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    + ProGay reacted to + OliverSaks in Giving Tuesday   
    Psychedelic treatments for PTSD / depression / addiction / others
    Matching donations until end of the year, hoping to bring mdma therapy to FDA approval for PTsD by 2021
    (Personally meaningful, great potential for helping relieve suffering)
    Mosquito nets to prevent child mortality - one of the most bang for your buck charitable locations, consistently rated one of the best charities (low overhead and high impact)
    givedirectly.org (what it sounds like - give money directly to people in poverty, they decide how to best use it)
  2. Like
    + ProGay reacted to + FrankR in Giving Tuesday   
    Yes, I always give to the Ali Forney Center in NYC. As you indicated there are a lot of homeless LGBT youth in NYC - I believe San Fran and LA face some of the same problems, but NYC has always been a beacon of hope for these young people. They need all the help they can get. In fact, they opened the Bea Arthur Residence for this purpose a year or so ago (I will post a link below.). Give!! Dorothy Zbornak would approve!!

  3. Like
    + ProGay reacted to KeepItReal in Giving Tuesday   
    Will you participate in 'Giving Tuesday'??
    I have two charities I favor. One is particularly close to my heart - takes care of homeless youth on the streets of New York City, many of whom are LGBTQ and got kicked out by their families. It sounds cliche, but when you talk to these kids you find they are mostly from southern and mid western states. Heartbreaking - I am not a crier, but it is HARD to come face to face with their reality.
    The firm I work for will match my gift on Tuesday, so I save up for the opportunity.

