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Everything posted by Epigonos

  1. WilliamM believe me when I say that you were not treated any differently than about 99% of the people who casually encountered RFK. Bobby was the ONE Kennedy who was totally devoid of small talk with strangers. He simply had to have time to get to know and trust someone. Once that happened he was a totally different person. At the end of my first week working with him I couldn't stand him. Beginning the second week everything began to change. Once he realized I could be trusted to produce what he wanted and keep my mouth shut regarding the campaign I was IN. He insisted I call him Bobby NOT Mr. Kennedy and although small talk was never his thing he became much more communicative and friendly. He was probably the most difficult person for whom I have ever worked. He was a workaholic and expected those around him to be the same. I was only nineteen and lived at home with my parents and thus I had the time to invest in the campaign and he quickly came to genuinely appreciate my dedication and effort. At the end of the convention he offered me a job with the transition team but was extremely supportive when I turn him down saying I needed to return to school. P.S. I admired and damn near worshiped JFK. I admired and respected RFK. At the time I thought Teddy Kennedy was a dumb shit but after the Chappaquiddick incident he eventually matured into a damn effective United States Senator.
  2. Well if you are going to consider politicians celebrities then I met and came to know all of the original Kennedy family. I quit school in the fall of 1960 and went to work for the JFK campaign in the West Lake District of Los Angeles. Teddy Kennedy arrived, in the late spring, to lead the Western United Sates campaign. He was just a kid and was very inexperienced and not very good at that time. During the 1960 Democratic Convention, here in Los Angeles, I worked as a personal assistant to Robert Kennedy. All of the Kennedy sister were in and out of the office so I got to know all of them quite well. My favorite of all was Robert's wife Ethel. She was totally down to earth and great fun. I met JFK several times at the convention hotel, the Biltmore, in downtown, at various cocktail parties, and a special party, after his nomination, for a small group of campaign workers. There he signed, one of my most prized possessions, a copy of "Profiles in Courage".
  3. Matt Damon at Spago's in Beverly Hill a few years ago. Right after my order arrived and I began to eat someone taped me on the shoulder. When I turn it was Damon. He asked if the short ribs I was eating were good. I said outstanding, we then exchanged a few pleasantries before he turned back to order the short ribs from his server. He came across as one of the nicest guys you would ever want to meet. A very positive experience.
  4. Poolboy48220 you just nailed me right between the eyes. YES, I would definitely spend $500 or more to spend an evening with Cody's Jamie. He defines the term stud muffin for me and I still get a hardon watching some of his scenes. He would be numero 1 on my bucket list if he was still around and was escorting.
  5. Greetings D421812 and welcome to the site. I can't give you any specific information on the above guy; I live in Southern California. However, let me say that, in my eyes, you have damn good taste in men. P.S. If the choice were mine it would have to be AndyAndyAndy or coolguy
  6. If I remember correctly and god knows I might not I believe it is verboten, on this site, to openly post photographs with models sporting erections.
  7. Possibly but only possibly for time with Kris Evans as he currently looks.
  8. Kevin I couldn't agree more but then I loath most of Wagner.
  9. As I’ve stated many time on many different threads on this site I’m 74 and there isn’t a damn thing I can or want to do about it. We seniors, I really don’t like that categorizing word; can ONLY be marginalized if WE allow ourselves to be. Why should I, or for that matter the woman in the photograph, care what some twenty something dumb ass bimbo or himbo thinks of us. Additionally, if the subjects face is recognizable in the photograph the bimbo has opened herself up to a major law suit. My mirror, my eyes and my body have always determined what I did and what I do wear. When I was 26 years old I had 11¾ -inch arms and I NEVER wore short sleeve shirts; when I was 36 years old I had 18-inch arms and I NEVER wore long sleeve shirts; now I’m about to be 76 and I wear whatever I damn well please. One day when I was 26 I was going to the beach with a group of friends and I put on a speedo bathing suit; I looked into the mirror and immediately said to myself this isn’t me. I took off the speedo and put on a boxer type bathing suit and happily when to the beach. Now if I go into the pool at the Palm Springs Pool Party I wear nothing. I used to tell my students that: 1.) When we were small children we did what and wore what the adult in our lives wanted. 2.) When we became adolescents we did what and wore what our peers wanted, and 3.) When we became adult we did what and wore what we wanted. Unfortunately some people never go beyond stage 1 and some never go beyond stage 2. Frankly people at all stages of our lives in this society and that includes “seniors”, spend far too much time worrying about what others thing of us. I have finally reached a stage in my life where my attitude, excluding a small group of family and friends, is fuck’m
  10. Yea the face might appear to be older than 27 but damn the body is mighty fine!!!!! P.S. The next time I email, text, or talk to him I'll ask about the dark glasses shot.
