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Everything posted by nsguy45

  1. Okay, his profile reads great, his pics are hot and his reviews are all positive. Yet, his most recent review is over a year old. Red flag?
  2. I'll take half a pound, thinly sliced.
  3. Jimmy Garoppolo was the hottest Patriots player. Such a loss.
  4. https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fpbs.twimg.com%2Fmedia%2FB9Fn7sHCYAACfJ9.jpg&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Ftwitter.com%2Fmatt_red%2Fstatus%2F563345710499000320&docid=ZGeOk56f2xGueM&tbnid=j9cONQU7e3r-oM%3A&vet=10ahUKEwiHrqHa2e_YAhUDP6wKHWdqAs4QMwg6KAMwAw..i&w=576&h=1024&bih=616&biw=360&q=just%20fucked%20edelman&ved=0ahUKEwiHrqHa2e_YAhUDP6wKHWdqAs4QMwg6KAMwAw&iact=mrc&uact=8
  5. Danny Amendola is hot as fuck.
  6. Oscar nominations for Best Picture and Timothee Chalamet, but nothing for Armie Hammer. He must be crushed. Should Armie require consoling, I'm available.
  7. I'm in the Boston area, so DC would be a more convenient location for this "Ass Off".
  8. Have yet to meet him, but he sounds like he'd make the ideal choice to arbitrate this challenge. How about it Victor?
  9. A 36 year old smoking hot escort told me last evening that I gave him the best rim job he'd ever had in his life.
  10. Don't get me wrong, I do encounter many millennials who crave being rimmed, but I have also encountered a surprising amount who freak out at the thought of having their holes tongue swabbed.
  11. The ones I have asked told me it makes them feel "vulnerable". If any you've questioned feel it hurts them, then the giver is not using enough tongue and probably has stubble. I've made guys climax just from rimming them, which I always take as a compliment.
  12. You'd be surprised how many millennials object to being rimmed, which I don't understand.
  13. Does he enjoy being rimmed, my favorite indoor sport?
  14. Way too jacked, in my opinion. Not into the rock hard abs and popping veins. I'd even prefer a dad bod to play with.
  15. And the buffet is always outstanding.
  16. If he's the one doing the sitting, I hope he provides his own spotters.
  17. Budgets be damned! That's why God created credit cards. Come April, maybe I'll come up with a way to claim my escort receipts as "medical expenses" on my taxes, lol.
  18. A friend is an Academy member, so he receives screeners that he generously allows me to borrow. Call Me By Your Name, Lady Bird, Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri and I, Tonya are four that I've watched recently, all excellent films.
  19. nsguy45

    411 on Boston

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