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Posts posted by Seaninsf

  1. Here's another approach to consider that might provide the opportunity to move things forward but also a relationship saving "out" should he not be interested or ready to provide any additional services.


    The next time you're on the table, assuming the same thorough leg and butt massage and your same reaction, think about saying something along the lines of "I'm sorry, you're going to need to slow down. This feels so good, it's gotten me kind of excited. I'm kind of embarrassed. I apologize."


    In this approach you are being very respectful of him, apologizing for something that's an uncontrollable response to the massage he's providing. He has the choice to continue what he's doing knowing that you're excited, or stop if that was not his intention. It doesn't put you or him in the situation where you're asking for help and he has to agree or decline. It might be hard for him (excuse me) to verbally acknowledge his interest or consent, but he may be OK continuing what you're doing without verbally acknowledging it.


    If he continues, I wouldn't push it. I'd let what happens, happen even if it's just you letting fly solo. If he does continue, you might consider one more warning - "man if you keep going I think I'm going to cum".


    I'd be profuse in my gratitude and ensure the tip reflects that gratitude. You can see what happens the next time. Maybe things will go even further.


    Just my two cents.


    I had a similar circumstance with a thai masseur I went to for quite a while. Nothing major came from it, but I really enjoyed the sexual tension and his playfulness at each of our sessions (and I think he did too).


    Please keep us posted! This is fun.

  2. Hi all,


    I just came across this post for OmarCures on rentmasseur.com. He's visiting SF from LA. A couple of positive reviews on the website, but I found nothing here.


    Sounds like he offers a wide-range of "styles". I'm always a fan of a competent, legitimate masseur who can transition smoothly into the sensual or erotic. His abs are pretty hot too ;)


    Here's a link: https://rentmasseur.com/OmarCures


    Does anyone have any firsthand experience with him?



  3. I've seen Jess a few times - maybe 4-5 - over many years. The first couple times were maybe 8-10 years ago with Ted. The 4 handed massage was fine, the play was much better. Both their bodies were beautiful; I'm a sucker for lean muscle and great abs. Jess was definitely the more interactive of the two.


    Since then I hired Jess solo a couple times - most recently a few months ago. He is a very nice guy and always very warm - very much in keeping with what I have experienced with Thai people during travels. I'm really surprised by the comments on here about his demeanor (not his looks - will get to that). Almost makes me think there's confusion with another provider.


    The pictures presented on both his RM and MassageM4M profiles today (I just looked) are absolutely current and 100% him. There's no question he was using at least some fake pix previously and as recently as roughly a year ago. Some of the pix were really a stretch (I'd love to meet the real guy :)). That is no longer the case.


    The comments on his looks and possible plastic surgery make me squirm a bit. A little too harsh for my taste. Jess may have had surgery. I cannot tell. It would not be my guess. Perhaps he is bi-racial.


    My most recent experience with him was just a few months ago. He is definitely bulkier than the lean, tight bodied guy I first met. The pictures posted are 100% accurate.


    He was warm in conversation and fun and respectful during the play portion of our session. Afterwards, as we chatted, he even started doing some Thai stretching and massage on my back and neck using techniques I am very familiar with from previous "legit" Thai massage sessions. I found this to be a kind and generous bonus to our session. He even went so far as to recommend another escort/masseur that he thought I might enjoy.


    I get that people's experience may (or does) vary. I can certainly understand people being pissed when a provider misrepresents themselves in their ads. It's happened to me.


    I thought it might be helpful to provide some current information and address some of the questions about him.


    If you like his look, I suspect you'll have a good time whether for massage or a full-service engagement.

  4. Hi -


    I know I've seen this guy's post before, but apparently under a different name. A name search under the deli section didn't pull up any hits.


    Has this guy been discussed here? https://rentmen.eu/Robrobie


    A google image search brings me to a personal trainer who appears to be in LA. He's so frickin' hot.


    I'd appreciate any info or link to the thread if this guy has been discussed before (seems inconceivable that he has not).



  5. There's a pattern of lateness and cancellations on this guys part. When he cancelled on me the last minute he did repeatedly text me to set something up but I just didn't go there. The one thing you don't want to do in this business is build a bad reputation no matter how hot or good looking you are. It will come back to bite you in the ass.


    .... but I bet it's a beautiful ass to bite :p

  6. I've been to Vietnam (Viet Nam) twice, which is communist, in addition to the above mentioned trip to Laos. I've never encountered a problem. I was traveling with my partner. Always had accommodations with a single bed and never had anyone question a thing. Yes, we weren't walking around the streets holding hands and working the locals, but I never felt uncomfortable, nor felt like we made anyone uncomfortable.


