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Everything posted by harlow

  1. I think if you're a fan of the show as I am then you liked the movie like I did lol
  2. I definitely didn't have any complaints about his services. After all he was the inspiration for my username lmao.
  3. It also depends on the type of guy you're looking for....especially for an overnight. The quality of providers in Atlanta has changed a bit in recent years in my opinion and not for the better. Besides the only one that comes to mind that I would recommend is on hiatus indefinitely due to the COVID situation.
  4. Back in the day I hired quite a few guys from Norfolk Male escorts that were featured in the Boy Batter films....to include the now infamous Harlow Cuadra. Yes the Harlow Cuadra of the Cobra murder case. Yikes
  5. I wanna do the same and go to DC to see mine
  6. OMG you gotta be kidding me!!!!!!!!!!!!! This just gets worse and worse:(:(:(:(
  7. Yup...and there's so many closeted government workers and politicians too. A couple of guys I hire tell me about it all the time. Even some of the more savvy escorts time their visits when Congress is in session. They rack up a lot of income because of the increase in clients
  8. I work for the government and I'm in DC all the time (not right now obviously) and I love the place. I love seeing my regular providers.
  9. Nah glad I read that....hard pass on any deposits
  10. harlow

    Race Hangups

    Absolutely there’s discrimination. Check out this thread as well https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/is-there-discrimination-against-clients.151183/
  11. I kinda feel like you do. I’m just waiting for my phone to buzz and it’s one of my regulars asking for an advance or to prepay for a session. I would hate to ruin our chemistry by saying no because I wanna believe they’ll keep their end of the bargain.
  12. Umm I changed my mind not long after I posted that response....thing went on hold for me pretty quit. Shit got real!
  13. harlow


  14. Just had a 90min session with Paolo. I’ll definitely repeat.
  15. Same here...I lived in Oceanside and went to SD and LA regularly
  16. I think I'm kind of the same. I've been heading to DC quite a bit to see a regular thats retired but still sees me
  17. I always wanted to try waxing but I've always been worried about get an erection....especially if a guy like Ricky is doing the job lol
  18. harlow


    That’s unfortunate. The last time I saw Andrew was in Dallas last June. Everything went great but I do remember he was trying to meet a traveling deadline around that that time. Maybe you got caught on the short end of that. It’s not like him to “ghost” anyone. I’d say if your travel plans work out again give it another try with him. He really is a great guy
  19. Met him when he came to Atlanta...amazing time
  20. I’m always skeptical about the Russian escorts and masseurs...they usually travel in packs and are a total ripoff
  21. Its only THC extracted from marijuana only. It can be cooked into baked goods or candy. No shrooms or anything.
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