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Everything posted by tassojunior

  1. odd how euthanasia is legalized when health systems are broke
  2. Most pornstars live in Czech and in Prague rates are 200 and go down.......
  3. Sometimes the last story at the bottom of the front page of the Guardian just sort of jumps out more than the headlines:
  4. I do like that "Lucifarian" adjective though.....must tuck away in notes for future use.
  5. I checked and all three hustler bars are still open. They are close to the main train station, NOT in St. Pauli. They are very close together. TomasKeller is the big one that's been there a long time always hustlers.. Pick Up is small as is ExtraTour. TomasKeller is a couple doors down from the big SLUT club where you have to be nude most times. There is a gaggle of gay bars including at least one super cruisy one across the small park and up the street from SLUT.
  6. South Korea has traffic lights in the curb so you don't have to look up from your phone.
  7. no fan of NPR or BBC. Both strongly pro-US government distortion. They should have kept to Eastenders.
  8. Have you ever been to Stiges for gay pride? Everyone here knows how to google. Wikipedia is not the place to find gay stops or events and most googling is obsolete because Stiges Gay Pride just started in 2009 and closed for covid 2 years.
  9. was there during Pride 2 years ago. It goes for a week and has 100,000 at the final all night party. Pretty sure it's the biggest in EU. Started to go last summer as there are a lot of new resort hotels but passed for Nice. which I like better than BCN now.
  10. Before the pandemic there were 3 hustler bars in Hamburg, close together. IDK now.
  11. That's what the Good Germans said. Shut up about the stinking Jews. No one else cares. Just shut up if you don't agree with the genocide.
  12. People are not going to let racists and pro-genocide people post undisputed. So all it does is create fights between the people here for sex news and those here to just troll politics on a sex site. The purpose is to kill the site which is self-defeating since no one else bothers with their pro-genocide political diarrhea. .
  13. "Everyone" understands that being Pro-Semite is anti-Semitic. What nonsense the media comes up with. Murdering 25,000 Semites is not antisemitic, but offending Ackman's wife is the most vile antisemitista and the Semites must be put to death for it. Genocidiing Semites is not anti-semitic but being against the genocide is anti-Semitic. Do these newscasters ever listen to themselves? It's pure hogwash. And I'm sure Ackman's wife wasn't given a pass on her worse plagiarism because he's a billionaire. . Mentioning that would be anti-Semitic toward the non-Semite. Orwellian babble. On the "get off or get in free because I'm rich scale" Blacks are way down the totem pole/ Money is what matters most. and every other accepted person seems to be incompetent rich people. I liked Gay's "fuck you" attitude toward the fascists more than her tongue-tied counterparts. And she is plenty smart. She''s getting $1 million/ year now to do nothing,
  14. Why use a 100 year old $10 word instead of "Jew" or "Anti-Jew". Anti-Semitism has nothing to do with the 80-year old civil war in Israel/Palestine. Is "Jew" a dirty word still like when "Anti-Semitism" was coined to describe Jews being hated because they were (falsely) labeled Semites? It's ok to say "Jew" when that's what one means. It's not a dirty word anymore.
  15. Defending genocide is not interesting. Especiallly when using "antisemitism" as an excuse to genocide Semites I just block the racist here but then people repeat their poison in comments. I guess I missed all the stimulating conversation they put out. I only find this site interesting on one subject and its certainly not politics. Quantity of posts does not matter as much as quality and the quality of politics here sucks. AAMF, putting out 10 boring threads a day off news headlines of the day just makes a site more boring.
  16. calling Semitic people or those who support them antisemites is ridiculous.
  17. I hope you realize Palestinians are Semites. Amazing how many Americans are kept totally ignorant of that fact. Calling them antisemitic is Orwellian babble. Forcing intelligent academics to cower to the rich thugs in our society is simply killing academic freedom to foster propaganda and students realize that. Trying to force them to support genocide will not only not work but it will have a reaction that's not going to be pretty. But intentionally putting to death hundreds of Palestinians in the barbed-wired Gaza concentration camp and those in the West Bank camps, every day, mostly children, is not anti-Semitic. However, pointing out the fact that the wife of billionaire Ackman did worse plagiarism is anti-Semitism in the twisted logic of the ruling class genocide defenders. How many people have been expelled for supporting genocide of Palestinians? How many college presidents? The rich control the world and make the rules and even decide the Orwellian vocabulary. Especially in the US. Our history of genocides, like the UK's, is astounding. We fall for genocide defense easily. I clerked with the ICJ after a year at the Hague Academy and I'll assure you genocide is seen as the world's worst evil. It was in 1944 Germany and it is in 2024 Israel/Palestine. Only one out of 15 judges partly sided with Israel and didn't call it genocide. Don't pretend Ackman's allegations of "technical" plagiarism wasn't because she didn't jump when he said jump as he's used to getting. I'm not for preference based on anything but need or following whatever's trendy. But plenty of students put their citations in the wrong place in a thesis and that's all she did. His wife did worse but that's fine because she's his wife. Literally the pot calling the Black a kettle. Those are facts. It's as much an attack on academic freedom as any other. But I don't think a sex site is a good place for political wars.
  18. only eats pork and shellfish odd-numbered months.
  19. Speaking of older escorts being difficult t deal with now.. Forget about "Tomas Fuk" from old gay porn. I had seen him at Up last summer and regretted not hitting on him. This trip I regret contacting him. As he's gotten older with a family he's gotten principles.......straight porn only and double normal rates for gay, lol, more than glad to let him keep his principles. Ray Cutler seems to still be laying low I didn't contact him Tomas Fuk now also a couple asked about Adrian Serdar's hand. It's healing amazingly fast as 21 yr olds do. Today's pic.
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