  4. Like
    + ProGay got a reaction from + FrankR in Giving Tuesday   
    The Trevor Project - Saving Young LGBTQ Lives
    "The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13–24."
  5. Like
    + ProGay got a reaction from KeepItReal in Giving Tuesday   
    The Trevor Project - Saving Young LGBTQ Lives
    "The Trevor Project is the leading national organization providing crisis intervention and suicide prevention services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning (LGBTQ) young people ages 13–24."
  6. Like
    + ProGay reacted to Hadakanbo in Escort scene in Japan   
    I recently arrived back home from Japan. I was there a little over 2 weeks, and during that time I had 3 escorts. I couldn't help myself because the prices were so low! Most of the guys there operate out of what essentially are brothels. The companies that own these brothels also own some of the porn companies in Japan. So basically Japanese gay porn is often a way to advertise the guys' services.
    I met the first guy, Ryoji, in Tokyo: http://en.hi-na.com/cast/profile.php?cast=1107
    I enjoyed his videos, so I wanted to meet: https://acceed.jp/search.php?model=on&c=10396
    This guy is straight. We met at a nearby train station and then he took me to the brothel. In the brothels, you see nobody else but your guy. Not other guys, other staff members, other customers, nobody. We went to the room. He gave me some snacks and a soda. We then took a shower together, with him washing me. We then then a throat gargle and a mouthwash gargle. I'm normally not a fan of blowjobs, but Japan made me a fan of them. My time with Ryoji was great. After we finished, we again showered and gargled. At the end of the session, he gave me a special photobook of the company's boys that the company produced for their recent 14th anniversary, which he autographed. I spent 90 minutes with him, for 17,000 yen, or $151.
    A few days later, I met Kaiki in Osaka: http://www.dgdgdg.com/boy/detail.php?shop_id=4&boy_id=5052
    He's bi and we had an overnight in my hotel room. Again, there was the showering and gargling before and after. We had some similar interests, so he was great to talk to. Again, great at oral. We then cuddled nude and slept in each others' arms for the rest of the night. I paid for 8 hours, but he ended up staying for 10 because he overslept. For this I was not charged extra. He then rushed off to one of his college classes. So for the 8 hour overnight I paid 25,000 yen, or $222.
    I met my last guy when I went back to Tokyo, Kyouhei: http://gym-k.com/sp/prof_kyouhei.html
    He's gay, and older and more muscular than the other two. My appointment with him began by meeting a staff member around the corner from the building. He then took me to the brothel. It was the same set up as the other place: very, very private. The staff member then brought my guy to me. He wasn't as facially attractive as the other two (he wasn't ugly, just a bit older and more rugged than I'm used to), but his body more than made up for it, as did his dick and ass. Again, there was the showering and gargling before and after. He was much more energetic than the other two guys, a bit too much for me at times. I really got the sense that he was really gay and really into sex. Then gave me a full body massage as well. I spent 90 minutes with him, for 19,000 yen, or $169.
    All of my interactions were very safe, with condoms being used at all times during anal, even for fingering in some cases.
    If you don't speak or read Japanese, these services do have English sites and English-speaking staff, since they do get a lot of tourists, mainly from other parts of Asia. And there's always Google Translate.
    If you're ever in Japan, or in Asia and want to go a stopover, check out some of the local escort services. They're great and really well priced. In the end, I spent $542 for 3 guys, totaling 11 hours (13 in reality). That's like the price of 2 hours with one guy in New York.
  7. Like
    + ProGay reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in "Go get AIDS, queer" - Reese   
    If gay men didn't salivate over the 'straight/str8' fantasy, this kind of horse shit wouldn't happen as much. I'm all for spending your gay money supporting gay escorts.
    Chase the dream all you want. Just don't act shocked when they tell you that you disgust them.
  8. Like
    + ProGay reacted to + nycman in Undetectable   
    Knowledge is a double edged sword.
    I wish I didn’t have the same doubts and confusion as you, but the truth is I often have.
    In the end, I did the simple math. I’ve been with hundreds of men. Many of them had
    to have been HIV+. I just didn’t know it at the time. Take a deep breath. Realize that
    the man who has had the honesty to tell you the truth about his status is thousands
    of times more trust worthy than the men who have kept silent.
    If it really freaks you out (and it’s ok if it does, you’re human), I’d say be open and
    honest with him. Discuss your fears and concerns. If your willing to try and get
    over your phobia (and in this day and age, it is a phobia) discuss with him what
    you’re comfortable doing. You may find that this openness, honesty, caring and
    compassion takes your sexuality to an entirely new level.
  9. Like
    + ProGay got a reaction from + Italiano in Gay Bashing - Williamsburg, Brooklyn (9/23/18)   
    "Alleged Brooklyn gay basher charged with hate crimes, faces 15 years in prison."
  10. Like
    + ProGay got a reaction from + FrankR in Gay Bashing - Williamsburg, Brooklyn (9/23/18)   
    "Alleged Brooklyn gay basher charged with hate crimes, faces 15 years in prison."
  11. Like
    + ProGay reacted to ChristianCronin in Back after a hiatus!   
    Hi all!
    Where has the time gone?
    I'm not sure how long I was away, but it was far too long! Not only was I away from the forum, but I took a break from escorting altogether! Some of you may know that I do work as a pianist and also as a personal trainer; now let's add real estate to the list! Mostly rentals to start, but we'll see how far I can take it. I'm not afraid of escorting interfering with my professional life, which is surprising to some. Fredrik Edlund did porn and is currently one of the most famous real estate professionals in the world, so what do I have to worry about?!
    UGH I need to update my ad. I've bulked up a bit and I'm so excited to get back into the swing of things!
    Hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving! I'm here to stay
  12. Like
    + ProGay reacted to + Pensant in God, I hate the holidays   
    Fortunately, for many, Thanksgiving is in the rear-view mirror.
  13. Like
    + ProGay reacted to + PapaTony in God, I hate the holidays   
    I avoid family angst by inadvertently shaming them. Today, as in 24 past years, spent the day feeding the homeless. I just got home following 6 hours of organizing donations, dishing out food and distributing to the hungry. Now I get to take a shower followed by a nap and no one can or better not dare to judge me for not sitting down with them.
  14. Like
    + ProGay reacted to edjames in Apologia   
    Back on Broadway is Stockard Channing, one of my favorite actress. I last saw her in Other Desert Cities and of course, her recurring TV roles in The Good Wife. She returns in this London import by author Alexi Campbell. I have a ticket next month and eagerly look forward to seeing this based on the good review it received it today's NYTimes. Now at The Roundabout's Laura Pels theater.
    Review: Stockard Channing Is a Mother to Remember in ‘Apologia’

