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Everything posted by Gar1eth

  1. I posted this in another thread about a month ago. I'm reposting it here in this thread now because #1. I know this sounds stupid. But at the time I posted it, it wasn't a Friday. And I didn't realize you didn't have to wait for Friday to post things in this thread. #2. My thread was only looked at by 71 people. So I figured there might be some people who routinely look at this thread and might enjoy it who never looked at my original thread. #3. I've watched it over 10 times at this point, and it still makes me smile. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S2puwRopD8E Gman
  2. http://guidelive.imgix.net/1438973664-FB_IMG_1438828130372.jpg?fit=clip&q=60&or=0&auto=format&w=678 Gman
  3. Unless it's due to him scheduling too many clients, with his obvious physical attributes, I would have to wonder if maybe he just isn't cut out to be an escort. It's not an easy thing to do. And even if I looked like him but had my same 'psyche,' I doubt I could do it. Gman
  4. While I don't know exactly how nervous you were, I would hope in an average case that with someone charging $350-400 your meeting would have gone better. Gman
  5. I realize about portion control. But there are the studies about genetically predertermined size. And that some people's set point regarding appetite is off. Gman
  6. http://ourpeacefulplanet.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/i.ate_.a.salad_.png Gman
  7. The Ryans-Gosling and Reynolds-were cute kids. I don't think it was correct for someone to think they wouldn't grow up nicely. I've never been that much a fan of Johnny Depp's looks. Those straight girls can have him. Gman
  8. I was a fat kid-slimmed up with puberty-but am now fat again for the last 20 years. But I was never any girl's dream (or guy's unfortunately) . And when I learned about sex when I was about 12 (my Dad couldn't bring himself to talk about it with me. He bought me a thin paperback to read. He told me to ask him if I had any questions.), the idea terrified me. (My pardon to the ladies but) the thought of Vaginas scared me silly. And I was supposed to put my tallywacker in that. Actually I may still feel that way (pardon ladies). I remember talking with my brother who was around 19 at the time. I told him it sounded weird. He told me it was supposed to feel good if you moved your tallywacker around once you were inside (he may or may not have used the term 'wiggle'). So on top of being horrified by sex and vaginas-a feeling which persisted-I also felt no attraction for girls. I mean there were girls I thought were pretty or cute. But they never affected my tallywacker. On the other hand handsome guys did affect me. I probably knew I was gay deep down. But I kept hoping I'd develop feelings for women. That never happened. But the idea of gay sex terrified me too. I think it would have still terrified me whether AIDS had occurred or not-and the first cases were reported when I was 19. My fears may very well have prevented me from getting infected. But I'm not sure I really knew much about gay sex even though the thought of it terrified me. I read a fiction story in a gay magazine when I was 21 (wasn't mine-it was a roommate's hidden stash that I found -he told me he wasn't gay-someone had given them to him-I think I might have believed him at the time). I still wasn't really admitting to myself I was gay, but I had suspicions. But the description of bottoming in the story was something else that turned me off . I knew I never wanted to do that. So over the years my fear of sex increased. That was added to by not wanting to be gay. Finally I was afraid I was never going to experience sex. That fear slightly overcame my fear of having sex and led to my 1st hire at age 41. Gman
  9. The problem is of course that with having graduated high school 36 years ago-I can't remember for sure if I wondered about anyone else. The only one I can remember for sure wondering about, I think, was the flautist. And maybe it was only in retrospect when I thought about them once I was in college. I don't know if it was me being naive or not. I'm sure it is possible others in my high school were more attuned to people being gay than I was. And I was most likely called gay at some point-Texas boy-not into sports and took drama. But I wasn't sure I was gay at the time. (I most likely knew but was too afraid to acknowledge it) I never acted on it at all publicly-never hung around the boy's locker room unless I had to, never really made calf-eyes at any guy (although I did think to myself certain guys were handsome), never hung out around a guy's home hoping to see him. Actions I do remember taking- 1. What I do remember is once