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    Kris_Canada reacted to DallasFootFtshAthlete in Escorts who can satisfy a Foot Fetish   
    I know this is an old thread but I just discovered this message board and I have a major foot fetish. @Cody Converse if you are ever planning to be in the Dallas area please let me know. I'm a masculine guy that likes vanilla sex with women but I have a huge foot fetish with guys. In fact if I could meet a mate who enjoyed having me at this feet I'd forget about women forever. Conversely, I can never be fully satisfied with a woman because I have this fetish and it's only with masculine guys (and it's 100x more arousing to boot).
    I'm sure it seems really odd to most people so I've decided instead of looking for a male partner I'd look for guys who are fetish friendly to let me be their footboy. Cody, you look like you have great feet too.
  2. Like
    Kris_Canada reacted to kmship in Looking for the NYC escorts who also work as fitness trainers   
    I'm curious to know too. needs motivation for working out, and always horny after work out
  3. Like
    Kris_Canada got a reaction from DallasFootFtshAthlete in Escorts who can satisfy a Foot Fetish   
    Grrr, I love doing this to a guy. Already got him moanin' and groanin' while I'm poundin' him and then if the mood strikes, to grab one of his feet and start licking and sucking and kissing and worshipping (while also using that grabbing hand to massage at the same time) while continuing to nail him...just...new heights of pleasure for him and me. The ultimate.
    Ya gotta clip those toenails, though. Hard on my teeth and mouth, otherwise. Not into that kind of punishment, heh.
  4. Like
    Kris_Canada got a reaction from marylander1940 in Looking for the NYC escorts who also work as fitness trainers   
    That's inspiring as fuck, wow. ??
  5. Like
    Kris_Canada got a reaction from muscmtl in KaineWoodXXX?   
    Hot. But I'd only hire if he bottomed.
    Sure would love to WORK with him and tag team a bottom or vers guy, though, wow.
  6. Like
    Kris_Canada got a reaction from muscmtl in Other Message Forums - Bodybuilders   
    It's impossible to know how much of it is body dysmorphia and how much is genuinely a guy's fetish.
    The body dysmorphia...I mean, as men it's been advertised to us through athletics, media, and even ancient art (and it's also likely just an innate desire of our species as a whole, since size confers advantages the same as it does for almost every other animal) that bigger/stronger is better and so that influences a whole lotta guys to wanna keep up with the most desired of their peers, and/or be the most desired amongst their peers (it's just a "keeping up with the Joneses" mentality, but for your body rather than wealth/possessions/status...plus a heaping dose of FOMO).
    Plus increase their odds of having a wider selection of mates to choose from (see again: FOMO), so it's no surprise that that takes some men beyond just growing one's muscles. Cock, balls, height (look at dudes who try to have surgery on their legs or stretch themselves out to make themselves taller), you name it. While some are happy to work their body's muscles to a level of fitness and/or hugeness (naturally or with steroids) and accept that there's not much they can do to make other parts bigger (their cock, their balls, and I dunno...their tongue?), or just don't care as much about enlarging parts aside from their muscles, some aren't happy with those limitations. Big dicks are heavily desired, talked about, drooled over...balls are less concentrated on, but big bull balls are desired too. No surprise that instead of just wishing for it, some will find ways to get it.
    There is also a specific fetish community called gainers out there who desire to be as big as possible and keep growing endlessly (whether by increasing muscle mass, fat, or often both fat and muscle to achieve as much size/take up as much space as possible). Not sure what percentage of gainers are also into cock & ball enlargement, but it's in the mix.
    As far as I know, saline to plump up your balls isn't harmful (the body can easily flush out saline after you've enjoyed the desired effect for however long it lasts). Penis pumps...dunno...enough people use them that I guess they're not too risky ? Read up before using, I'd say.
    Silicone injections can be very very dangerous, though. Look it up. I've read some horror stories. One dude and his harem of five or six huge musclebears were all into silicone enhancement of their junk and one of the guys in the harem died because the silicone from his balls got into his bloodstream and reached his lungs. A friend or associate of that harem died from the same thing. And still they keep promoting it or indulging in it themselves.
    The biggest risk to altering your dick too much (depending on what we're talking about, what you're doing to it--most piercing options aren't gonna hurt its function, I don't think) is lowering or ending your ability to get an erection. Even to the point where boner pills can't help you.
    *** disclaimer: I ain't shaming anyone getting more muscular or getting in shape. I feel better overall and sex is sometimes even better when I'm more fit, so...it ain't just to keep up with others or be more marketable...there're plenty of more immediate tangible benefits for one's self. It's not done only because it was impressed upon us that we should do so.
    Not shaming the less common enhancements either. Just be smart and please don't die for your vanity or fetish. I mean hey, it's your body/your choice, but if you live then you get to continue enjoying life for a while and can explore other, non-fatal fetishes, right?
