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Everything posted by Coolwave35

  1. You sound really bitter and jealous that no one has ever written you a letter trying to hire you and mailed it to your house because your web hosting server blocked someone’s email erroneously. I guess you don’t want new business and don’t care how many customers you lose to unreliable technology.
  2. That’s because that takes a lot of work. Most law firms have a website with a staff directory. You can very easily see who his secretary is. Then call her, and simply explain that although he may be an attorney now, he used to do erotic massage in college. She’ll understand and schedule an appointment for you. She’ll probably make it a surprise for him so when he comes into work with a naked man on his desk, he’ll remember fondly giving massages and thank his secretary with a floral arrangement.
  3. I agree completely. He’s going to be totally turned on by your tenacity and online detective skills. You’ll probably become one of his favorite regulars. Many of us often see providers we haven’t met yet at the grocery store, gym, or out with their significant others. Those are the best times to approach providers because you can ask all your questions while they aren’t doing anything or busy. I don’t understand why everyone is unanimously telling you that this is a bad idea. I say go for it. There’s nothing creepy, weird or stalkery about your inquiry. 😬😬😳😳. And here I thought a rainy NYC Sunday would be boring.
  4. I’d like to consider myself smart and tech savvy. I get lost all the time.
  5. Every time I read a story like this, I check inside and still naively believe that every sexual encounter I’ve ever had has been consensual. You’d think after thousands of years, we’d figure out a better way of integrating money, youth desire and beauty without the inevitability of somebody or everybody feeling exploited and used.
  6. I hear whenever a man is standing behind you, he looks like he’s having fun too. 😎😏
  7. Just go see for yourself. It’s less than 200 bucks.
  8. That’s ok. Not everything is worthy of a response. I was doing the same. Stating my experience. No hard feelings.
  9. I’ve never seen someone I was handing 20’s to look like they weren’t having fun. I have seen many dancers that invested 15 minutes with someone who couldn’t hand them a 5 dollar bill look like they weren’t having fun.
  10. I was very sad to hear that @unicorn didnt feel welcomed enough to participate here and asked to have his account deleted. I like him and his man.
  11. Can I take you to dinner this weekend? I’m in New York City and you have been someone I’ve wanted to meet for a very long time. You’re kind.
  12. I rented a house in the Hollywood Hills and had a party with several escorts. All my money was in my book bag locked in the master bedroom with no safe. I would take guys into the room for private time periodically throughout the weekend but the majority of fun took place in the open areas. Through out the weekend I had connected particularly well with one escort. Everyone else was local and left Sunday night. He asked if he could stay til Monday and hitch a ride to the airport as we were both flying out. I said no problem. After everyone had left, he and I opted for one more romp in the master bedroom. It was amazing and icing on the cake. We finished up at 2am and were both tired. I paid him and said I always rush to the airport and didn’t want to forget in the morning. I pulled out the backpack and paid him. He said how tired he was and that we should sleep. I agreed. As I was lying in his arms, I couldn’t shake the feeling I had fucked up by literally showing him exactly where I kept my unsecured money. I felt vulnerable and like a sitting duck. Maybe 15 minutes later, I finally told him that I wasn’t able to sleep with someone else in my bed and I’d love for him to sleep in one of the other bedrooms. He said no problem, and got up to go sleep in another room. Almost the second the bedroom door closed I rushed over to lock it. It made a really loud noise, and I heard him say “wow” in slow motion in the most frustrated, sad, disappointed tone I think I’ve ever heard. I felt bad but because I knew he realized in that moment that I didn’t trust him, and the three days prior were pretty fun and we connected well personally and sexually. I woke up a few hours later to an empty house and a note on the kitchen table that said something along the lines of “not every white guy with a neck tattoo is going to rob you and murder you in your sleep. It was really fun until it wasn’t. I’ll find my own way to the airport.” I felt so bad for years and the situation would pop in my head periodically. I stopped feeling bad when I found out that after beating his girlfriend up, he beat a client and stole a substantial amount of their money in a drug fueled rage. I’ve learned well and often through my hiring sprees that race is no indicator of whether you’re a dirtbag or not. However I agree with you that for many, it does and I’m sorry.
  13. This is good business in general. I will only use service providers that confirm via text the day before. My doctor, my dentist, my mechanic, my car detailer, my psychiatrist, my house keeper, regular escorts. Etc etc. I think this is an incredible way to do business, and one of the first questions I ask when choosing new service professionals. If they don’t offer the service I don’t patronize them.
  14. I rented a place in the Berkshires last Winter. It was beautiful. One of the chores was, upon checkout, you had to take their town dump pass, drive 2.5 miles out of the mountains to the dump, get rid of your sorted garbage, then drive the dump pass back to the house. I told them I’m not doing that, and to spring for residential trash collection.
  15. I tried. Too many limitations. The dances were fun though. He didn’t sweat all over me or clamp my nipples which was nice.
  16. Any chance you’ll consider unpinning these threads? @RadioRob I think we’ve been doing great without the database and I can’t imagine you need any more work…
  17. I did 10 with him. He was fun. I liked the Russian guy that you had to use google translate with.
  18. Oddly enough, he asked for discretion. I told him I’d try something new. He’s real and was worth the money. That’s the best I got.
  19. I’m 40 and show my face on Grindr and they target me. I think they message everyone. As I wrote this I realize I’m not that young lol
  20. There’s a gay mountain upstate New York full of guys like you. It’s a real sense of community. I’d recommend going to anything. It’s all wonderful and inclusive. I’m a supporter and attendee and I’ve never been disappointed. Easton Mountain WWW.EASTONMOUNTAIN.ORG Easton Mountain is a community, sanctuary and retreat center dedicated to providing opportunities for community building...
  21. I tried really hard to see him this weekend. We had a set appointment. Supposedly he has a boyfriend he works with. He sent photos. We negotiated a time and date and price, including the bf. We discussed his lack of review history and he had an answer for everything. He then canceled two hours before because he forgot about a birthday party. I am convinced this is a catfish that gets off on the conversation, and he actually has zero intention of meeting because that just isn’t him Can you internet sleuths find the real guy that he’s impersonating on social media somewhere?
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