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Posts posted by Massageislife

  1. Andre has been around for years. He was a prolific Craigslist poster. Start here for previous discussions and link to his personal website (with the same CL pics from years ago). No telling what he looks like now.




    I’ve always been tempted but never took leap. Bothers me that in his lastest incarnation on MasseurFinder one of his reviews is dated March 25, 2019, and parts of the other review are ripped off from one of my favorite masseurs Bene who is sadly now in San Diego.


    "Andre" was my first experience of catfishing. He used to post a number of sexy pictures, including on rentmen, but the weren't him. He was average-looking, gave an okay massage and the ultimate extra, but I can't forgive the fakery

  2. I agree with this approach. I have had a couple of guys PM me about their experiences with certain providers I had recommended, when their experience did not match my experience with the same guys (I.e., their experience was less sensual). They weren’t angry but were disappointed. So I usually “undersell” that aspect and put in a lot of caveats about how long I have known the provider, our chemistry, etc.


    I understand your point. I was a little "hurt" to find out that a masseur who was pretty unfriendly to me, made love to another client, but I still value hearing about how sensual/erotic a masseur has been with others.

  3. I tell providers about this forum. Sometimes I even show them what’s written about them. I usually ask for permission to share my experience with them. Some say “ok”, some say “please don’t”. That gives me an idea if they have a universal approach to clients or they go by chemistry and other factors.


    I really like this approach. After several years of massage, I&very begun writing on this site. I like the respect of asking a masseur--especially a regular--if they're comfortable with my sharing details. You guys are teaching me a lot!

  4. I hope you didn't have to pay for his nap! Although I'm surprised he actually got naked, as I was under the impressoin he tended to make things therapeutic only.


    Thank God he was naked. The few minutes of naked cuddling were the only bright spot of the experience.


    I left something for him, but not the whole fee

  5. My experience with him was probably my weakest ever, although it was interesting. His persona was a combination of aloof and groggy. I think he was stoned. He got naked and after a few minutes of massage, he lay down on me. A minute or so later, he started snoring. As I tried to get out from under hi, he sort of hugged and cuddled me, eyes closed, seemingly still asleep. I finally got free, got dressed, and left him there snoring.


    Can can snooze!

  6. His initial ads on masseurfinder (before they took them off) were topless and showed a gorgeous body, but I usually only hire from rentmasseur because I want sensual/erotic elements. When he finally took the rentmasseur plunge, advertising both, I took the plunge. He's one of the few masseurs I regret having chosen. The ambiance was tense, he didn't even take his shirt off, and he assiduously avoided my private parts. I hate false advertising

  7. "Andre" was my first experience of catfishing. He was cute, but not the gorgeous guy in his ads. The massage was pretty good, and the extra was the full deal. I didn't go back though. I just couldn't get over the dishonesty of the pics

  8. "Andre" was my first experience of catfishing. He was cute, but not the gorgeous guy in his ads. The massage was pretty good, and the extra was the full deal. I didn't go back though. I just couldn't get over the dishonesty of the pics

  9. Lazar was one of my first M4M masseurs. He was not friendly at all, which alone meant that I wouldn't return.


    The massage itself lasted (I'm not kidding) around 2 minutes and consisted of a few weak squeezes to my trapeziuses (sp.?) and then a little rubbing of my ass. He then started to fingerfuck me. It's not what I came for, but I thought, "What the heck?" It was pretty enjoyable and led to him getting out a dildo and then a condom. When we were done, the 90 minutes were far from over, so I offered to massage him. He had an incredibly hairy, and for me, sexy, ass. So the whole experience was very pleasurable, just not what I was trying to explore through massage.

  10. Lazar was one of my first M4M masseurs. He was not friendly at all, which alone meant that I wouldn't return.


    The massage itself lasted (I'm not kidding) around 2 minutes and consisted of a few weak squeezes to my trapeziuses (sp.?) and then a little rubbing of my ass. He then started to fingerfuck me. It's not what I came for, but I thought, "What the heck?" It was pretty enjoyable and led to him getting out a dildo and then a condom. When we were done, the 90 minutes were far from over, so I offered to massage him. He had an incredibly hairy, and for me, sexy, ass. So the whole experience was very pleasurable, just not what I was trying to explore through massage.

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