  7. Like
    Kris_Canada reacted to + FrankR in Ways to help avoid STIs?   
    Me too!

  8. Like
    Kris_Canada got a reaction from Beancounter in Ways to help avoid STIs?   
    Good, someone else mentioned it. Surprised it hasn't been mentioned otherwise (just saw this thread now after months away from this forum), but then again, health care workers and organizations are still getting the word out and they only started routine vaccinating tweens against it in some countries a few to several years ago.
    Get the HPV vaccine, guys. Claim it if you can or pay outta pocket for it when you can. Should be mandatory for all escorts, it's a no-brainer, and it would be good if all non-escorts got it as well.
    Where I live in Canada (the cost varies from province to province), it's three shots administered over 6 months. Each costs about $200 Canadian, so it could run you $600 total if you have little or no coverage. I was lucky that my first shot and a bit of the second shot were covered under my drug plan, but I paid outta pocket for the third and most of the second one.
    Then you can put "HPV vaccinated" or "Vaccinated against HPV" in your ads and maybe it'll help up your appeal even more to anyone looking. Can't hurt, plus it shows 'em you're taking your health and their health into consideration.
    Re: safer sex
    Not a problem during the pandemic, if you're following social distancing recommendations and refraining from sex anyway (unless you live with someone you can play with--lucky!).
    Man I miss fucking. ?
    And cuddling and massage (giving and receiving) and basic human contact. ? Are we there yet ?
  9. Like
    Kris_Canada reacted to Populist Fury in When they will open gyms ?   
    I've decided that I like working out @ home better than @ the gym during this Covid period. Planning on ordering the rest of the equipment I need so I don't have to go back to the gym after they open back up here in Cali.
  10. Like
    Kris_Canada got a reaction from + José Soplanucas in Mintboy observations   
    Thanks for sharing that, it was informative. ?
  11. Like
    Kris_Canada reacted to + José Soplanucas in Mintboy observations   
    Well, I think it is the owner intentional business model. I mean targeting not only the clients interested in "professional" male gay escorts, but also those into amateur, bisexuals, even women looking for a male whore. He openly shares it in the interview in my blog.
  12. Like
    Kris_Canada reacted to orville in Mintboy observations   
    I get what you mean, but I always get suspicious when a guy is on an escorts' local website but not on RM and on top of that, his rate is around $100 or less. I say in my mind: "a cheap price to catch a STD or get scammed". Escorts on RM at least have to go to the lengths of working on their profiles, get nice pictures, and pay the premiums of a membership and featured ads, meaning that they are looking at this seriously and not only as a side gig or hobby. The main reason why I get suspicios of extremely good-looking escorts with no reviews at all. If they are doing this seriously they would at least try to collect 1 or 2 5-stars reviews to build some decent reputation. RM reviews, even though it's also not a perfect system, at least provides some notion of their service.
  13. Like
    Kris_Canada got a reaction from Laurence in CMNM (clothed-naked scene)   
    Even though I've done this before, never really fixated on it and didn't know it was a named fetish. After the photos and posts in this thread, though ? Man, powerful stuff. I think it's my new favourite thing. Definitely employing more of this.
  14. Like
    Kris_Canada reacted to thickornotatall in Tumblr Blog   
    Thanks for jogging my memory. Some of my better times were spent on 8th ave off 43rd st...The talent in the late 60's and early 1970's was epic....That's when 20 bucks could buy the world...or at least a good afternoon...Manhattan was a great time then...
    Hudson st off Christopher had a store front and shop run by Old Reliable …..Lots of talented guys hung out around the shop waiting to be "featured stars"....
  15. Like
    Kris_Canada reacted to realeasymoney in Tumblr Blog   
    Hey, anybody still on Tumblr and into hustler types - check out my blog https://k54321k.tumblr.com/ . Comments and submissions always welcome.
  16. Like
    Kris_Canada reacted to P Gren in Street Hustlers in Toronto, where can I find them?   
    Curious. What's your age?
  17. Like
    Kris_Canada got a reaction from marylander1940 in Mintboy observations   
    The first link only leads to the front page (guess he either made his quota or didn't attract any takers quickly enough), but the other two work.
    If I had an OnlyFans account and the border was open...and if I could get either of those two escorts to consent to it...might make a fun bit of content, me hiring them and filming the experience. Depending on how open they were. Sex, interview, whatever else they wanna show me around their homes or neighbourhoods. Day-in-the-life. Props to them for giving it a go.
    ETA: Oh, they're straight, so nevermind...probably? ?
  18. Like
    Kris_Canada got a reaction from RomanticRick in Ways to help avoid STIs?   
