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Tarte Gogo

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Everything posted by Tarte Gogo

  1. Are there many clients who want to carry around in their wallet undeniable evidence that they are hiring escorts?
  2. Good clients are open minded. Why change my words?
  3. Lol, I would tell him to keep it, apparently it helps weeding out bad clients. This way he only gets those that are open minded.
  4. One reason would be that private pictures are not findable using a search engine, like google. That is because google doesn’t have your passcode for private pics. But the public ones are indexed by google and findable. So if you don’t want your face to come up in any type of google search, put them in the private section.
  5. How about YOU go back where your ancestors came from? Your kind is not welcome in the US.
  6. Fair enough. There are other providers that have very different looking ceiling projection clocks. When in Europe, that atomic clock synchronisation was nice and easy with my previous Oregon scientific. but here it didn’t happen for me either.
  7. I ask all the time, without any sort of previous discussion. They always give it to me.
  8. Happy to have helped, but slightly worried of my own influence! Any bad experience, I will deny all responsibility.
  9. I have no idea why anybody ever started.
  10. That would be sexist. Why stand up only for one particular sex? Ridiculous.
  11. I think even Einstein would have accepted that Von Neumann could think faster and deeper. They guy was incredible.
  12. I have one like this that projects the time on the ceiling so I can see it more or less in any position at night. https://store.oregonscientific.com/us/rm313pna-hip-cool-projection-clock-temperature-blue.html You need red. Don’t get blue or green lights anywhere in your bedroom, it will interfere with your melatonin production, and will make it less easy to fall asleep.
  13. If they are genuinely from India, and just traveling, you shouldn’t find it odd that they have an Indian number, and that they prefer WhatsApp so as to avoid the costs of international calls and text messages. But why do you think they are 80 miles outside DC, does Rentmen give you their current location, which I cannot see? The guy you linked is currently in bengalore according to RM, not in Delaware. Beware of scams, especially if you see several people using the same ad. Are the numbers they use sometimes common between different escorts? By the way, I might move to bengalore! https://rentmen.eu/sid_boy
  14. Myself and @JEC had him twice each. We found him to be great. @freecahill1965 had a not-so-good session with him, they “didn’t click” I guess. Anyway, he is very real, speaks good English, he is experienced and he knows the business. I recommend, but maybe see with Freecahill if he wants to share more. My review: http://www.daddysreviews.com/cruise/newest/lukas_miami
  15. That is why they make those, Avalon. https://www.amazon.com/Kollea-Stainless-Reusable-Chilling-Beverage/dp/B078XRGPN1/ref=asc_df_B078XRGPN1/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=241962768957&hvpos=1o1&hvnetw=g&hvrand=15483406343200867140&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=t&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=1023496&hvtargid=pla-413543001995&psc=1
  16. If you are constantly traveling the world, the best bank is Hsbc, especially if you are a premier client. They absorb all the costs. Excellent rates on ATM withdrawals. And they are everywhere, a truly global bank. If they don’t have a presence somewhere, they have an agreement with a local bank, like in Brasil, they have with Bradesco. They are also very accommodating, I have checking accounts and cards with them in 3 different countries. I have paid them nothing at all, not a single annual fee for any of my cards or accounts. I also have a great mortgage rate with them. Sometimes I wonder how they make any money from me.
  17. True, looks like he can’t be bothered with keeping RM up to date any longer.
  18. He was at Bar Jolie last night, so I think @Harryinny is well informed, he is in BA! You can try all the options: his listed phone, rentmen email, Instagram, etc.
  19. Your recommendation is not offensive. Even if it was an injunction, rather than a recommendation, it would still not be offensive. Some clients are nuts. You are a good guy.
  20. $500, just in case I have an urge to hire an escort on short notice.
  21. Jimmy just confirmed by text he is going there.
  22. I think Jimmy from Hero is moving there. So that at least should be fun. Edit: apparently it is the same owner as hero. But clean, new, and not flooded when it rains a lot!
  23. First one to report gets my respect and thanks. I hear it is $55 for 1 hour massage. http://www.timesquarespanyc.com/ 351 west 44th st, New York, Ny 10036, corner with 9th Ave. They do trimming and shaving too. But still no laser
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