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Posts posted by N13

  1. You can hate something that only takes a few minutes almost as much as you can hate something that takes a long time-or at least I can. Plus because of the bed frame and the constricted location, I'm usually hitting my shins on the frame at the very least if not actually gouging them on the sharp protrusions sticking out of the frame.


    This bed is of the devil!!:mad:



  2. Thanks everyone. I think I will try sugaring again. N13 thanks for the recommendation, I am in NY and will see if I can make an appointment with Shawn at Hush.


    Tell him Neil recommended him.

  3. You should consider sugaring. I have been doing this for between 15 and 20 years. It is less painful than waxing and each time less and less grows back. I am almost totally back hair free now. I also sugar for my butt and nether regions. No problem with ingrown hairs or bumps as I had with waxing.

    Don't know where you are, but if you are in New York I highly recommend Shawn at Hush.

  4. the amount of W.A.S.P. (preppy) frat boy guys on the market is lower among escorts. That would be a better way to say if those are the guys the OP craves and can't find.



    I guess you're only attracted to white men. By saying "people" you mean that you only hire them?


    And what if the preference is for white men? There are those who only like black men. There are those who only like orientals. There are those that only like musclemen. There are those who only like redheads. Etc. Etc. Etc. Does that make everyone who has a type that is not open to everyone racist? I don't think so.

  5. It's true. I have a preference for smooth, model faced guys with swimmer's bodies. This does not make me a racist. It makes me someone who is attracted to smooth, model faced guys with swimmer's bodies. If I am going to pay for a fantasy that is what I am going to look for. A long time ago I started a thread about the seeming lack of that type that used to abound. I hired some of the stars of this board and found the vast majority of them to be nice, down-to-earth guys that took pride in what they were doing. I even still see a few that are still in the business. What the op was saying and what I am agreeing to is that these guys are now in very short supply. The reviews here normally feature the opposite types. Diversity is fine.....but very much of a turn off way too much of the time.

  6. I'm not calling him a bodybuilder by any means, lol. I'm just saying that I prefer his body to what's consider by some as the ideal bodybuilder. But if you want to know my peak body for bodybuilders is:


    Could not be a better example of what I don't want in an escort.
  7. I have to agree. I am not - and never have been - into scruffy, mediocre bodied 'everyman' types which seem to prevail now. I remember when fantasy men had handsome faces, tight bodies and bathed. I no longer hire at the rate (time not price) that I once did. Looking at the majority of choices now advertising I am hard put to find an Adonis. It seems that anyone with a dick now thinks they can support themselves by selling it. I don't understand who is paying for them. My right hand is better looking than so many of them. I understand that everyone has their own taste...I just don't understand that particular taste.

  8. Was a defendant on People's Court. Would never have gone on Judy! I find that she makes up her mind ahead of the facts and will not change it no matter what the evidence is. If she doesn't like you...you are dead. Liked Milian. She read up on the case ahead of the taping and listened. Judgement was for the defendant. I do like watching both shows though.

  9. I once was in a jewelry store when I saw DavidSF outside looking in the window. He was with an obvious client. I did nothing but we made eye contact. He came into the shop to say hello to me and introduced his client. I introduced him to the shop owner and told him to give David a good discount if he bought anything. Smiled, shook hands warmly and left. David is always a class act!

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