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Everything posted by N13

  1. No, and I don't want to!
  2. Turn ons: Gangbang - love to watch the insertion by a bunch of different guys. Hate when one guy hogs and doesn't give others a chance. Bareback close up of insertions! The face of the 'target' and the fucker. Massage of an innocent to full on fucking. Doctor's exam turns into fuck session Sleeping guy gets seduced Turn offs: No facial reactions. Spitting. scat
  3. Chicago!!! Forget the movie.....this is the one to see!!!! I've seen most everything beginning in 1960 and this is still the unquestioned top of the list! And it doesn't matter who is in it. The show is that good.
  4. N13

    Info about Lukasas

    thanks. Anyone else know anything?
  5. Can't find anything here. Does anyone have any experience with http://rentmen.com/LukasAS ? Feel free to pm me. Thanks.
  6. As Carrie Fisher said, "Instant gratification takes too long!"
  7. Sorry I missed that. Going back to read it.
  8. Really surprised no one has mentioned Gore Vidal's "The City and the Pillar"; all of John Rechy's books - particularly "City of Night"; James Baldwin's books; and many of Mary Renault's Greek history novels. These were all pioneers in bringing gay themed literature to the mainstream. Although the men all presented a very dark picture of being gay, their works were indicative of the times. "The City and the Pillar" was actually re-published after many years with a more up beat ending.
  9. N13

    The Martian

    The IMHO did not go unnoticed! I thought his performance was spot on and I even liked the movie....a lot. Said at the end that the writer should get the academy award. Then saw it was Aaron Sorkin....imho one of the best screenwriters in the business.
  10. N13

    The Martian

    Don't overlook Michael Fassbender in Steve Jobs.
  11. 38 and 40 are for me!!!
  12. Unfortunately my spoken French is excellent and I can say anything I want to in proper French. I understand syntax when speaking which makes the French think that I am fluent and then they start speaking very quickly - which loses me completely. I always understood that understanding a foreign language was easier than speaking it. Not for me. My French works in most European and some Far East countries. What I find most is that they want to practice their English rather than speak in French.
  13. Another seminal movie moment was the Jane Russell "Anyone Here For Love?" spectacular in "Gentlemen Prefer Blondes." http://www.tcm.com/mediaroom/video/497404/Gentlemen-Prefer-Blondes-Movie-Clip-Anyone-Here-For-Love.html
  14. Thanks to Cooper I learned how to post a pic. Here is Mike Henson http://d2948ivoqgnz9i.cloudfront.net/photos/146688.jpg
  15. Henson's massage and topping of Kevin Williams in "Big Guns" is my favorite scene of all times!!! I still can get off on it!
  16. I had an appointment with Mike Henson for my birthday but he cancelled at the last moment. Sad Birthday!!!!
  17. The 50 porn stars thread has me wondering who is everyone else's favorites of all time. My absolute favorite has to be Mike Henson.
  18. Here is a link (a long one) to his appearance in "Salonika": https://images.search.yahoo.com/images/view;_ylt=AwrB8qDJo_pUZk0AziWJzbkF;_ylu=X3oDMTIyOHBia2cyBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDaW1nBG9pZAMwMjAwYzkxNjdiMTM1ZjY2MjVkNDViYWU2YjkzNDc0MgRncG9zAzIEaXQDYmluZw--?.origin=&back=https%3A%2F%2Fimages.search.yahoo.com%2Fsearch%2Fimages%3Fp%3DSalonika%2BPlay%26fr%3Dmcafee%26tab%3Dorganic%26ri%3D2&w=291&h=400&imgurl=1.bp.blogspot.com%2F_LikzyndVj-g%2FSSmpkrh3VoI%2FAAAAAAAAopc%2FNAwgOUx6BWI%2Fs400%2FMaxwell%2BCaulfield49.jpg&rurl=http%3A%2F%2Ffavoritehunks.blogspot.com%2F2008%2F11%2Ffavorite-birthday-boy-for-november-23rd.html&size=27.9KB&name=below+maxwell+on+broadway+opposite+jessica+tandy+in+%3Cb%3Esalonika%3C%2Fb%3E&p=Salonika+Play&oid=0200c9167b135f6625d45bae6b934742&fr2=&fr=mcafee&tt=below+maxwell+on+broadway+opposite+jessica+tandy+in+%3Cb%3Esalonika%3C%2Fb%3E&b=0&ni=21&no=2&ts=&tab=organic&sigr=12mv4gc9e&sigb=12ondpmdr&sigi=12vkg9rf2&sigt=1235q1726&sign=1235q1726&.crumb=DpL7GLAw/OD&fr=mcafee
  19. Beyond question....Tab Hunter! Also-rans include George Nader, Jeffrey Hunter and Robert Wagner. Later on....Alain Delon and Rob Lowe. I think there might be a trend there.
  20. N13


    Why is nobody mentioning that looting and rioting are Wrong!!!! Those that are participating are, in my opinion, using the whole thing as an excuse to get some free merchandise. Not cool!!!
  21. Knew that wouldn't get past you
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