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    NavyChief reacted to + Gar1eth in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    I'm almost 100% positive that none of the physicians or dentists I had growing up were gay. So it never happened then.
    I'm also pretty sure that none of my routine doctors were gay during most of my adult life.
    When I finally got to the point in my late 40's of looking for gay practitioners because I thought they might understand me better, I was bald and fat. So no it has never happened to me.
  2. Like
    NavyChief reacted to Kyle Clinton in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    Happened to me once but in that setting, nothing is a turn on to my senses. In fact, almost like a cold dip in the ocean. Everything on the more compact side. Maybe it's the sound of people (nurses, other docs, patients, etc.) walking past the door and those nasty florescent lights. Sterile environments not exciting to me. Dark and a little un-kept? All over it! Grrrr!
  3. Like
    NavyChief reacted to + oldNbusted in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    It's from Blackadder the Third, highly recommended. If you've only seen Rowan Atkinson playing his Mr. Bean character, put all that out of your mind, Blackadder is brilliant.
  4. Like
    NavyChief reacted to LaffingBear in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    I guess I'm a prude... or have a stick up my butt. Maybe its because I work in healthcare.
    My reaction is "thats wrong, stupid, and a potential career-ender."
    When I ran a women's health clinic, there was an incident, and during a physician peer review, one doctor turned to another and said "remember what they told us in med school: the simple definition of assault is 'unwanted touching.'"
    If a doctor pressed his hardon against me in an exam room, I'd probably glare at him and ask "are you nuts?!?!"
  5. Like
    NavyChief reacted to Rudynate in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    Other than my primary care doc of several years, I don't think I have ever seen a gay doc. I had a wild attraction to my spine surgeon - a tall good-looking triathlete with a very caring demeanor.
  6. Like
    NavyChief got a reaction from + sync in Huge Meat - NJ   
    Definitely a pass from me. While I can understand the NJ nature of his ad, being direct, and of course his endowment, I not into attitude.
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    NavyChief reacted to jjkrkwood in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    You guys are All watching too much PORN. :D:p
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    NavyChief reacted to JuniorNYC in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    No - but I've gotten hard with different doctors/physical therapists.
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    NavyChief reacted to bigvalboy in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    The Stethoscope on his nipple was a nice touch.
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    NavyChief got a reaction from liubit in Huge Meat - NJ   
    Definitely a pass from me. While I can understand the NJ nature of his ad, being direct, and of course his endowment, I not into attitude.
  11. Like
    NavyChief got a reaction from + kov78 in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    In some of those positions with professions, doctors, aids, dentists, barber, or even on the metro, I like to "accidently" or strategically position my leg, arm, hand. Lol. Most of the time, nothing happens, but sometimes.... wow.
  12. Like
    NavyChief reacted to + poolboy48220 in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    Me too. One I have bookmarked... https://www.pornhub.com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph56c4b2783e698
  13. Like
    NavyChief got a reaction from + poolboy48220 in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    I love me some Jock Physicals. , doctor please!?
  14. Like
    NavyChief got a reaction from nynakedtop in Huge Meat - NJ   
    Definitely a pass from me. While I can understand the NJ nature of his ad, being direct, and of course his endowment, I not into attitude.
  15. Like
    NavyChief reacted to nynakedtop in Huge Meat - NJ   
    Quoting from his profile:

    Just so nobodys time is wasted I only get serviced. so please do not ask if I offer more I do not service in return, I do not top guys, and I do not bottom at all in any way!!!
  16. Like
    NavyChief reacted to + FreshFluff in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    Ooh, a handsome doctuh with a house on Fire Island.

    Your uniform probably helps/helped!
  17. Like
    NavyChief reacted to JBrian72 in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    When I was 15 and had to have a physical for drivers' ed, my doctor - a balding but sexy man in his 50's - had me pull down my pants to check for hernias. He got on his knees and started probing down there for a fairly long time. He never touched my cock, but I started getting hard. He looked up at me and smiled. I was just embarrassed at the time, but if I knew then what I know now . . . I remember he told my mother that I was a "big strong boy!" True story!
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    NavyChief reacted to BabyBoomer in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    It must have been an extra long stethoscope.
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    NavyChief reacted to + FreshFluff in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    Does a nurse have to be present for a routine exam? He didn't ask me to put on a gown. He stuck the stethoscope under my dress.

    That was my reaction too.
  20. Like
    NavyChief got a reaction from + FreshFluff in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    In some of those positions with professions, doctors, aids, dentists, barber, or even on the metro, I like to "accidently" or strategically position my leg, arm, hand. Lol. Most of the time, nothing happens, but sometimes.... wow.
  21. Like
    NavyChief reacted to + VeryHappyCustomer in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    My dentist. He rubs his crotch against my arm and hand, and stares openly at my crotch. It doesn't bother me. I'm not attracted to him but I'm also not repulsed by him. I am simply not interested. It's not sexual for me. Reminds me of a high school roommate who liked to look at me while he jerked off. Meant nothing to me but it made him happy, so I just ignored him.
    I don't feel threatened by my dentist because I have all the power. Nor do I feel disrespected because I know exactly how mechanistic my own urges can be. It would be different if I were a woman.
  22. Like
    NavyChief reacted to Bearofdistinction in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
    I have gotten ragging hardon at the touch of hot young furry docs
  23. Like
    NavyChief reacted to jjkrkwood in Has your doctor ever gotten a stiffy while you were in his office?   
  24. Like
    NavyChief got a reaction from marylander1940 in Former Porn Star/MMA Fighter Aaron Savvy: Escort?   
    I did some research too, nuf said!
  25. Like
    NavyChief reacted to marylander1940 in Former Porn Star/MMA Fighter Aaron Savvy: Escort?   
    He had a few videos on Sean Cody years ago, he still looks great!
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