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Everything posted by SirBillybob

  1. He admitted it was from his “elderly dachshund” and he had intended to dispose of it (though what does canine age have to do with it?) Anyway he was sacked (February), the ballet director that is, not the pooch. We already know the poo was sacked. Regarding the vending machine idea it’s possible this classic European bar is sold there.
  2. The critic assumed dog feces. Requires further analysis. Coulda been swan droppings close at hand.
  3. For best behinds best be Heinz. Just ask a young Joey Tribbiani fresh off his Spartacus cover.
  4. Why I rip open the ketchup packet(s) ahead of time, prior to wrapping my hands around a greasy whopper.
  5. Only to discover it merely contained oxygen.
  6. In this case, evidently three sides. The 3rd party or 2nd overnight escort and the client (OP) have apparently written a review of each other with identical wording. An inexplicable 3-legged race of an arrangement, though perhaps neutrally rendered strategically to support plausible deniability of running afoul of prostitution law. Rentmen seems to be set up in an overarching way as a community of sorts, the arbitrary distinction between two membership categories potentially blurred; smart in a way, and supports Jarrod’s view of separating theft events from hookup context. One missing piece is whether the second chap could corroborate evidence of thievery, or might he worry about risk of implicating himself by getting involved.
  7. Queen Olga, well for a day at least. A great series, and well done, ANZ hosting.
  8. I do believe, on stand-alone basis, it is actually the crime of joyriding or unauthorized use of a vehicle, not GTA, if it was actually the OP’s (that part is unclear, if keys referred to Airbnb only), and even if it’s purpose was to get access to the tourist lodgings for entry and theft. But then, can one do much more than speculate with bare bones info?
  9. The sentence regarding violence has the flavour of hearsay, and risks a solid argument on the part of the escort to have the site delete the entire review, not that negative reviews have a long shelf life, as we know. I think it would have been better to cut it short, just the event facts, and viewers can read between the lines.
  10. Was this a cash-sub : findom dynamic according to kinks you had previously described? The fine line between a true badass and a convincing performative badass? And at exorbitant cost amounts according to your suggestion that you are open to undertaking the hobby albeit very expensive and without physical interaction to boot. Not sure if you were half-joking then. The narrative is ambiguous. You seem to possess a level of intelligence that would ordinarily inoculate most clients against the mishap you reported. You had subsequently attempted contact with the understanding that a role-play scenario was to be wrapped up later but he broke the contract? You wrote “no answer yet”. As of today, it appears you were clearly wronged. The net effect of robbery is the same in terms of resources and legal recourse, outside of implicit role-based arousal, but I’m not sure if there was upfront negotiation that set up the events and it went south, as opposed to the more typical sex for money. This to me is as interesting as the obvious implications and options of police reports, state prostitution law, theft or travel insurance, tech damage control, etc. I also wonder if there was a clear set $ fee amount stipulated or more vague ‘goods in kind’. And what about the 2nd guy? Was your capacity to pay him impaired by the loss of wallet, etc? Brief aside: A legal defense viz prostitution law might be that you solicited a dude with a view to paying him not to have sex. Might be an interesting test case in relation to the “deviate sex” wording (although I think it may refer to sodomy; haven’t read the legislation), depending on whether communication tracks were on the site or a few degrees of separation such as phone. Seriously, though, I suggest keeping it simple if you decide to report it, as others have suggested, merely as a necessity for an insurance claim. Though true cash subs surely have enormous underwriting deductibles.
  11. It’s a nod to Metallica’s 1st album and stencilled in the same style, as poetic to some as Tennyson. Not sure, though, it would go ever well meeting your parents, or would impress as a wedding date unless he was your +1 at their Montreal stadium concert last week (as ad suggests you could take him anywhere). A tattoo of “metal up your ass”, the originally conceived and dialled back album title, might have been too on the nose. Overall, best to stick to the T-shirts. There were mobs of them cramming the subway home, apparently many soccer Moms & Dads seeking nostalgia, sprinkled with adult young’uns, funny how heavy metal still takes.
  12. A regular filed away a comment I made in passing that I liked to read books on shortlists in candidacy for various major annual fiction prizes. He researched and gifted me 5 such novels one Christmas, along with the receipt, in the event I had read any and wished to exchange. He outdid my own creativity in spite of my being obsessed with him at the time.
  13. Hah … outrageous. Yeah, best not to look and risk tripping onto a Brandunning‘s dogmatique posts, unless you seek a particular side dish of grey matter with the chap you choose for sex. Seeing the content can be a mistake if a satisfactory erotic experience could have otherwise neutrally transpired. Often the crew guy entourage hold similar views. Many of them should stick to physique posing. Doesn’t necessarily mean not decent fellows worth spending certain types of time with, unless you pick up meta elements of contempt (wink nudge), eg viz orientation. Remember that the education major is moving weight around and valuable insertion in some areas from those viewed as sheeple is restricted. I had a longterm regular years ago that refused to consider the salutary benefits of influenza vaccination. Didn’t make or break the enjoyment, but the basis was natural vs artificial immunity, nothing conspiratorial. We also had arguments surrounding anecdotal reports of supplement benefits typically without gold standard RCT underpinnings. He actually, however, exerted a big influence facilitating my physical condition and health.
