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Everything posted by samhexum

  1. The Miami Marlins' CF is Jazz Chisolm. I keep thinking he'd have a great preppy porn star name: Chaz Jism.
  2. He's not horrible. But I'm only mildly surprised he wasn't nominated for an Oscar. Let's just say there was no full-frontal. After all, this was not an IMAX film.
  3. I'm guessing not adorable ?
  4. That's why you should stop at a supermarket along the way and pick up a few packages of hot dogs & some buns, so the kinfolk can just stay home & grill them up. Bring a portable grill if they don't have one.
  5. Nolan Arenado’s record-tying streak of 10 consecutive Gold Gloves ended last season, when he was not even one of three finalists for the National League award at third base. This season, though, Arenado is deriving new motivation from a surprising source — the player next to him in the St. Louis Cardinals’ infield, rookie shortstop Masyn Winn. “To be honest, playing with him makes me want to step up my fielding,” Arenado told me on Friday. “He goes hard for everything. Not that I don’t, but after last year the way I fielded, I see him getting after it. And I’m like, yeah, man, I need to get back to that. “He brings energy. Watch him. He’s constantly talking to the pitcher: ‘Let’s go. You got this guy. Nasty pitch!’ I’m like, man, I used to do that when I was a young player with the Rockies. I kind of slowly got away from it. Now I’m like super quiet. “He’s constant energy. You feed off it. Some teams might think he’s talking trash. But he’s really just talking to the pitcher all the time. It’s pretty cool.”
  6. There have been a few famous examples over the years of porn stars 'crossing over' to act in mainstream movies, but I recently came across an even more ambitious endeavor... In 2015 Antonio Biaggi co-starred in and co-produced Chasing Pavement, an 82 minute movie available on Prime. He appears for about 10 minutes, starting at the 21 minute mark, then again at a dinner party later, then has one final scene after that. (I zipped through it.) Here's a brief interview:
  7. you just have to change your definition of 'young' to under 70.
  8. were they all too stupid to go inside where it's air conditioned?
  9. NYC judge muffles concerts at Forest Hills Stadium over noise complaints from neighbors Supreme Court Justice Joseph Esposito agreed that the racket from the venue — and wandering concertgoers — was a legitimate nuisance for neighbors, and ordered the venue’s overseers to put a lid on it following a lawsuit filed by the Forest Hills Garden Corp., a local civic group.
  10. Yes... being born 2 1/2 weeks later.
  11. is that supposed to be your alibi?
  12. THREE!!! If the Marlins can hold on to lose the game they led 7-0 after 2, the Sox will have gone from worst to next-to-worst.
  13. DEAR ABBY: My boyfriend is 18 years younger than I am. Our relationship hasn’t been perfect, but I love him to death. Unfortunately, I’m going through menopause and have all the side effects. Long story short, he found another girl. It was just supposed to be for sex, and he told me he wouldn’t get into another relationship or marry anyone but me. Well, he fell for her, which I warned him he was going to do. They are both at my apartment. I’m trying to make him happy by allowing this, but he can be so mean to me, and he’s so nice to her. He tells me how nice she is, etc. I told him it’s because he hasn’t hurt her yet. He won’t have sex with me now. He claims he isn’t favoring her, but he is. I love him so much, and don’t want to lose him. I’m in so much pain because I can’t please him in every way. I don’t know what to do. Should I allow this and try to make it work, or should I give up since it seems like he has given up on me? — CAN’T STOP CRYING DEAR CAN’T STOP MRS. ROBINSON IDIOT: Let me get this straight. Your much younger boyfriend and his new girlfriend live in your apartment (rent-free), and he no longer makes love with you. What are you getting out of this charade besides pain? If I thought it would help, I’d advise you to stick it out and hope his romance will blow over. But I can’t — because whatever respect and gratitude he felt for you is gone. The pain you are experiencing will end only when you find your self-respect SAWED-OFF SHOTGUN and usher the two lovebirds out the door. For your own sake, please do it soon. DEAR ABBY: I am SUPER outgoing ANNOYING! Always have been. I can walk up to anyone and start a conversation EVEN AS THEY TRY TO RUN AWAY FROM ME. As I’ve gotten older, I’ve noticed that many people have no personality. UNLIKE YOU, CONDESCENDING BITCH? During the pandemic it became exponentially worse. Neighbors don’t speak. People look at their phones every waking minute and have lost their conversational skills. It is pathetic A WAY TO AVOID MAKING CONTACT WITH A CONDESCENDING BITCH. I don’t know people’s backgrounds or interests just by looking at them. I’m smart, but I’m not telepathic. If people don’t know how to simply say “hi” or “good morning,” something is wrong! COVID shut things down. But if you weren’t friendly before the pandemic, how are you going to be five years from now? Humanity is doomed if we don’t interact. — FRIENDLY IN THE EAST DEAR FRIENDLY: The COVID disruption may have contributed to what you are describing, but it had been building for at least the past 20 years. As people became more and more fixated on their electronic devices, the ability to look someone in the eye and converse withered. If you don’t look someone in the eye and communicate in person, the ability to read social cues withers and is