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Everything posted by Pensant

  1. Lovecraftian. We’re SO bad. He’s probably a sweet guy, but there’s definitely something “off”.
  2. Robert D. Putnam presaged this trend in his 2000 book “Bowling Alone”.
  3. My sense is that younger folks aren’t volunteering as much, but I could be wrong. An old friend of mine and I were discussing this recently and we both noticed how the service organizations of the past like the Lions, Jaycees, Kiwanis and even the Rotary Club seem to have shrunk significantly. I must admit that I always thought these groups were a form of Babbitry, but now I regret that elitist attitude.
  4. I’m glad you said it!
  5. I believe it means giving the guy your credit card so they can spend your money on themselves. It’s a peculiar fetish that I’m seeing more of in ads. I certainly would never partake in it.
  6. I’m seeing and hearing more about findom lately.
  7. And alleging to be 22: the icing on the cake.
  8. I really didn’t enjoy my time in Kappa Sig. There was bad chemistry among the brothers, as well as cliques. At my school, KS wasn’t considered an elite house. I really wish I had never joined in retrospect. My senior year after I resigned was by far the best time of my college years.
  9. When I’m on the island, I expect a slight delay from all online purchases; but when I’m home Prime purchases often arrive the same night. I dropped AT&T cable ten years ago and I don’t even have a TV in either of my places. I’ve never liked TV and may be the only Boomer who’s never watched SNL, Seinfeld or any other serial. I still have Prime Video and Netflix but may reconsider that. Lately, it seems that producers have an algorithm that produces curiously similar plots. I might try the paid YouTube option.
  10. During the current cold snap in the PNW, gas fireplace on and heat pump downstairs to reach a cozy 67 while it’s currently 16 outside. Fortunately we return to more temperate island weather starting Monday. Like others, I like sleeping in a cold bedroom (when alone!).
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