    Stockard Channing wields weapons of deflection like a master samurai in Alexi Kaye Campbell’s “Apologia,” which opened on Tuesday night at the Laura Pels Theater in Manhattan. The pre-emptive put-down, the obscuring fog of abstraction, the barbed aside, the motorized monologue — such are the tools expertly deployed by Ms. Channing’s character, a celebrated art historian who has trained herself to live on the defensive.
    Her name is Kristin Miller, and she is described by the more temperate of her two sons as “a bloody nightmare.” Since it is Kristin who is the host of the birthday celebration (hers) at the play’s center, and since it is Ms. Channing who is portraying her, you can expect it to become an Olympic event for the hurling of slings and arrows of high wit and low cunning.
    But anyone who has followed Ms. Channing’s four sparkling decades on the New York stage — from her Tony-winning turn in Peter Nichols’s “A Day in the Death of Joe Egg” (1985) to her portrait of a Hollywood wife with a secret in Jon Robin Baitz’s “Other Desert Cities” (2011) — knows that there’s always more to her interpretations than her fabled way with an epigram. A sharp tongue invariably guards a fragile heart in the Channing portrait gallery, which is what makes her work so affecting.
    That means that Kristin and Ms. Channing are a perfect match. And her performance in “Apologia,” a Roundabout Theater Company production directed a bit stiffly by Daniel Aukin, goes some distance in disguising the labored exposition of a work that never quite achieves a natural flow or moves you as much as it should.
    Not that “Apologia,” which I saw with Ms. Channing last year in London, doesn’t have a lot to say that is worth listening to. As in his best-known previous work, “The Pride” (2008), a diptych of two generations of gay men, Mr. Campbell is exploring the toll exacted on those who travel roads not usually taken in convention-clogged lands.

    In “Apologia,” that’s “the traditionally male-dominated bastion of art history,” as Kristin’s dear friend Hugh (John Tillinger) puts it in a birthday toast. He also praises her, with tongue only partly in cheek, as “Pioneer of Arts and Letters, Champion of the Voiceless and Redemptive Savior of the Western world.”
    The American-born Kristin came of age in the late 1960s amid the youth-fueled political protests of Western Europe, and she adheres rigidly to the ideals of that era. The younger guests at her birthday party are judged by those standards and found seriously wanting.
    They include her two British sons, Peter, a banker, and Simon, a writer (both played convincingly by an agile Hugh Dancy) and the women in their lives: Trudi (Talene Monahon), Peter’s chirpy American fiancée; and Claire (Megalyn Echikunwoke), the actress who lives with Peter. That Trudi is a devout Christian and Claire the star of a soap opera become subjects of Kristin’s withering dismissals.

    But as insults and recriminations turn a festive occasion into the birthday dinner from hell, it becomes clear that Kristin’s attacks on the values of those around her are in part smoke screens for her own most vulnerable spot. That would be her failings as her mother. She has recently published an autobiography, which shares the title of Mr. Campbell’s play, and her sons find it all too revealing that it does not include a single mention of them.
    Kristin was separated from her sons by their father when the boys were 9 and 7, and Peter and the mentally unstable Simon have never forgiven her. Or as Simon, who shows up after the party has crashed and burned (and after Mr. Dancy’s other character has conveniently gone to bed), puts it: “I woke up one morning and realized that pretty much everything we are and everything we do is a response against you.”
    How does a mother respond to such an annihilating accusation? In Kristin’s case, by shutting down, by changing the subject, by going as numb as she possibly can. This scene, which begins the second act and is the play’s most stirring, both cruelly and compassionately lays bare the mechanics of one woman’s defense system.
    Mr. Campbell is posing exciting and enduringly relevant questions here, about the price for women of achieving and sustaining professional success in a male-dominated world that sees motherhood as sacred. If Kristin has become a monster, she has perhaps had little choice. Celebrity makes at least semi-monsters of most of its possessors, but men still seem to wear that status far more comfortably than women.
    The layers of Ms. Channing’s interpretation, with its core of lacerating anguish, are more intriguing than the plot that builds to an anticlimactic reveal. Kristin explains to the unsophisticated Trudi (it would be with an “i”) that the word apologia means “a formal, written defense of one’s opinions or conduct,” adding it is “not to be confused with apology.”
    All the characters wind up presenting their own apologias, often with descriptions of pasts that explain their present. When someone says, “Did I ever tell you about my father?,” you wince in anticipation of the monologue you just know is going to follow.
    Dane Laffrey’s set (expressively lighted by Bradley King), a mixture of country comfort and academic obsession, creates a natural environment for the examination of these specimens of humanity. And Anita Yavich’s costumes are always subtly, sociologically appropriate.
    Yet the dialogue only rarely feels organic. And though Ms. Monahon and Ms. Echikunwoke are very good, they don’t disguise the schematic roles of their characters. Mr. Tillinger, best known as a director, is delightful as that hoary staple of contemporary comedy, the outspoken gay best friend.
    But it is Ms. Channing’s complex, contradictory Kristin who keeps us thinking long after the play is over. And the wordless, gut-deep howl with which she concludes “Apologia” is more wrenching and revelatory than any of the carefully arranged words that precede it.

