?   
    I think one of the tough things about being gay is that many of us are trained to be vigilant to protect ourselves. Many of us have been in situations where we could have legitimately been at risk of harm. If we are too defensive, however, it can be difficult to connect with people because of our lack of vulnerability. I hope you're able to take a risk and been vulnerable with men. I've frequently not given guys a chance because I was afraid they would reject me.
  23. Like
    + AntonGraza reacted to Cliff in Happy Thanksgiving   
    Hey Deli Forum members! I just wanted to take a quick break from the always exciting and insightful ongoing discussion and commentary that happens here and wish everybody a very happy Thanksgiving. ?
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    + AntonGraza reacted to Capitano in Mateomartinezhot in Chi   
    Hot & friendly guy, erotic massage is a little extra and done in the nude, with touching allowed, and is very sensual. It did seem like he is pretty competent, so I'd try again especially if it turns out that he has a table in his place, I forgot to ask. Chicago so needs good masseurs after several of my favorites left. You may want to try this one and give us a second opinion. Or a third, fourth, etc.
  25. Like
    + AntonGraza got a reaction from Capitano in Mateomartinezhot in Chi   
    Hey Cap, it looks like you will have to take one for the team. He had me by the first pic with his smile ?
    Be safe and follow up with the rest of us. I enjoy reading your comments and also gravitate toward your preference in hires.
    Unfortunately, we must live vicariously during these trying times until it is vaccine safe.
    Take care.
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