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Ryan Roman

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Posts posted by Ryan Roman

  1. Quite a few of my clients are overweight. Some informed me in advance and some didn't. However, IMHO, if you're going to be an escort, you need to be able to work with a client, regardless of weight. They're hiring us to bring them some pleasure into their lives. The only issue I've had with overweight clients is some sexual positions just may not work well...


    Would you rather overweight clients inform you about their expectations before meeting?
  2. 4 1/2 days... 4 nights and a morning...


    Overnights are common, and weekends are fairly common. Entire weeks aren't unheard of, but I'm curious, and so I ask our current working men....


    ...what's the longest amount of time you've been hired by (and spent time with) a client?


    I'm not asking about how long have you had a person hiring you consistently. I mean that you quoted them a price for X amount of days/weeks/months and things progressed from there.

  3. In my humble opinion... Given what's happening throughout North America (U.S. and Canada), it's going to be tough to find a place less than $900 a month that you find suitable as an escort. My current apartment in a 1931 apartment building is $865 a month. Affordable housing is becoming a real issues throughout the U.S. and Canada. You may find that any apartment you select will have a couple of downsides that hopefully you can live with... Good luck hunting!

    Owning for now is out of the equation. I have friends and have come across people who’ve owned homes, and either they bought it together with someone (and then broke up) or they were fortunate to have a relative who passed down a home to them, thus acquiring it thru the family. Or they had the right helping hand getting into it. It’d be great if buying a home was like buying a car. Cars depreciate. Homes not so much.


    Neighbors are a concern, but you know...most straight white people (I only say because they happened to have been my neighbors for about 5 years) have no idea about our “lifestyle”. If I was a woman, that would make it more obvious. But as a guy, they are oblivious. I lived in a weird setup where each condominium corridor had only 1 flight of stairs and 2 neighboring doors. So if the neighbors were leaving and the client was coming up, they would be forced to run into each other. I out-stayed 2 young white couples, 2 years each. However, part of me did feel like they might have had some reservations about unknown guys popping up to my place at random. I couldn’t tell if they moved because of not having central air, or because of the occasional traffic.


    At the same time, that’s why all places I’ve lived...I deal with neighbors sparingly and cordially. I hung out with some briefly and would small talk here and there, but no deep conversations and discussions that didn’t pertain to them.


    That’s the other reason for my increase pickiness when choosing a place. Trying to blend privacy, affordability, and convenience all in one and not pay $1,000 a month for it.

  4. I expect to be paid in local currency, though I wouldn't object to getting US money in Canada.


    I don't personally change my rates nor do I recalculate based on exchange. My hourly US rate is in line with the NYC market; in Canada, the same number of dollars (but just Canadian dollors) is a bit high for the market. I keep my rates the exact same number, just in Canadian dollars. Yes, it means I am making less per hour with the exchange rate, but I'm focused here on the experience of the guy hiring me - he's paying a lot more than he might pay a local and I think I would cost myself some business by changing my rate to account for the exchange; effectively, if I did that, my rate would be about twice the average for a market like Toronto.


    That's what I do when crossing the border for clients - I keep my rates the same for CAD$ and US$.

  5. So, if I'm reading the thread correctly, the issue is there are too many 'average joe's' on RentMen these days another not enough 'model-type' escorts. IMHO... The great thing about RentMen and similar sites is there is something for everyone. If you don't want an 'average joe,' don't hire one. Many of us 'average joes' do OK as we are. I know an 'average joe' like me isn't for everyone, but for a lot of men, guys like me are what they like... IMO...

  6. I think the escorts who post here are a good representation of the ones out there on RM.


    The OP's language is confrontational. i don't call guys I don't like twerps... I wonder how he looked when he was young enough to escort.


    Does he think:


    @Benjamin_Nicholas has a handsome face and a swimmers body?


    @OliverSaks has a handsome face and a smooth body?


    @Ryan Wolff is the perfect definition of baby faced otter?


    @Kevin Slater is a hot top and does very well in the competitive market o nyc?


    or @kurtiswolfe is the definition of jock?




    '@Ryan Wolff is the perfect definition of baby faced otter?'


    I've never thought of myself as a baby faced otter

  7. I had leave some friends the other day, during pride fest. However, it kinda happened during an intermission period where the older day crowd transitioned to the younger, drunker evening crowd, around 5-6 pm. In that case I was able to break away, even though otherwise it would have been improper since I had parked a ways away and had my friend drive me back.


    Plus the client only lived like 0.5 miles away from the action.


    I will say it’s harder to break away from friends when I have to host, versus client hosting. But generally...I don’t like to break away from friends if I’m out doing specific plans. I’ve had friends get upset or part ways because of it. It’s not that they don’t understand, but it can annoying. I only do it if it’s A) been a slow week and B) whatever me and friends are doing, isn’t something formal: like a wedding. We also agree beforehand, that if something comes up...I may need to take it.

    If it was something formal, I'd pass on the client. However, most of the time it's pretty informal, and they understand it's a part time job for me.

  8. Rentmen requires at least five characters in an email reply. Annoying, because what I really mean to say is "No". Every single character after those two distract from the nuance of my reply. I hate to obfuscate my message just for some arbitrary character requirement.


    Kevin Slater


  9. And never a headache to go with this sudden discharge? ;-)


    I tried Viagra a couple of times but I didn’t like the headache it gave me. When I mentioned this to my physician, he said I had to use Viagra regularly 8x before my body would adjust and not give me a headache (he added that it was a common side-effect)

    I'd never had the Viagra headache. My sinuses will swell on occasion, but it's nothing more than a nuisance.

  10. So, what comes next?

    I've noticed a few higher end escorts using rent messure to advertise and get clients - even though we all know they know nothing about being a messure. But, it still allows for them to use Twitter (no longer an option on RentMen) to market themselves. IDK what's next, but gay men have a long history of find ways around ill planned rules and regulations imposed on us. Someone will figure out a solution.

  11. Well, that’s why I’ve created FLAKES OF RENTMEN on twitter to put review and warning to these kind of characters. Personally, Rentmen has always been a very flaky site compared to all the predecessors. It’s just become more known and popular. Now, it’s become more popular than ever, and now is the time to be more vigilant than ever.


    What's the Twitter handle so I can follow you?

  12. All of the sudden misspelled words, U instead of "you" as normal and demanding thuggish folks texting escorts...


    Did this people just crawled out of Backpage?


    How much for a naked massage if I touch your cock?


    You don't do massage... how much to fuck?


    Something has definitely changed with the shut down of Craigslist/Backpage as a result of FOSTA. And with RentMen the only real option left, it's attracting a group of clients we didn't encounter previously.

  13. So I have made arrangements for an extended period of time with an escort (noon to noon) at the end of this month. I'm wondering what I should plan - meals, activities in & out of the bedroom, giving him some quiet time if he would like, etc. I've done overnights before (Billy Herrington RIP); this will be the longest date in my history.


    Any thoughts?


    I have a regular client that will book me for 3 nights. Other than discussing places to stay while he is in town, we tend to spend most our time in the hotel room and only venturing out for lunch or dinner. It never hurts to have a few details organized in advance... IMO...

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