    Good, someone else mentioned it. Surprised it hasn't been mentioned otherwise (just saw this thread now after months away from this forum), but then again, health care workers and organizations are still getting the word out and they only started routine vaccinating tweens against it in some countries a few to several years ago.
    Get the HPV vaccine, guys. Claim it if you can or pay outta pocket for it when you can. Should be mandatory for all escorts, it's a no-brainer, and it would be good if all non-escorts got it as well.
    Where I live in Canada (the cost varies from province to province), it's three shots administered over 6 months. Each costs about $200 Canadian, so it could run you $600 total if you have little or no coverage. I was lucky that my first shot and a bit of the second shot were covered under my drug plan, but I paid outta pocket for the third and most of the second one.
    Then you can put "HPV vaccinated" or "Vaccinated against HPV" in your ads and maybe it'll help up your appeal even more to anyone looking. Can't hurt, plus it shows 'em you're taking your health and their health into consideration.
    Re: safer sex
    Not a problem during the pandemic, if you're following social distancing recommendations and refraining from sex anyway (unless you live with someone you can play with--lucky!).
    Man I miss fucking. ?
    And cuddling and massage (giving and receiving) and basic human contact. ? Are we there yet ?
  19. Like
    Kris_Canada reacted to KrisParr in Pornstar escorts I have hired   
    Here‘s another one I’d forgotten about - some great tongue action at the beginning. He was a real charmer, yes and very Tom Cruise-y for sure.
  20. Like
    Kris_Canada reacted to TruthBTold in Pornstar escorts I have hired   
    Yeah, the bottom really knew how to use his tongue.
  21. Like
    Kris_Canada got a reaction from + Keith30309 in Ways to help avoid STIs?   
    Good, someone else mentioned it. Surprised it hasn't been mentioned otherwise (just saw this thread now after months away from this forum), but then again, health care workers and organizations are still getting the word out and they only started routine vaccinating tweens against it in some countries a few to several years ago.
    Get the HPV vaccine, guys. Claim it if you can or pay outta pocket for it when you can. Should be mandatory for all escorts, it's a no-brainer, and it would be good if all non-escorts got it as well.
    Where I live in Canada (the cost varies from province to province), it's three shots administered over 6 months. Each costs about $200 Canadian, so it could run you $600 total if you have little or no coverage. I was lucky that my first shot and a bit of the second shot were covered under my drug plan, but I paid outta pocket for the third and most of the second one.
    Then you can put "HPV vaccinated" or "Vaccinated against HPV" in your ads and maybe it'll help up your appeal even more to anyone looking. Can't hurt, plus it shows 'em you're taking your health and their health into consideration.
    Re: safer sex
    Not a problem during the pandemic, if you're following social distancing recommendations and refraining from sex anyway (unless you live with someone you can play with--lucky!).
    Man I miss fucking. ?
    And cuddling and massage (giving and receiving) and basic human contact. ? Are we there yet ?
  22. Like
    Kris_Canada got a reaction from Monarchy79 in Ways to help avoid STIs?   
    Good, someone else mentioned it. Surprised it hasn't been mentioned otherwise (just saw this thread now after months away from this forum), but then again, health care workers and organizations are still getting the word out and they only started routine vaccinating tweens against it in some countries a few to several years ago.
    Get the HPV vaccine, guys. Claim it if you can or pay outta pocket for it when you can. Should be mandatory for all escorts, it's a no-brainer, and it would be good if all non-escorts got it as well.
    Where I live in Canada (the cost varies from province to province), it's three shots administered over 6 months. Each costs about $200 Canadian, so it could run you $600 total if you have little or no coverage. I was lucky that my first shot and a bit of the second shot were covered under my drug plan, but I paid outta pocket for the third and most of the second one.
    Then you can put "HPV vaccinated" or "Vaccinated against HPV" in your ads and maybe it'll help up your appeal even more to anyone looking. Can't hurt, plus it shows 'em you're taking your health and their health into consideration.
    Re: safer sex
    Not a problem during the pandemic, if you're following social distancing recommendations and refraining from sex anyway (unless you live with someone you can play with--lucky!).
    Man I miss fucking. ?
    And cuddling and massage (giving and receiving) and basic human contact. ? Are we there yet ?
  23. Like
    Kris_Canada got a reaction from + Hung_Cody in KaineWoodXXX?   
    Hot. But I'd only hire if he bottomed.
    Sure would love to WORK with him and tag team a bottom or vers guy, though, wow.
  24. Like
    Kris_Canada got a reaction from + Gar1eth in KaineWoodXXX?   
    Hot. But I'd only hire if he bottomed.
    Sure would love to WORK with him and tag team a bottom or vers guy, though, wow.
  25. Like
    Kris_Canada got a reaction from hairyhorny415 in Jake Cruise vids were excellent marketing for any escort   
    That got me hard, thanks for sharing it. Strokin' to it now at 2:40am...
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