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Ryan Roman

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Posts posted by Ryan Roman

  1. I was Ithinking going to Brussels.

    I think I could try only outcall at first, then if I see I have some success, doing also incall.

    I never tried viagra, I'm not on prep


    You should get on PrEP if you're seriously thinking about becoming an escort, and it's not a bad idea to become familiar with Viagra or Cialis as tools of the trade... Going through the older posts on the board may prove to be very educational.

  2. It varies greatly from escort to escort. I personally enjoy kissing and always communicate “kissing is a must.” But truthfully, most of my clients cannot kiss and then I just feel like I’m being eaten. And that’s no fun.


    I personally love kissing, and always kiss when with a client, but I've encountered a number of clients over the years where kissing = face eating... Make the best of the situation and push through...

  3. I plan on contacting some of these guys eventually. One of them quite soon... Now he's going to see that I've looked at his profile so many times that clearly I'm a weirdo.


    I am a weirdo but I'd rather he didn't know that before we meet. lol


    They'll all have me blocked.


    Actually, if a guy kept checking out my profile, I'd send him a message thanking him for checking out my page and to let me know if he had any questions.

  4. Hi! I have an idea and I don't know if it's within the scope of what an escort might consider?


    I have a divisible by ten birthday coming up. I'm planning a party with thirty or so of my buddies, and I'd like to hire an escort as entertainment, because everyone likes to be around a sexy friendly man. Then, maybe a buddy expresses interest: they're encouraged (but if course don't have to) go up to the bedroom to do whatever, then come back downstairs to resume being charming. I know that's asking a lot, and I'm willing to pay accordingly, but I don't know if that's even the sort of thing that is on the menu? Anyone have any input or advice?


    PS I'd ask one of my favorites if he'd be interested in being party entertainment, but everyone I hire has the annoying habit of retiring a month or two after we meet!


    I'd suggest hiring a couple of escorts. As hot as it could be, one escort might not be able handle that number of men. The suggestion of hiring a few as 'help' for the party is a good idea and spreads the workload around... IMO...

  5. hi guys


    I'm wondering if it's a good idea (revenue-wise) to work in cities which have very low amount of other male escorts.


    for example, the biggest cities (300-400k inhabitants) in the canary Islands seem to have no more than 3-5 escorts available (on rentmen and local websites) .


    Would it means it's a good plan, or rather that the demand is very low? Any experience in this kind of setup?


    I've had mixed experiences with working in mid-sized cities. It's been hit or miss for me.

  6. I will be visiting Toronto in a few weeks and am looking for recommendation for any of the local guys. Looking for guys 24-40, versatile to top. Will be staying downtown. Any recommendations would be welcome.


    What type of guy are you attracted to?

  7. Damn you, now I got to wondering...


    My busiest day in terms of number of appointments is February 18, but that's only my 19th most highly paid day. Conversely, my most highly paid day, April 5, ranks 123 in terms of number of bookings. It would make sense that highly paid days would have relatively few but longer bookings. Indeed, on the high end there seems to be little correlation between number of bookings and total revenue.


    Understandably, there's a much tighter correlation on the low end. My worst day for both number of bookings and total revenue is of course February 29. Excepting that, my fewest number of bookings is October 19 (364th in total revenue) and my least paid day is February 23 (360th in terms of bookings).


    God love pivot tables.


    Kevin Slater


    I've got to start keeping better track of business via an Excel file...

  8. Don't worry about something that hasn't happened yet.

    Note: DaddysReviews will send you a head's up on a negative review.


    Thanks :). I appreciate your reply. The last few months have been pretty intense in my life, so I'm probably more hyper-sensative right now than I usually would be. Thanks again for your reply. Hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.

  9. So, despite my better judgement, I took a client I shouldn't have, and I'm worried it's going to bite me in the ass with a bad review. It wasn't a situation I normally work in, and the client made it difficult to accomplish a couple of tasks. I stayed an extra 4 hours, but it seems to have been to no avail. Any suggestions on how to move forward?

  10. Does the person on the other end also need Wickr for the messages to burn from their messenger app?


    I have WhatsApp, and it says it's end-to-end encrypted, but it's FB and I don't trust FB. I keep it for folks who are from other countries because of the cost/access benefits outlined by others above. I don't love when folks from the US use it in lieu of SMS but whatever.


    I personally use Wickr - it's got end-to-end encryption, disappearing messages (you can set a burn on read timer for any time you choose from 1 second to 6 days), doesn't ask for a phone number or email to set up an account, is free (for the personal use - there's a business one for multi-user teams, not necessary). It's got a desktop app and a phone app; you can use fingerprint ID to unlock on devices with that ability. I also like Telegram for many of the same reasons, though I don't love that you specifically have to set up an encrypted connection.

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