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Everything posted by N13

  1. N13

    411 on slavasugarbaby

    looks too good to be true!
  2. Did a roller coaster when I was a kid....no way could I do one now! Same for the high ferris wheels! I now stay on the ground and take photos!
  3. Walked on the glass floor in Macao's Radio Tower - signs were posted "watch out for falling people" as there was also bungey jumping off the top! Also did the glass floor in Shanghai. https://www.google.com/search?q=glass+floor+in+shanghai&tbm=isch&tbo=u&source=univ&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwiMp7ebourcAhUthOAKHe18By0QsAR6BAgBEAE&biw=1586&bih=923#imgrc=zRaXd__iconWCM:
  4. N13


    Saw it today. Strong strong strong indictment of racism. Top contender for the academy award for the pic and especially Spike Lee. I gave it a 10 on IMDB. The sad thing is that it won't be seen by the people that need to see it the most: the bigots and Trumpeteers.
  5. Are you being sarcastic or are you delusional???!!!!!
  6. Mornings are the best! No one to interrupt my work or life. Most productive time of the day! (Except when I wake up at 3am and go to my desk).
  7. Sucker has more than one definition. Stupid has only one.
  8. N13

    Mamma Mia 2

    If she could be from the 5th dimension she could bring her own back-up group!
  9. I don't understand what purpose it serves to have an ad if it is not real.
  10. N13

    Dog Food

    I have had great success with Eukenuba - first puppy and then small dog and now older dog. Our girl is in great shape! Best of luck with the new baby. One suggestion: Be sure to go to 'Dog School.' It is more to teach you how to cope than it is for the dog....and it works!
  11. Why am I not surprised. I still think of all of my dogs - actually with me or living in my heart - every day! They were all comfort, love and unending joy!
  12. Wonderful posts!!! Wishful thinking on my part. DAMN!
  13. This thread puts me in mind of a wonderful Noel Coward song.
  14. For the past 3 or 4 years I have been going to the Renaissance Fair in Tuxedo Park. Fun to walk around, visit shops and eat snow cones.
  15. A true gentleman's answer!!! I'm impressed! Too often we are not as appreciative as we should be about the time and energy that a number of regular posters put into their posts. Bravo
  16. This is the only one I find even remotely interesting. OK for those that like it, but the over-built guys do nothing for me!
  17. N13


    Not my experience.
  18. N13


    It is not that bad! And Shawn quickly soothes it.
  19. In my opinion it is https://www.xvideos.com/video4500698/_o_n_n_3_4_1_2_1_2_n_xvid . I have posted this on another thread. Mike Hensen and Kevin Williams.....Whoa Baby!!!
  20. Bed is made Monday thru Friday by housekeeper. Left unmade on weekends unless guests are coming. Still use linen napkins for dinner parties and use ironed sheets.
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