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Everything posted by easygoingpal

  1. Just saw this movie on Prime last night "Just Say Love"... Very interesting movie that pairs a straight with a gay guy, but then things start to change, and end's up being a case of 6 degrees of separation, and the end has a twist to make thinks happy with the universe... Here is the Storyline from imdb: https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1247397/?ref_=fn_al_tt_1 Physical attractions appear to be the obvious explanation for two people to become a pair. But are they really the reflection of something sublime, everlasting or dare we say, spiritual? Do relationships start in the bedroom or in the heart? In this male love story, the bliss described by Joseph Campbell and sages throughout the millennia is a practical option for finding happiness. As the camera delves into the character's minds and actions we find fulfillment on both a physical and spiritual level.
  2. Ass-uming that I guessed what you meant, you're right in all counts...
  3. ...and a mouthful...! :D:rolleyes:
  4. Yes... Specially when is home-made with fresh ingredients (medium-hot).
  5. Never seen this before... Didn't know it would be possible and still find room for the camera angle... Must be some contortionists... Amazing!
  6. Rolling on the carpet laughing out loud and tears rolling down the cheeks... :D I've had a bunch of Italian friends and have heard a lot of their opinions, but the above from @TruthBTold takes the prize... Mille grazie! Ciao...!
  7. Yes... By all means....! Thanks @whipped guy !
  8. I do... And I found that out when I tried it... Try it and let people know...
  9. Maverick Tour was my other option... Somehow when I was selecting the company I ended up with gcflights. I think both are good companies.... Enjoy getting back on a helicopter. Best!
  10. Hi @LaffingBear, I took one of the Grand Canyon helicopter tours this last June. I was in Vegas celebrating my birthday and the helicopter tour was in my bucket list. Here is their contact info: reservations@gcflight.com or at 702-472-9494. The helicopter pilots are very knowledgeable of the areas you will be flying over and every few minutes they keep giving you current and historical information. They make a stop at the Grand Canyon for lunch and to take more pictures and then they fly you back. It was a first for me to be inside a helicopter and enjoyed the tour a lot. You can find a lot different reviews in Tripadvisor.com If you decide on it, hope you have fun...!
  11. I have Prime, I also have Here.TV for a monthly fee (I think $7.99) and I have Dekkoo for another monthly fee (either $7.99 or $8.99). So, between the LGBTQ films included with Prime, Here.TV and Dekkoo, I have enough LGBTQ content to watch during the few free hours I get outside of work and other activities that are part of my life. At the beginning of this month, Prime programming added a bunch of new LGBTQ movies that were not part of the programming, so I am guessing that each month they will be adding more. Hope you have fun with the regular Prime programming and if you add other apps/channels see if you want to justify the expense for the fun/emotional/tearful movies that will come your way... Best..!
  12. Happy Birthday Avalon! Kind of you to share about you and your family... Best!
  13. @Just966, saving the best for last... He almost looks like the other guy with the big gun.. :D
  14. @Just966, man! You gotta tell us where to find these specimens of extraordinary men... Love it...!
  15. My brain just extrapolated in so many different directions that got me in a state of euphoria... Thanks @Just966. Have a terrific day!
  16. I wouldn't know how to say "no" to this guy... Mercy...!
  17. That was funny... Seeing a second pole coming out as if it was Tim's...
  18. @g56whiz, It was his sigh of finally getting relief at busting his nuts...
  19. I wonder how difficult it would be to have my tongue around two big ones in my mouth...? Whoever has done this, can one savor two of them at the same time? :p
  20. Happy Endings... The best...! Thanks @Just966
  21. That's a mouthful alright...! Thanks @whipped guy for such finding...
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