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Everything posted by N13

  1. Mandy Potemkin Donald Sotherland Bernadette Peters Liev Shriber Michelle Williams Liza Minelli
  2. Saw the movie. One of the only times I have ever liked Michelle Williams. I give it a 6.5 out of 10. They did re-shoot all of the scenes with Plummer who did a good job - but not award winning in my opinion. I also think they took a lot of literary license with the facts. Much preferred "Molly's Game.'
  3. Thought the thread was about whether calling for a massage or escort at 9pm was good or bad.
  4. https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/xavier_nyc.shtml
  5. N13

    Dental Issue

    My ophthalmologist who does not accept medicare, wanted $9,000 for each eye for cataract surgery. I changed; went to a well=recommended one who took medicare and paid only $1,000 each eye because I opted for the laser surgery which medicare does not cover. Most specialists see me as a profit center. No more. I shop.
  6. N13

    Dental Issue

    I go to Bangkok every two years where my dentist is a NYU graduate; has very modern and up=to-date equipment; is very gentle and NEVER tries to up-sell me. The last US dentist I went to (an emergency broken tooth) gave me a list of things that had to be done. The cost would be upwards of $50,000 dollars. When I told my Bangkok dentist about it...he said that there were only two things that had to be done. The rest was great if I were 25 years old and had another 75 to go. The two things cost me $875. The US would have cost $18,000 to $20,000. Nuff said?
  7. Is it my imagination or a posters posting a number of pics of underage young men? For example see the thread "Tight is Right" in the gallery.
  8. vir·gin·i·ty /vərˈjinədē/ noun 1.the state of never having had sexual intercourse:"he lost his virginity in college"synonyms:chastity, maidenhood, maidenhead, honor, purity, innocence, celibacy, abstinence, cherry, virtue sex·u·al in·ter·course /ˈsekSH(əw)əl ˈin(t)ərˌkôrs/ noun 1.sexual contact between individuals involving penetration, especially the insertion of a man's erect penis into a woman's vagina, typically culminating in orgasm and the ejaculation of semen. According to these definitions I can't count the penetration of the neighbor girl (5) when I was also 5 because it did not culminate in ejaculation of semen. I also can't count the times I penetrated my older sister's ass because I didn't ejaculate. Age 7 Also it can't count when the neighbor boy (11) when I was 12 would play "mattress" where I laid on top of his back and rubbed my covered penis until I ejaculated because there was no penetration. When I was 17, in the army, I was penetrated by an older man (27 or so) who picked me up at a 42nd Street movie. This one meets the criteria!
  9. Have used the same scent for years. When they discontinued it, I bought every bottle I could find. It is now a race to see if I outlast my supply or not. People equate the scent with me. It now sells on e-bay for over $900 a bottle. No I am not selling it.
  10. https://www.masseurfinder.com/members/eliblu.shtml
  11. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/cd/Garment.jpg/267px-Garment.jpg&imgrefurl=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Temple_garment&h=234&w=267&tbnid=Vzvf2wnWmpUaoM:&tbnh=175&tbnw=200&usg=__UgX6L_1-M3YrwpkEGgjaQOwBwnU%3D&vet=10ahUKEwi4p_7crPbXAhXEkeAKHVRlCr4Q_B0IygEwEw..i&docid=Xur6INSYQB8xTM&itg=1&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwi4p_7crPbXAhXEkeAKHVRlCr4Q_B0IygEwEw
  12. N13

    Molly's Game

    Fascinating story + Jessica Chastain + Aaron Sorkin Script + Aaron Sorkin's first directing gig = very entertaining, classy movie! Thoroughly enjoyed!
  13. The ones with some clothes on are far sexier to me than the ones that have it all hanging out!
  14. Judith Light in One Life to Live! I was hooked!
  15. The Hollywood "casting couch" has been a very well known fact seemingly forever. Because Hollywood is very prominent it has been easier to know about. I think the same sense of entitlement that has blossomed in Hollywood is also pervasive throughout politics, big business and the sports worlds. While bingeing on "Mad Men" recently I was reminded of the 'contempt' that women and underlings were held in during the time period depicted. I was in that world and the picture was completely accurate as to the treatment of women. Although (perhaps because I am gay) I never physically partook....verbally; baby, cutie, boobs, etc. was the order of the day for referring to the women to their faces. Slapping them on the ass and pressing against them was a day to day occurrence. Watch movies from the 30's, 40's, 50's, 60's and even the 70's to see how mainstream provocative behavior to women was present and even the brunt of laughter set-ups. I worry that some women will seek revenge - unjustly. But I was there and the vast majority will certainly have a case. Interesting that none of this seems to be directed at Drumpf! The teflon piece of excrement just lies and his Trumpets just go for it. To quote one of the 124 words in his vocabulary....."SAD"!
  16. Which showing were you at? I was at the 11:50
  17. Just saw the film again and I have to correct my comment about the music. It must have been the theater where I saw it that did that to me. It was sublime and perfect this time. Movie only got better on the second viewing. It will probably get "Brokeback Mountain-ed" for the academy awards. Pity!!!
  18. N13

    Love, Simon

    Thanks. Looking forward to this.
  19. Just returned from watching a screening in NYC. Although I think it is an excellent movie I am not sure that it is the "Be All and End All." Maybe all of the previews, press junkets and youtube overkill took away a lot of the surprise and nuances. Great performances....check! Great cinematography.....check! Great script.....check! Great direction......check! I did not, however love the music. I found it a bit strident and too loud. I think the film will become a classic of sorts and play very well on the Academy Awards and the other award circuits. But.............
  20. If it sounds too good to be true................
  21. Books, Original Cast LPs, Porcelain, Art Dolls, Everything Marilyn Monroe, sculpture, Lalique, Perfume Factice and bottles, paintings, miniatures, art glass.....plus anything beautiful!
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