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Everything posted by nsguy45

  1. Yeah, $35.00 per pill as opposed to $70.00 per pill. The generic pill is white, not blue. My primary care physician told me he's been writing dozens of prescriptions for it since it went generic in December, including one for me.
  2. Am I the only one who suspects "former lurker" is either Cody Dean or someone associated with Cody Dean?
  3. In December, he was advertising "holiday rates", so I shot him a text. He initially quoted me a price of $500 and when I responded that $500 was ridiculous, he immediately dropped his price to $350. In hindsight, I should have seen that as a red flag. My bad.
  4. I made two disappointing choices in hiring escorts in 2017. He was one of them.
  5. nsguy45

    Zachery Scott

    Film buffs will recall actor Zachary Scott, mostly for playing Monty Beragon in "Mildred Pierce".
  6. Since penning that ranting post, I have discovered a local Boston area escort that I've been seeing exclusively and life is good . . . extremely good.
  7. Just what does " . . . with a strong personality but very sweet!" mean?
  8. Alas, Casey died in 1987 at age 43 after contracting the AIDS virus.
  9. In reading a recent biography of author Dominick Dunne, his bisexuality is well documented. Years ago, he met gay porn star Casey Donovan(aka Calvin Culver) at a party and became smitten. Casey also escorted, so Dunne hired him one afternoon and later told friends it was the best sex he'd ever had.
  10. My current regular escort is a wine enthusiast, as am I. Each time he arrives, after several minutes of deep, passionate kissing, we retreat to my kitchen and share a fine bottle of wine . . . then we move the proceedings to my bedroom for a couple hours of fun and frolic.
  11. That sounds like a remake of "An Affair to Remember".
  12. My current regular comes over one evening a week, I inhale and devour him for two hours and then he goes home to his husband, $500.00 richer.
  13. No way. I made it clear up front that my picking him up and returning him home would not infringe on the hour we were to spend together and in each case the escort agreed. If the drIves back and forth were to be considered part of the hour, then I would never have made the offer.
  14. Just as another option, I have actually driven to an escort, brought him back to my house and then driven him back home. Done it several times when it seemed the most sensible solution. Plus, it gives me a chance to check him out which was helpful in one instance when the escort in no way matched his profile photos and I just drove away . . . no harm, no foul.
  15. White rain is urine from a properly hydrated escort.
  16. Telling him you'd be posting a review citing him as fake took balls. He could have become violent. What was his reaction?
  17. My boyfriend experience . . .
  18. This is why I've found it best to cultivate 2 or 3 escorts and just see them on a regular basis. At least one is available whenever I get the urge to play and I'm never disappointed.
  19. http://akns-images.eonline.com/eol_images/Entire_Site/2015412/rs_634x1024-150512140240-634.Patriots-Jimmy-Garoppolo.jl.051215.jpg?fit=inside%7C900:auto&output-quality=100 Jimmy Garoppolo
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