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Everything posted by BonVivant

  1. The name shouldn’t refer to what we discuss. It should mask it but can allude to it. Some suggestions: 1. OscarsFriends (the Oscar is Oscar Wilde). 2. AntinouSeeker (ode to Antinous) 3. HadriansFriends (Hadrian the great and gay Roman Emperor)
  2. Any info or experiences on this intriguing fella: https://rent.men/DomTwunk
  3. Yes totally. My emoji reaction is ☝️(Agree) and so funny but true 🤔😂😉😜
  4. He totally ignored me; saw my messages, but ignored them. 🤔🙄. Oh well.
  5. Pakistanis are not Middle Eastern. Also they are not rare as tops.
  6. I took the plunge. DM for deets.
  7. Any info on this hottie: https://rent.men/LatinDreamLA?
  8. Any info on this hottie https://rent.men/Davidmel ?
  9. Any info on this hottie in LA area? https://rent.men/diegohott
  10. Well… beauty & sex appeal are in the eye of the beholder.
  11. Here we go again. Economics is supply and demand. If he can get it, then he can get it. If he can’t, he’ll lower his price. Like how oil is now gonna go up because demand is returning to pre-Covid levels. If you can’t afford the rate, look elsewhere.
  12. Intrigued as well. Curious minds want to know….
  13. Bump. anyone have anything recent to report on this hottie?
  14. Bump anyone with any recent experience? So hot.
  15. https://rent.men/Oxfordcomma Hi. Had to start a new thread on Mr. Oxfordcomma (old one won’t allow comments). Any latest info on him? He’s got all of the goods and assets that I like. 😊
  16. “morbid carias Colombian penetration” 😮🤭. Hmmm. What exactly does “morbid carias Colombian penetration” mean? 🤔
  17. Yes but not western astrology. I follow Vedic (Indian) astrology. It is more of a guide to your life than making exact predictions for the future (astrology does not do that: that’s more in the paranormal realm but good luck getting a genuine and real person). We all go through life’s up and downs. The astrologer acts like a therapist pointing out the good and the bad, in events, cycles, and timeframes. In the end, we all have a mix of good times and bad times. Astrology can be a guide to help you get through it all. Some of it is uncannily accurate. There will be naysayers to everything. But I have had genuine spiritual experiences when I was young and then then through my life that indicate that there is something more to the universe than what can be sensed.
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