  11. I believe photo 1 is a cock shot and I don't have a clue how to determine age from that photo. At my age (75) the age of an escort is no big deal as long as he is younger than I am and nearly the whole damn world is.
  12. Just received a positive response from Jay regarding my email. I'm more than a little surprised that he accepted my proposal. He seems very nice and we agreed to set up a get together after I return from vacation the end of this month.
  13. Great face, great body, great cock but too high a fee for me. I'd be interested to see what type of multiple hour break he "might" offer.
  14. It is interesting that his hourly rate both in and out is $300 (high end) yet his overnight rate is $1,000.00 (low end). I wonder if one could hire him on two consecutive evening for dinner and two hours of sack time for $500 each. He would actually be earning $1,000.00 for a maximum of six hours instead of an entire night. I'm betting that he would balk. P.S. I just emailed him and suggested dinner and two hours at his place for $500. It will be interesting to see his response.
  15. I can't testify if either Ace or Tyler cook but I can definitely testify that they create tons of heat together when playing with a third.
  16. It all comes down to whether or not porn actors are your thing. If they are he is probably worth the money. My own personal reaction is that I've been there and done that. I have found that porn actors are mere mortals just like the rest of us and that they are no more of a sure thing than non porn actors charging considerably less. Thus I gave up hiring these guys a long time ago or at least until they drop their prices.
  17. Another thing to consider seriously is, are you seeking a part time or full time position? If it is part time I would think being more circumscript would be less of a problem than if you are looking for something full time.
  18. Can't help either as I also go commando and have for the last 50 years.
  19. You might want to consider Amir he lists himself as versatile on rentmen and has multiple positive reviews on this site. He definitely has a beautiful muscular body.
  20. Creoleblanche YES. I have NEVER hired an escort for a single hour. I ALWAYS hire them for either lunch or dinner (their choice) and then a couple of hours of play time after the meal. If I go to their place or we meet at a hotel we go out to a restaurant for a meal. If they comes to my place I cook.
  21. I have NOT been with the guy but I have certainly been tempted a number of times. I tend to hire guys who advertise as versatile or versatile tops NOT simply tops. Here is what I do know about him: 1.) he has been advertising in San Diego for a number of years, 2.) I would guess that he is older than 32 but can't prove that, 3.) at one time he did a couple of bareback dvd's. He is still on my ? list. Good luck.
  22. Unfortunately the guy lives here in the Los Angeles area. His face and body make him extremely tempting. I don't like the tattoos, however, I could live with them. The two things I couldn't live with are: 1.) his hourly rate of $350, and 2.) his hair style -- every time I would look at him, across a table, in a nice restaurant I would be tempted to laugh.
  23. Still no response. I have a feeling this guy isn't all that interested in escorting or he is one hell of a prima donna. My guess is that his lack of response is attributable to BOTH of the above!! Granted he has a pretty face, he has a pretty body, and he as a pretty cock but so do lot's of other guys who are approachable and interested. It escapes me just why guys like this run ads. What is the point? Maybe they get off reading all the attempts potential clients make trying to contact them.
  24. Hey Babyboomer I love to cook and frequently invite escorts to my home where I prepare a home cooked meal. I once had a regular who would never allow me to drive to his place, an hour plus away, because when he came to my home he got to take home the copious left overs. P.S. Damn I do miss Todd/LA
  25. I've said it before and I'll say it again. If these guys think they are worth $300+ an hour and can find clients to pay that price more glory to them. They just won't be getting that type of fee from me and I'm damn certain they could give a shit about that fact. Frankly I find Liam HOT, in fact so HOT that I emailed him, through rentmen, before I finished reading this thread. I asked about his fee for a lunch or dinner and a couple of hours of play time. It will be interesting to see if he responds and if so what fee he quotes.
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