riding my bike to the park down the street-I might have been in junior high. I saw either a high school or college age guy shooting baskets. He was really cute and muscular. I went back to the park several times hoping he would show up again but he never did. 2. There was also a cute guy from school (junior high) whom I didn't really know. He was a year or two older. I noticed him when he ran for Student Council President. I found out by chance he was a stocker at a convenience store that I routinely used to ride my bike to to buy comics. I remember riding my bike around the store occasionally to try to see him. I think I was once rewarded with seeing him in a tank top. 3. Oh and the neighbors who lived across the alley from us. The hubby was a Physical Science teacher at the junior high. He used to do yard work in his backyard shirtless occasionally, and I liked to watch. I may have done other things. But I really can't remember much of I did. Of the three guys I mentioned in my last post-two of them I have no idea what happened to. So I don't actually know if they are gay. One I do know is gay due to Facebook now. So thinking of people that I now know to be gay from my (non college) school years there are 11 I know to be gay (actually only 9. There are two that I'm fairly sure of-but I'll get to that). Of these 11- 1. Was my best friend whom I didn't know anything about him being gay in high school and college. I began to suspect years after college. (Funny thing-my mother said a couple of years ago she had wondered at some point whether he was gay. But never said a word to me. I'd wonder if she was alerted because of the way I acted. But D and I were very different, so that probably wasn't it. ) 2. T hasn't said anything to me. We aren't really friends anymore. We were best friends in elementary school. He occasionally posts on Facebook, but hasn't marked that he's interested in men on Facebook or posted rainbows or equality pictures. He's an unmarried actor -his best friend from high school is gay. 3. Another guy M we haven't seen each other in years. We were friends as children but not in high school. I found him on FB but he's not very active. He hasn't marked liking men on FB. But as far as I can tell, he's single, has a fairly nice muscular physique when he was on the thin side in high school. He has no pictures that I can identify for sure as being of him and a girlfriend. Also one of the places he indicates on FB that he's been-no pictures-is Provincetown, MA. Now M works for an airline-no he's not a flight attendant. He works in management. I'm sure he gets discount travel. So I guess I could be wrong about him. I mean straight, muscular, single guys can go to Provincetown too-right? Of the remaining 8-in most cases I know from Facebook that they are gay. Of these 9 that I know definitely are gay-two of them know I'm gay. Of these guys, I'm the only one not really out in my life or on Facebook-not unless my recent postings about 'marriage' on Facebook have thrown my closet door wide. So of most of these guys, I don't think I ever considered back in high school that they were gay. I might have wondered years later when reminiscing about them. Funny I'm sure there must have been some lesbians in high school. But who they are, I have no idea. No one of my FB 'friends' as far as I know is openly lesbian*. And I need to make a point. While I've known the majority of my non-related Facebook 'friends' for years-most are not really friends-only people I share somewhat of a similar background with having grown up in the same conservative town. * I forgot. There is one girl from my high school, D. D did a bit of soft core porn after college. Someone told me at either our 10th or 30th high school reunion that her former husband had a sex change -and they had done sex shows/films after his operation. I don't know if that's true or not. I don't know if true whether that means she is a lesbian or bisexual. She might just love her ex. Gman
  10. Am I one of the only ones who never played around with relatives or people from school? I don't even think I hardly ever stroked myself. I had wet dreams around age 12 or 13 of course. But the first time I masturbated I was either 15 or 16. I was in the shower. I had heard of masturbating. But I wasn't quite sure how to do it. I just kept stroking. And when the moment came, my legs almost buckled. I continued masturbating on a routine basis until my late 40's. Now it's rare. The first time anyone ever saw me cum was my first time as with an escort at 41. As for people I thought might actually be gay in high school but never knew for sure (aside from my fears about me of course) -there were only about 3. And I went to a school of about 1500 students. One was an effeminate guy who as far as I know was the only male flautist in the school band. Gman