  14. Well, Doxy PEP certainly holds promise but bacterial STI drug resistance is a genuine concern that requires further investigation and has put most of the clinical world outside San Fran Health on greater pause. In fact, the known higher level of already existing gonorrhea tetracycline class resistance in France compared to USA is put forward as a possible explanation for the difference in some of the research findings regarding Doxy PEP impact between the two settings. Another important factor is the overall high gonorrhea incidence in trials for both treatment and control arms, compared to syphilis and chlamydia. One might be impressed by risk reduction figures but not be comfortable with the actual incidence rate of gonorrhea that nevertheless occurs on PEP, in spite of a small average handful of different partners. There may be some good news regarding the potential for gonorrhea infection risk reduction conferred by Meningococcal B vaccine, as it has shown significant effects on its own in research tacking it on to Doxy PEP study, I believe not yet assessed in combination. Unfortunately, just one small trial recruiting in USA at this time: in Chapel Hill, but with a urethral gonorrhea exposure challenge (!; I doubt a fun one, and the cohort upper age limit is decades below our median) Therefore, global efforts may eventually involve a multi-pronged approach. That said, one major way to reduce incidence and prevalence remains via regular surveillance and diagnosis-centred treatment prn. If this were to be done assiduously the effects would be enormous.
  15. Odds are ratios. Just ask your bookie or the bored mechanical rabbit at the dog track. Probability can be computed as an odds ratio and vice versa. 1.4% probability is odds p/(1-p): .014/.986, commonly depicted as .014:.986, but because odds are best depicted as x:1, more steps are required to find the multiplier, 71.43 in this case, to convert the ratio to 1:70.4 … It’s just faster to divide 100 by 1.4 to yield the chance 1/71.4 In some cases chance is a better descriptor than probability. As @Unicorn correctly states, PrEP infection probability is reduced to .014%, but that may be less relatable compared to 1.4%. Therefore 1/7,144 chance of infection may be employed. At that high a figure an odds of 7,143:1 of NOT infection does not add much info. [I had mistyped 1/9,091 as opposed to 1/7,144 in an earlier post, edit window having expired] Of course, chance is just an informal synonym for probability but I prefer not to use them interchangeably because probability has a defined range 0-100% or 0.0-1.0
  16. Well, no. It is true that the single event probability is static and that probability is not influenced by successive exclusion, as in, say, lotteries where each ball number can only be drawn once. A clinician would certainly not present the ‘reset’ idea to a HIV serodiscordant couple. The probability does carry over in this context. 1% the first time, 1.99% combining 2 times, 2.97% combining 3 times, and as I wrote, 63.4% by the 100th time. Well, not literally 63.4% THE 100th time, but the aggregate of 100 events produces a risk of at least 63.4% overall. Additionally, the higher the number of risk events the greater the chance of an unspecified number of additional infection events occurring, beyond 1, although only one infection event is basically relevant for probability purposes. Clinical factors related to multiple transmissions may pose additional implications. One can reverse engineer the formula to calculate the number of risk events that produces an arbitrary probability, say 10%. The formula contains an exponential component, so 20 times in total does not exactly double the risk of 10 times in total, and so on. In research we call this a nonlinear function. One must account for successively avoiding the 1% single event undesired outcome. (Well, not successive in succession because the infection may occur prior to one of the events in the aggregate that did not transmit infection) That is why during COVID peaks where infection transmissibility status was unknown the recommendation given for, say, 6 as opposed to 10 guests at a holiday dinner, or 6 as opposed to 10 1:1 lunches to carry less overall risk.
  17. “But but but, your honour, I was only passively involved!”
  18. Or your criminal behaviour is spread out and saturates your zone less.
  19. Hahahah. Heartbreak, ecstasy, or schadenfreude. MVP runner-up Stockholm penalty syndrome, given 2016 Olympic quarterfinals.
  20. In The Village I often just give in and hand over cash to those that seek it, usually in 4-minute iterations as if Groundhog Day were going out of style. In doing so, I break the law, outside of purchasing Perrier and pizza. In fact, I commit far more criminal offences compared to anybody in The Village seeking cash implicitly or explicitly. I don’t really notice the panhandling apocalypse others describe. I would just consider it the price of admission to being illicit in the area where we mutually congregate. 😏
  21. Spoiler Alert, if you play the clip (8 seconds), though I removed uniform colour. —- Oh my, heartbreak by millimetres. FullSizeRender.MOV
  22. Software easy to grasp and install for a certain operational use or task.
  23. These estimates can be calculated using the “probability of at least one” algorithm. For 1/100 chance per event, 100 events produces a 63.4% likelihood of minimally one occurrence. For the actual HIV risk estimate of 1/72 per event, 72 events produces a 63.8% likelihood of minimally one infection transmission; 100 events produces a 75.6% likelihood of infection transmission. Again, these figures relate to unprotected receptive anal intercourse with one or more ‘topping’ poz partners with detectable viral load. In Canada about one-quarter of people living with HIV have detectable viral load.
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