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Posts posted by BeefyDude

  1. On 4/25/2022 at 10:26 AM, Jamie21 said:

    I’m always surprised at the complaints over pricing. If you can’t afford it don’t buy it. No one is forcing you to buy the service. 

    You are 100% correct.  I think the issue is that its hard to find one UNDER 180-200 these days.

    I'm seeing  MORE and MORE of 200+ as the norm.  This has been happening over the last year or so.  YES covid and inflation is part of it, but it can't be all of it.  Yes   people's rent etc are going up.  But to charge $50+ more is insane.  Lets say an average masseur does very conservative 10 a week, that's $500 or $2k a month (again i'm being super conservative, that number is likely MUCH higher).

    Just like the masseurs are being charged more for things, so are the clients (my utilities, gas, food etc) is also skyrocketing.

    Also I see many ads justifying there cost with amenities - table, etc etc. But when they are traveling MOST of them don't have these amenities, so why still charge? 

    Sorry to rant about this.  While Jaimie is correct, its just harder and harder for one to find a decent massage at a decent price.  

    Thanks for listening

  2. On 8/9/2022 at 9:54 PM, MakeMeCowboy said:

    I checked this one out; the online photos are outdated by 8 to 10 years. No plans to repeat.

    Thanks Makeme, for providing a good review vs. the many who just want to talk about his package along with anything else related to his massage skills

  3. 23 hours ago, Lucky said:

    As opposed to just criticizing him?

    uhhhh Yeah thats what (i assumes most are on here for).  If i'm gonna book with someone before I spend money want to know what im getting as far as a massage goes

    Otherwise, create a new board on here called "trash/critize the masseur" and keep this board for folks like me who are getting information to book or not.

  4. 46 minutes ago, Lohengrin1979 said:

    Unfortunately, in this day and age, you might just be getting a massage at that price point. I've had masseurs in LA quote me $260 for an hour nude therapeutic massage. The expectations are different in the current market. I'm not a fan. 

    Sadly you are correct.   There is one guy locally who charges 175 for a 100% therapeutic, no clothes come off, no touching no nothing. The massage I suspect will be great but damm 175 for a 100% therapeutic, no thank you.

    I recall, not all that long ago, when the range was 120-150   Now it seems to be 160-200 - of which this are not good massages on top of that.  I get inflation etc.  But lets say you raise your rates a modest $25 (hideously low).  Multiply that by the number of guys they see a month and they are taking in a few thousand more a month, which I suspect is way more than their increased expenses - IMHO

    I also suspect, as has been said, they are likely escorts trying to get "massage" clients.    But then again I see many replies here where guys are asking if they suck, fuck, put out etc etc. Guess it goes both ways.   Ok done rambling LOL


  5. Check out his rate $280   Me thinks you are NOT getting a massage.

    All these similar ads for "massage" which really should be on RentMen as escorts IMHO

    No way $280 is legit massage

    p.s. HOT looking guy and body :)

  6. 19 minutes ago, Jamie21 said:

    My rates are on my website and on Rentmasseur (although on Rentmasseur the flexibility to show different rates based on time seems to be limited). 

    The difficulty of putting rates on advertising sites is that you need to remember to update them when you change your rates. Last year I increased my rate for the hour massage (because my studio increased their room rental rate to me) but I forgot to update one of the sites where I advertise. A client contacted me via that site and during our conversation I said my rate to him. He questioned me because it was more than the advert. Of course I gave him the advertised rate but I did quickly update it! 

    Agree yours are. Your profile clearly states everything.  I'm talking about MOST who dont post info and then say ask me for everything.  That plus the TEXT only is a big put off to me and many others.

    Man if was local we would be getting together for sure. One day :)

  7. 2 minutes ago, Jamie21 said:

    This the problem with menu pricing, or as I call it the low cost airline model. There’s a reasonable looking base price but to get anything nice you add on all the extras and it becomes expensive, and annoying. 

    I think it’s fair to charge extra for some things, like out calls (because of travel time & costs) and perhaps if the client wants something significantly outside of your core offering, but otherwise have a time based price that includes everything you’re happy to do. If you’re not happy to incorporate it into your massage then don’t offer it (even at extra charge) because you won’t do it with any sufficient degree of commitment. Your client will be able to tell. 

    I think this is why some masseurs include optional extras with big charges attached. They really aren’t wanting to provide the activity but figure that they might aswell monetise it to compensate for having to do it. If you aren’t comfortable massaging naked simply don’t offer it! Do what you’re happy to do, within an overall price. That’s the fairest way for you and your client.

    I will agree with that to a point. I think the poster, like many,  have just seen an overwhelming shift in the "ask me".   It seems to be the norm now.  Perhaps in your profile, state: base rate of xx and to share prices for anything extra.

    I have also seen too many times where masseurs talk about all their extras, which I agree can be charged. But yet they are on the road and don;'t have ANY of those.

    I see your side.  But see it from the consumer side - it is frustrating to see ASK most of the time now.  Then you have to dig through reviews to see what they charge.

    Sorry just venting. I agree with the poster, this seems to be a very increasing trend (ask).  Thanks for listening AND thanks for your valued opinion from a masseur perspective.

  8. Agree with all comments

    If you are not showing your price, too many red flags go up.

    To RichardBl's point this appears to be a trend over the last year or so (perhaps Covid).  It wasn't like this before or at least not nearly as common

    To the masseurs out there, can you shed some light on this?

    Its annoying and irritating to see this

  9. On 7/12/2022 at 8:09 AM, chiloki said:

    Oh yes, very good experience with these gentlemen. They have a great rhythm down. They are also extremely attractive (especially for those of us who appreciate a little thickness). As I refer to my records, it was $390/90 minutes when I saw them in December... they also spend a little bit of time (15-30 minutes) before the clock starts to chat and get to know you.

    Overall, very positive experience, and would repeat!

    I booked with both of them recently.  I agree great experience.

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