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Everything posted by easygoingpal

  1. Hey @E.T.Bass, I saw Ander and liked it also. I watched most of Missing Link, but I found it to be a B-grade movie and the acting was terrible. I am going to guess that you may not finish watching it as well. But, do let us know your opinion... Best!
  2. It looks like the picture was modified around the ball sac. One seems way to large compared to the other... At least that's were my attention went to... Perhaps I missed it as well.
  3. I guess I have been fortunate that the guys I was with had noticed that I was still learning/having my body adjust to bigger ones and they were patient and gentle and had the expertise to help me accommodate them. This last year and a half has been a time of exploration and learning for me. Plus all the threads with advice in this forum have helped me prepare to enjoy sex. Thanks Forum...!
  4. As @LivingnLA said, it has to do with anatomical/physical limits... For years I thought only a finger will fit back there. Then, little by little I started exploring two fingers, three fingres, 7's, 8's, and 9's of different widths. At 10" I stopped because I believe I have reached my limit of tolerance/pleasure. I first experimented with a skinny 10 and saw that I could handle it, so I tried other's of different width and that's where I am at... I certainly am not the type that would venture into FF. Cheers!
  5. You're right, I had not thought about a dislocated jaw/frozen jaw... So far, I can manage 10's of different widths. I am not sure that I want to go longer than that. I think there is a point at which it stops being pleasurable and start being a chore trying to stuff it in...
  6. I learned about this when I was trying to deep throat a big guy... He put lube on it and let me have at it... It certainly slid better and I was able to take it all. Afterwards, he told me that it made it easier for the receiving guy. I have not heard of dangers doing this... I guess ingesting too much lube might not be good.. I would be interested to hear other opinions... Cheers!
  7. A Awww.... All three look so adorable...!
  8. Funny, I remember caressing the eyebrows and the beard on the last guy I saw (The amazing Mike Gaite). Such small gestures that bring a lot of joy to the heart.
  9. I do whatever I can to delay those last 10 minutes towards the end of the hour. I usually go on exploration mode to find erogenous zones throughout the body... That and some small talk in between fills in the other 50 minutes.
  10. Great run... But now, I have to go cool off or else...
  11. @BabyBoomer... Thanks...! You've certainly have built a great reputation for being an expert in the subject matter of body/body-parts recognition... Kudos!
  12. Something is trying to get out... May need some help...
  13. Man... @Just966, you are on a roll tonight...! Much thanks from the middle regions...:rolleyes:
  14. Agree... That's too bad.. He does have a handsome face!
  15. The joys in life... @Just966 you are being incorrigible... Please don't, stop...
  16. So.... Is that an invitation? Thanks @Just966!
  17. @whipped guy, much appreciated... My last overnight, I didn't even asked for it, it just happened organically... Those are the best ones! Cheers!
  18. First time posting an image... Here it goes...
  19. Woof...! Daddy-O...! Thanks for this gift @whipped guy
  20. @E.T.Bass I'm glad you enjoyed the movie as well. Yes, within a few minutes of watching both actors in the first scene, I knew that I was going to enjoy the movie. I didn't know that it was based on a play, but the way the movie was constructed it felt as if they were acts in a play... It also reminded me of another movie similar in style called "Dogville" where Nicole Kidman has one of the main roles. That was also a good movie... Cheers!
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