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Everything posted by RunnerGuy

  1. Nothing has changed except the name. Same guys, good massages, ymmv. I keep getting the same masseur despite booking different dates and times. Would love to hear from anyone else, especially about Armond.
  2. Yeah, it's been well established that those aren't his photos. His nude photos were carefully cropped photos of a BelAmi porn star named Chance (from like 10-15 years ago -- who does that?).
  3. Mandalay is still the place to play.
  4. How do you know he does not do massage anymore? His ad seems active and it appears he checked it just a few days ago? Did he tell you directly?
  5. Have you tried using the way back machine to see if you can retrieve any of your content?
  6. Well, it is a holiday weekend (Passover/Easter/420) so he may be out of town or unavailable. Maybe cut the guy some slack? "Ask me" pricing is always a little bit of a red flag though. And I always laugh when guys go crazy for blue eyes, which is just a genetic variance. If you have blue eyes and a big dick you're valued more.
  7. Recent Yelp reviews are not positive at all.
  8. Maybe they have high turnover on their masseurs. Maybe they are illegal immigrants. Maybe they just want privacy. Burke Williams doesn't have photos of their staff. Neither does Voda, West Hollywood or several other spas. If looks are important to you over skill, there are other sites for that.
  9. This is my home location. My main masseur left a few months ago. I would say most of the other male masseurs are fine (excluding one guy who was fresh out of school and not as good but his name eludes me at the moment). It's actually one of the newer locations (old one was on Sunset) and compact (everything is in one area except the dry sauna). I like the large showers better than say, Santa Monica. Like any place (especially with moisture) things wear down. But they finally repaired the sauna door which was warped and not closing for awhile. They can do a better job with taking towels and cups out of the steamroom (which is all glass so they should see when it's messy) but the other areas are kept clean. The crowd is chill. Some light action but the layout doesn't really allow it. Despite being Weho/Hollywood, there is no attitude here. The Santa Monica location has some weird/hostile energy.
  10. Sorry but disagree with you on this point. Open sores can be a sign of transmittable diseases or infection (herpes, impetigo, etc). For his safety and that of future/other clients, he absolutely can say no. Even if the cause is more benign (acne), open sores can become infected or irritated from massage or oils used.
  11. It's been mentioned in a few previous threads: https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/m4m-spas-in-la.105475/ https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/los-angeles-spas-with-handsy-massuers.125016/ Most said it was mediocre. Google maps pulls up a not great street shot.
  12. That's a shame. I find (his old photos) incredibly sexy.
  13. Looks like there's been some turnaround with the masseurs in Hollywood since I've been gone. Any recent recommendations?
  14. I was terrified of that piercing getting caught and ripped out.
  15. I have. Nice guy, bigger, quiet. Strictly professional as all BW masseurs are.
  16. Way to generalize MY people. Oh, I thought you didn't do that.
  17. Didn't you call Grindr a "sleazy app" in another thread? Another narrative shift from a wavering poster.
  18. It's obvious that the original poster started this thread to bait people into sharing their own personal experiences and then claim racism where there is none. Everyone's senses are individual. Scents that appeal to one person may not appeal to another. And how one's nose/brain processes a scent differs from person to person. Just how some people saw that dress and gold and others as blue. No one is right or wrong. There is no "lesson" to be learned here -- no one can govern how another person feels ... or smells. And just FYI, I always ask everyone who comes over to shower with me because I have a big stall shower and find the foreplay a turn-on. Or are you also now going to dictate what should turn me on and off? Ridiculous.
  19. You CLEARLY read that post in isolation. First, as a fellow "brown" guy, I am very sensitive to others having predetermined beliefs about everything from my diet to my scent. Second, I have never said any race "smells." In fact, in all of my posts, I specifically used the word "scent" because I know the word "smell" can be offensive. Go ahead, look back. Third, you assume that this was the first black man I have been sexual with. That is not the case. I have had relations with black men that have no scent, ones that have a pleasant scent, and ones who do not have a pleasant scent. Just like any other race. Just because I use my senses doesn't mean I'm racist. For example, if a man -- any man -- has visible cuts on his genitals, I do not proceed. If there is fecal matter visually or olfactory present, I do not proceed. It doesn't matter if my partner is white, black, brown, yellow, green, or purple. For someone who claims to "not get worked up" about such things, you sure have gotten really worked up. I've learned this week there's a lot of people who get easily triggered on this board, despite their claims that they don't. Oh, btw. The slut shaming for me using a "sleazy app" is ironic from someone who gets invited to threesomes. I'm sure you know all the parties involved very well.
  20. Way to pass judgment. We met on an app, I invited him over to my (non-smelly) place. We chatted, took a shower, and took things to bed. Nothing "sleazy" (relatively speaking) or "unclean" about it, so don't twist my words to fit your narrative.
  21. Sizeist? Try being a brown guy walking into a predominantly white establishment. I'm glad I'm only at the SM location til the end of this month because some of the attitudes there stink. Even at the Hollywood location which is closer to Weho there are less divas.
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