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Posts posted by FrankR

  1. Mystery solved--there have been threads about this ad before. It's NOT Scott Sloan--it's an attractive 20 something who has a day job so is not always available. The pics are NOT of him--he used someone else's pics as "representative" of what he looks like, allegedly to protect his identity. Discuss .

    End of discussion as far as I am concerned...then again, I’ve been told I can be rather frank at times! :D

  2. One of the less obvious products being unveiled this week at SXSW is a small concrete house. On the outside, it doesn’t look like anything particularly special, although the covered patio and spacious windows are less common on tiny poured-concrete buildings.


    That’s because the innovation isn’t in the structure or materials — it’s in the design and building. ICON, the company that builds the 650-square-foot house, claims it costs just $10,000 to build and can be 3D-printed by a Vulcan printer in 12 to 24 hours using the most common building material on Earth.


    ICON has built a model at SXSW that features a living room, bedroom, bathroom and curved porch. The company’s co-founders told The Verge that it will be using the model as an office for the immediate future to see how it performs. “We are going to install air quality monitors. How does it look and how does it smell?” founder Jason Ballard told The Verge.


    In the longer term, ICON has partnered with housing nonprofit New Story to take its technology to the developing world. The plan is for ICON and New Story to build a community of 100 homes in El Salvador next year using the Vulcan printer. Although 3D printing has been used in building fabrication before, printing on-site using a universally available building material is a new step.


    That said, ICON’s structures still presumably rely on a goodly supply of available labor and talent and a structure won’t be taken from bare earth to habitability with no human interaction. Excavation still has to happen for concrete foundations, and the windows, roof and interior mechanicals like electricity and plumbing can’t be poured by a printer.




    Very cool!! Does it come in chrome?? :D

  3. I have a fairly good understanding of economics. Why then are massage prices going up over the top in saturated massage markets? New York, Los Angeles in particular. I notice that the market is so saturated in these cities that many are traveling out to San Francisco, Boston and Chicago trying to get business. I used to pay in the $100-$120 range......yet masseurs keep raising their prices. It is now common to see $160-$180. (which I think is insane for 1 hr) Are prices starting to seem out of bounds, especially when there is an excess of masseurs? You think that would lower prices. Is it just me, or is $160-$180 for a 1 hr. Incall massage crazy?

    Don’t believe the old saying “you get what you pay for”... I’ve had great experiences with masseurs at a lower price point (and I’ve tipped generously) and have had horrible interactions with high priced faux masseurs. I do make allowances for circumstances - am I hosting/masseur traveling? etc...

  4. Its very rare but it has happen to me couple of times. One of them being today. I was tired of looking into same catalog of masseurs so trying my luck posted on CL with usual stuff (massage with HE etc). Got whole bunch of garbage in reply and for couple of interesting once. Decided to go with intuition and booked once of them. Boy what a massage!!! Deep tissue sensual massage, aromatherapy, HE and a good looking masseur to go with it. I would go again even without HE and best part he is no where on web or reviews. This was in NYC. Anyone else has similar finds.

    I admire your adventurous spirit! CL has a bad rep....

  5. Has anyone else gotten suspicious emails from Massage thearpists about their own thread? It’s happened to me twice now... and it’s generally really obvious.


    They pick usernames that are really obvious and they generally are “newbies” or recently joined. One even messaged me on the same day he joined.

    Yes, it happens...

  6. In some locales, wearing fragrance is considered sort of yesterday and unsophisticated. For example, here in San Francisco, of somebody wearing cologne, people might say, "He wears COLOGNE," the subtext being "OMG, that's so out of it!" It's considered sort of fussy and something out of the heartland.

    Well label me ‘old fashioned’! :D

  7. I have to admit, i am surprised by the responses. Honestly thought more guys would wear a fragrance (in some form.) Sounds like many do not. Dont consider myself sophisticated, but I have a fragrance for each season, for example in the hot summer months I wear something with a fresh, clean, “fabric softner” like scent.


    Interesting thing is that most guys I meet wear too much of the stuff, which ruins the effect. In my view it is supposed to be subtle, not overpowering. Just my 2c...

  8. https://rentmen.eu/KevinModel


    Pics belong to a Romanian fitness model living in London (as opposed to the ad, which says he speaks Spanish and Portuguese), whose stats don't match and has a huge social media presence, including a lot of endorsements, so pretty sure he wouldn't use his face on an RM ad, and there's no indication in the social media that he's in NYC.

    So much for ‘ID verified’ huh... Thanks for the heads-up!

  9. My point, and something that is referenced in multiple posts above is that he DOES NOT GET NAKED.

    The other point I made is that there apparently aren't enough of these deep closet guys that are happy with just a nice hug running around, hence the need for this MMA fighter dude to be propagandized here by novices and "novices"... so my prediction is that he either changes his value proposition or ends up like Oldsmobile or Isuzu, no longer in business.

    Point of clarification (and completely beside the point!) but Isuzu is very much in business. May have left the USA, but I see them constantly when traveling overseas... :D

  10. This post reminds me of that time I was in Las Vegas and all I could find was truly horrible pizza. Finally went down to a supermarket and got two frozen pizzas, was lucky enough that one of them was not to bad. Freschetta 5 Italian cheese, I believe. Added a few toppings. So, let me ask.... anybody discover a frozen pizza that is actually worthy of consideration for those late night, cravings when you drag yourself home from the bars and need something savory??? :)

  11. Every massage I've ever had, whether erotic or therapeutic, at a private home or in an office, involved hands on the bottom. That is, until today.


    I less than a week ago got my ass waxed, so it was solid, smooth and fine. I wasn't expecting a HE since I was paying for a "soothing, gentle" experience, but for that area in 60 minutes time to be ignored was crazy.


    I'm not going to expose "gluteus none-of-this" to the masses, but just want to know if I'm out of line. I was hoping for it to be a grand finale from the build-up, but simply got a repeat of neck and chest, which is where the massage started.

    The Gluteus Maximus is the largest muscle of the human body. How? I would be disappointed too!! May I assume (!) that your bottom isn’t red, tender or anything else that may have warned him off? You mentioned a recent waxing...

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