    I find these cultures to be very warm and respectful. I try to be the same when I'm a visitor in a foreign land. We've had many experiences interacting with locals and travel independently (not on a tour), always very positive. I would highly recommend southeast asia in general.


    I don't think communist countries have a lock on homophobia. I'd be concerned about visiting certain parts of our own country. ;)

  7. Yes, I was in Laos in March 2016. Vientiane and Luang Prabang. Really enjoyed the trip. People were lovely and the food is excellent! There's a killer, spicy condiment called jaew - it's nuclear.


    Enjoyed Luang Prabang more than Vientiane. The temples and monasteries are beautiful. Great trek through the jungle. Also great for biking. I just wish it hadn't been so crazy hot. It was a 100 plus every day and humid. So I'd check out options for cooler times of the year (but avoid rainy season).


    Hit me up if you have questions.

  8. Jag/Jack in SF. He was an incredibly hot thai guy, who did excellent legit Thai massage out of his home. Always a bit of a flirt and created a lot of sexual tension (at least on my part). Thai massage by its nature, involves a lot of intimate body contact. He would always go a bit further than I'd experience with others - very close face to face during some compressions, frequent bumping and grazing my cock, which was always rock hard from beginning to end.


    He was a very good practitioner. I always felt great after my sessions with him. The sexual tension and his physical beauty were just extras.


    Sadly, he too stopped advertising and returning my text messages after having been a regular for a couple years. I hope he's well.

  9. I'd say talk to a (vs. your) doctor - one who you can feel comfortable being open about your situation, this may require finding a new/different doctor. I don't think the escorting detail is important to share, especially since that's illegal


    Completely agree with @JEC's points about open communication. Everyone should be able to have open and frank communication with their physician. I would even go so far as to say including the fact that you like to entertain gentleman for hire is important. Your physician is your partner in ensuring your good health. That becomes very difficult when information is withheld or filtered. If you are not comfortable being honest and direct with your physician, or they do not create an environment where that is encouraged, then you need to find a new doctor. Lastly, discussions with a healthcare provider are protected by law (with exceptions for concerns about abuse). Anyone who violates that would be violating ethical and legal codes.


    Take care of yourself, YBO, emotionally and physically.

  10. I met a masseur using this picture about 2 years ago. He also went by Michael. Total and utter fake. The guy looked NOTHING like this picture. As soon as I walked in and saw him I told him, nicely, that he is not the guy in the pictures and started to make my exit. He tried to get me to go through with the massage. I told him no thank you. Honestly, I wouldn't have even considered connecting with the guy for free. Sorry to sound harsh, but it really pissed me off that he was so blatantly fake. He could've at least used photos that were somewhat similar to his appearance.


    I reported him to RM, where I found the ad and provided links to pictures from the model's website. They obviously reached out to the masseur and next thing I know I'm getting text messages from him asking me to rescind my review. I told him I'd do it if he stopped using fake pictures. So much for being a nice guy.




    (...and if anyone knows if the real guy in the pictures is available for hire, please let me know! He's so hot!)

  11. Agree with candor, but I don't know that it needs to be in your profile. It seems to me sharing the information during pre-booking communication provides the opportunity for the client to ask questions... like, "can I help?" :D


    Not long ago, I got together with a guy who alerted me at the time I booked that he would be wearing a Holter monitor because he was being evaluated for a-fib. I said that was fine with me. The day of the appointment, he texted me a photograph of the device taped in place on his chest. It was a tiny thing the size of a small wristwatch -absolutely no issue for me. Nonetheless, I appreciated his being completely candid and transparent.


    Rudy - the burning question I have is were you able to trigger an event that was captured on his monitor! I think he was presenting you a challenge ;)

  12. Agree N13!


    Dear Evan Hansen is astounding! I have not been so overwhelmed (in a good way) by a play and performance in years. Ben Platt is amazing. I cannot imagine someone else in this role.


    Add to your list(s) the revival of Sunday in the Park with George. Jake was wonderful - who knew the guy had a voice like that?


    Looking forward to starting my list for 2018!

  13. I know, I know... craigslist is probably not the best forum to connect with potential masseurs and/or escorts, but sometimes I see posts that are compelling and can't help myself :rolleyes:


    Has anyone had experience with either of these guys?


    The first guy posts frequently on CL as "evening massage" or "early massage", etc.. I like his stats and the pix he's used.




    The second is a fairly new, but frequent post.




    Any info is appreciated.



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