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Posts posted by Trick

  1. FYI. I asked for and got a portfolio of face and body pics and his personal email. Which led me to his Facebook page. Everything matches.


    So are you going to book him?

  2. Never met him, but his #7 photo in likely not him. It's a photo that's been on the internet for quite a while and can be seen in The Forums Gallery section SEE: https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/pecs-nips-more.115431/page-1199. I don't believe the abs and navel are the same as those in the other photos. Maybe he thinks using photos of someone who looks like him is an OK practice. I’ve never liked that approach.


    Does anyone have info on the guy in the original photo?

  3. So what did people do before enemas?


    Believe it or not, I’ve had escorts top me before I discovered enemas. I’ve been hiring tops for a good year or two before I learned about cleaning down there. Not one of them complained about it.


    It was only when I got tired of smelling and probably eating my own shit when the escort went from ass to mouth that I read up on anal cleansing.

  4. I think I’m being too anal about cleanliness here. As a bottom I feel like I’m running against the clock to stay clean down there unless I’ve done a full colon cleanse. That’s why I usually prepare close to the agreed time, hence my concern about the provider coming too early and, as someone has pointed out, see an “enema sticking out my ass”.

  5. I think I’d be ok with plus or minus 15 minutes for an appointment. But anything beyond that would lead to awkward situations.


    He could assume I’m ignoring his texts or calls when I simply can’t reply because I’m still in the shower.


    This is the reason I don’t like giving my room number until I’m ready. I don’t want him knocking or standing by my door for a long time.

  6. when the Jason Sparks "tour" came around to my town a couple years ago, I called and spoke to, I guess, Jason himself.....he was professional and answered my few questions honestly......he suggested a couple guys and the meeting with them went well.....it appears he's doing things differently now and I don't know about his current guys.....I did not get the feeling the guys a couple years ago were slaves or drug-addled, but, rather, were disillusioned about the money that may've been promised when they joined the tour.....I talked with them a good bit during the meet and they were honest and didn't seem under any stress (except for lack of money)


    Did you get the blue leatherette bed cover?


    I hated that thing!

  7. I met one of Jason’s boys recently. Looks like he doesn’t control their escorting business anymore.


    Why do I think this is true?


    1 - Clients now deal directly with the escorts. They each have their own contact numbers. Jason used to handle all communications


    2 - Escorts set their own rates. It used to be a set price starting at $160. They even do outcalls now


    3 - Some of you will know what I mean. The faux leather bed cover is gone.


    Speaking for myself, I haven’t had any bad experiences with Jason’s “slaves” even with his old business model. I must have met more than 10 of them through the years.

  8. there is the trend to do away with names that denote the gender of a person; you don't hear the word "actress" any longer; an actor is one who acts of either gender; I recently realized that the word "testatrix" (a female who signs a will) is archaic, and all those who sign wills are now "testators."


    So what is it for the massage industry, massage therapist?

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