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Everything posted by prof

  1. I've seen this pic many times, but never tire of it--so many good things in it!
  2. If you spend a few days near a college or high school campus, you'll see bow ties and high-cut black sneakers.
  3. Or: O Ca-na-da I get on top for thee...
  4. The opening words of the Canadian national anthem are so appropriate here--Ohhhhh Canada!
  5. Just look at all those nearby phallic symbols.
  6. Let me know if you need a stand-in!
  7. I plan to get a stencil that says the same thing and apply it before potentially fruitful engagements.
  8. prof


    If I was introduced to them, later I would not be able to tell you the colors of their eyes.
  9. I prefer some body hair and less breadth in the chest, but the allure of that drawstring is all I need to say "Yes, please." Drawstrings are sooo inviting and hospitable.
  10. I hereby volunteer to be the recycler of any other Tovey cast-offs.
  11. Yup, I'd choose them to top me for sure!
  12. Yeah, pounding, though not necessarily my heart.
  13. So weird I wouldn't have believed it without seeing the ad! I wonder if a companion concept for brussels sprouts would do any better.
  14. Oh hell yes and everything and anything that could come after.
  15. I was going to quote and comment, but realized I'd have to quote nearly the whole page. I need to connect the "Like" option to the 'want," "need" and "mindlessly lust after" buttons.
  16. Such a beautiful man, but please take out the ear buds. Funny how much the white plastic tabs spoil the effect for me.
  17. Very sweet, but for pete's sake PUT SOME SHEETS ON THE BED!! And a mattress pad might wouldn't hurt, either. I recall going home w/a few guys and discovering a bare mattress w/tangled blankets as the intended play area. Made me wanna rethink the whole deal... well, almost.
  18. Thanks, but I'll go for the low-hanging fruit instead.
  19. Wondering when I can book a session w/fun guy...
  20. Yup, this viewing angle is from where I'd like to be.
  21. Silly, he's waiting for me to do that for him.
  22. Sometimes sweat can be the ultimate grooming enhancer.
  23. If he's replacing the leprechaun, I'll chew what he has instead of the marshmallows ANY day.
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