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Posts posted by sbguy

  1. I see him regularly. The best masseur in the area, bar none.... and no extras. Straight guy... and not gonna cross any line. SUPER good person. I am a huge fan. Wish he offered extras, but - I’ll just have to get them elsewhere.

    Thank you for the feedback. Much appreciated! Sometimes it's just nice to have a really good massage.

  2. Straight is not enticing to me and I don't seek out straight providers, mainly because from my experiences with some straight guys you instinctively kinda get this vibe and can kinda tell that they're really not into sex with men. It's hard to describe the vibe, but you just kinda know. I've been with guys who list themselves as "bisexual" in their profiles but it's obvious from the experience they are really into kissing, sucking, fucking, rimming guys (or at least comfortable enough with guys to give a very convincing performance). But I agree with prior posts here that at the end of the day regardless of if they're straight, all that really matters to me is if the guy is enjoying time with me, he is responsive, and basically “into me”. To some degree, it's a bit of a gamble with all escorts whether things click or not. That's why I find this forum so incredibly helpful.

  3. Any reasonable, respectful and non-psychotic person will recognize that you’re not a 911 emergency operator manning the phones 24/7 in order to respond to any sex emergency in 30 minutes or less. I think perhaps people get so caught up with the fantasy or excitement, that they forget that an escort is also human being with schedules, commitments, bills to pay, dishes to clean, and who live an actual human life.


    To answer your question, it’s okay to tell them you are interested in scheduling a visit, but that you need a day or 2 before you can see them. I think many times clients are suddenly horny as hell and need it now or ASAP. But I think for any reasonable and respectful client who is thinking clearly with their (upper) head, if they are sincerely interested in seeing you, they will work with your availability and commit to booking a day/time in advance to see you.

  4. While silicone is a totally awesome lube for sex, it stains everything (headboards, sheets, clothes, walls, etc) and is a total nightmare to wash off the skin. You practically need paint thinner or nail polish remover to get it off. And yes, my skin is NOT happy afterwards. And no, rest assured, I'm not rubbing paint thinner or nail polish remover over my mouth, crotch, and tailpipe. ;) Ouch!


    Maybe old fashioned spit isn't such a bad option afterall. Hmm. (Lightbulb emoji)

  5. I suspect therapeutics will change the game. And people will grow accustomed to the risk. As the longterm effects of isolation and so forth wear on, people will simply be willing to risk it. There’s already a host of activities people do that are extremely risky and put others at risk but we discount them because we’re accustomed to it.

    @xyz48B - Yeah, the isolation part is really tough. And I'm not just talking about hooking up or sex. It's everything else that makes it difficult to cope with day to day life.

  6. Bingo.


    We need to stop acting like we will eventually wipe this out. Fauci has said numerous times, since this has reached pandemic level, it’s here. Even a vaccine won’t eliminate the risk. So – how are we going to learn to live with it. Hiding forever is an option, but it’s not a good one.

    You bring up a really good point, which kind of struck me just now. It doesn't sound like this is ever gonna go away or end. We'll have to figure out how to live and adjust to this ever present risk and danger moving forward. I have a few friends who I really enjoy going out with for dinner and a movie; it dawned on me a few days ago that we won't be doing that anytime this year, at earliest possibly a year from now, and it made me really sad. As a single person, this epidemic not only makes sex complicated, but it makes dating and trying to find an LTR very complicated as well. I don't even know where to start, or how to process this situation.

  7. Wherever you’re all at, I wish you all the best and that you all can stay safe and healthy. Shit is gonna get really crazy in the next two weeks. CA has a shelter in place order and all non-essential businesses are closed. Many people here in the San Francisco Bay Area act like it’s a snow day or vacation and are mobbing the parks or beaches and are not taking this seriously.

  8. Hey guys--if you're in California and into serious muscle, Michael Lynn is coming your way. He's an IFBB pro bodybuilder, a trained masseur, and open to muscle worship. He’s not on these forums, so I offered to let my fellow muscle-obsessives know that he’ll be in San Francisco Tuesday 1/28, and in San Diego Thursday 1/30-Sunday 2/2. I see him pretty regularly here in NYC, and in addition to being huge and ripped, he gives an awesome massage, and he's an exceptionally nice guy. More about him (and contact info) on his website: http://www.michaellynnstaystrong.com/home. (Email is mikesnyc3@gmail.com). His Instagram (mikelynnifbbpro) has his most recent pictures: 25 years of non-stop training behind him, and looking absolutely phenomenal these days. Tell him you saw his friend EJ’s post on the M4M Forum.


    The email provided didn’t work. It bounced back.

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