  11. One of the tests may very well have been the Kuder Interests Survey. I think took it in 9th grade. I remember they gave us these big pins (that's pIns not pEns) to mark the answer sheet with. Somehow they read the pinpricks to determine your answers. I also took another one later on in high school-maybe college too called the Strong-Campbell Interest Test (I can't believe I remember the name of these things). The results of that test were much prettier. I think I remember a printout with a multicolored diamond shape showing percent in it showing how similar my likes were to other people in specific fields. I have a vague memory that on the Strong Campbell it listed percent similarity for specific options for both males and females-possibly we didn't mark our gender on the test form-so that say it listed bookkeeper as the profession. So I think it meant that say the male percentage might be 56% and the female percentage might be 75% meaning that if I were male (which I am) my interests only correlated with the interests of male bookkeepers 56% of the time. But if I were female, my interests were the same as 76% of female bookkeepers. Because obviously there may be differences in the likes of males and females in the same profession. But the tests were so obvious. I mean-would you prefer to be a sanitation engineer vs a rocket scientist? Not that there is anything wrong with rocket scientists-but obviously there's no comparison if you have the chance to be a sanitation engineer. I remember the surveys matching me up to jobs I had no interest in at all and knew I never would. I might have gotten florist too, but I'm not sure. I also think I may have gotten teacher or college professor as well as nurse. At the time- and maybe just a bit still for which I'm sorry-but definitely when I was 17 I couldn't take being a nurse seriously. That was for women. I think subconsciously I didn't want a career that was considered feminine at the time when I already lacked what were seen as typical masculine traits where I grew up like being into sports. Gman
  12. You had a Vitamin C Deficiency!!! Gman
  13. But once Andrew McCarthy slimmed down after Class, I fell in love with him!! Gman
  14. Wow!!! Our gym coaches never showered for us. Gman
  15. I'm pretty sure not. Here's a list of the bodybuilders in Li'l Abner-Ken Ackles, Eric Alden, Nick Dimitri, Brad Harris, Gordon Mitchell. You can look up their pictures. I'm getting the vapors just gazing at them. Gman
  16. I posted a picture from Li'l Abner earlier in this thread. I liked it too. But here it is again in case you missed it. Gman
  17. I used to wait for shirtless scenes of this guy. Can anyone name actor and the show? http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51tkxb4LzcL._SY400_.jpg Gman
  18. Wow, you are indeed a youngster to have never heard of Bonanza. Now I'm feeling not just old but really, really old!! But yes, Little Joe was the eye candy-along with Candy there in the background on that show. But another show which you will not have heard of either The Big Valley had the even better eye candy of Lee Majors http://z5.ifrm.com/9060/140/0/p1028735/lee_majors_shirtless_the_big_valley_color_4x6_bv227_094df.jpg http://www.oocities.org/thorn_deathbreeze/CLOSET_STARS_2.JPG Gman
  19. But was it really a gaffe since it occurred before the truth came out? It seems more like a matter of bad timing than say for example Helen Thomas' remark which rightfully ended her career-and which I would classify as worse than a gaffe. Gman
  20. Weren't there a few hints (other than him having a hunky football quarterback as a boyfriend, of course) that he was a faygele as Harold Gould (who was playing Jodie's Jewish hospital roommate when they were both hospitalized for some reason)? I still remember asking my mother what faygele meant. She told me. In case anyone doesn't know, it's a Yiddish term for gay. It comes from the German Vogel which means bird. I guess the thought is we flitter around. But forget Jodie-how could you concentrate on him when there was Danny Dallas (Ted Wass) http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-TNK9KNzP6WU/UqXSdgwBm0I/AAAAAAAAZrg/9i1hK1qRpZw/s1600/tedWas.jpg And Peter Campbell (Peter Urich) And for you guys (and ladies) too young to remember either of these guys, these are not good pictures-but were some of the best I could find. Both of these guys were hotter than you could imagine-esp Mr. Urich. There were a few shower scenes on Soap with him. I LOVED those. I may not have been sure I was gay at 16. But I knew I liked looking at handsome men and had for as far back as I could remember. Gman
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