  15. Like
    + ProGay got a reaction from marylander1940 in Jacen Zhu's Campaign Against Meth Addiction   
    "The campaign is about his fight to spread awareness about crystal meth use in the queer and trans communities of color."
  16. Like
    + ProGay reacted to + José Soplanucas in Jacen Zhu's Campaign Against Meth Addiction   
    Yey! I love Jacen. We are talking about doing something to support his campaign from my blog.
    This is a new trend in the industry, I think. Not only Jacen but other performers and studios are trying to do something about the epidemic of drugs abuse and deaths.
  17. Like
    + ProGay got a reaction from + José Soplanucas in Jacen Zhu's Campaign Against Meth Addiction   
    "The campaign is about his fight to spread awareness about crystal meth use in the queer and trans communities of color."
  18. Like
    + ProGay got a reaction from + oldNbusted in Jacen Zhu's Campaign Against Meth Addiction   
    "The campaign is about his fight to spread awareness about crystal meth use in the queer and trans communities of color."
  19. Like
    + ProGay got a reaction from Nvr2Thick in Favorite TV (Fictional) Gay Couple   
    Ed & Tom (John Amos & Stacy Keach) - "Two and a Half Men"
  20. Like
    + ProGay reacted to Gvtire in Favorite TV (Fictional) Gay Couple   
    Stacy Keach and John Amos on Two and Half Men
  21. Like
    + ProGay reacted to samhexum in Favorite TV (Fictional) Gay Couple   
    Robin... stop staring at my crotch and cover up yours!
  22. Like
    + ProGay reacted to wbtravis in God, I hate the holidays   
    So much pressure and expectation and money spent. I also cannot support being with family just because we’re related. Some people are toxic and entitled. Sadly, I have to go along with Thanksgiving for the sake of others.
    If you read this, don’t pity me. Be grateful if you are lucky enough to value those you’ll be with and they value you. Being grateful is it’s own reward. Do it for both of us. I can be happy for those who get fuel from this, even if I don’t.
  23. Like
    + ProGay got a reaction from tennisjock in His ad is down, but does anyone know if Derek Atlas is still available?   
    Beginning July 25th, 2018, Derek Atlas will not be available for a maximum of 40 months and a minimum of 12 months (w/credit for 97 days served).
  24. Like
    + ProGay got a reaction from steed8 in Working Guy/Major Porn Star Robert Van Damme   
    "Has Violent Felon And Gay-For-Pay Porn Star Robert Van Damme Been Released From Prison Early?"
  25. Like
    + ProGay reacted to TruHart1 in Met Opera: Marnie. Where is Tippy Hedrin?   
    IMO, this is quite a coup for the MET/U.S. premiere of a new opera - tying it to the classic Hitchcock film by having the Marnie of the opera lead the film's Marnie onstage for a bow. That's Tippi Hedren in the red dress, standing next to Isabel Leonard:

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