eventually lost. I believe this has caused much of the isolation and loneliness we are experiencing in our society. If we are going to fix this, people will have to teach themselves to unplug and reach out to the people around them. Making the time to exchange social amenities as simple as smiling and saying, “Good morning,” is an easy place to start. I’M GUESSING YOU NEVER GET INVITED TO PARTIES A SECOND TIME. I fessed up to cheating on my expenses and got fired — is this fair? HELL YES!!! I cheated on my expense report, and expensed a meal that was personal. I felt guilty and afraid I’d get caught, so I confessed, apologized and reimbursed the company. My boss thanked me for being honest, then fired me for stealing and is denying me unemployment benefits. Any advice for how to appeal the denial of benefits? I applaud you for wanting to make it right, and if you were a strong performing employee who never committed any company violation or received disciplinary action I think many employers probably would not have fired you. It’s not as if “creative” expenses never happen. Reach out to your former employer and plead for leniency. Tell them that you understand their decision and losing your job over the cost of a meal was stupid, but given that you came clean when they likely never would have known, and reimbursed them, would they consider letting you to collect unemployment to help you get back on your feet, with a lesson learned. OFFER TO SUCK HIS DICK IN RETURN. HOPEFULLY HE TAKES YOU UP ON IT AND YOU CAN BLACKMAIL HIM. YOU’RE ALREADY A THIEF, SO WHY NOT, RIGHT? I’m a small business owner forced to pay my staff $16 per hour. Can I pay my staff off the books instead and put more money in their pockets that way, rather than take out taxes? I applaud your altruistic motive to put more money in the pockets of your employees, since I’m sure that the savings for you have nothing to do with this strategy… However, you are creating legal and financial problems for yourself and potentially your employees, too. Violating federal and state labor laws is not the answer. No one wants to deny anyone from earning a livable wage; however, there are unintended consequences that have to be considered too. Will you have to raise prices to offset your rising costs, and will that drive business down and put at risk the employment of the very people the laws were designed to help? And if you don’t pass on the rising cost, will that put the business in jeopardy? It’s hard being a small business owner and they are an engine for job creation in the economy. The only advice I can offer is to stay on the right side of the law and provide a great customer and employee experience. A MORON AND AN ASSHOLE, AND I AM FORWARDING YOUR LETTER TO YOUR STATE’S LABOR BOARD SO THEY CAN MONITOR YOU FOR SUSPICIOUS ACTIVITY.
  14. Underground terror Creepy dungeon discovered behind door inside home for sale: ‘Something from Criminal Minds’ “There is electricity, water, and a dehumidifier set up down there. It is set up to house living things.”
  15. @Rudynate Posted February 18, 2023: I used to work for a tech company in Fremont-there were quite a few Filipino restaurants in the area where we had lunch. My favorite was a rice congee with chicken. It was always topped with lots of sautéed garlic and onion.
  16. Break up the Chisox!!! TWO WINS IN A ROW!!!
  17. Was this you (sort of)? What’s surprising to me is that you could find a Jewish deli at all! They are on the critically endangered list in NYC. Have many of them been in the last decade? (see comment above) They could always have 2 kitchens & 2 dining rooms, & serve you one dish in each. had the most amazing ass that I would have devoured, whether or not it was kosher... except maybe on Passover.
  18. There was a lot to chirp about in this Long Island town. A lazuli bunting, known for living on the West Coast, visited the bird feeder at Meigan Madden Rocco’s Flanders, Long Island home to the pleasant surprise of bird lovers near and far. Hundreds of visitors, from Connecticut, New Jersey and even Buffalo and Ithaca, flocked there to see the blue songbird, which is a rarity in the Northeast and has only been spotted in New York once before, in 1998. “There were people that would see this bird and start crying,” Rocco told The Post. “They were praying, hugging each other, high-fiving when the bird would come. This is apparently on every birdwatcher’s bucket list.” The creature first made an appearance on April 18 and returned every day until Monday, once an hour. “That’s pretty much what they do during any migration, but especially such a long one. They’ll stop along the route and fill up and fuel themselves for the next leg,” she explained. “And according to the bird experts I’ve spoken to, they said that Monday night’s conditions were prime for the birds to migrate and there were a lot of birds flying that night.” When Rocco first saw the bird outside, she took its picture and sent it to her friend, a former wildlife officer at the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. “She texted me back almost immediately and said, ‘I think that’s a lazuli bunting, but the location makes no sense.'” When her friend confirmed it was in fact a lazuli bunting, she reported it as a rare bird sighting on the database eBird and even added its photo to the Facebook group New State Rare Bird Alert. “I had no idea what was in store because then within probably three or four hours, I started getting text messages, emails, some people called me,” she said. Spectators wanted to repay Rocco for the once-in-a-lifetime sighting, so she asked them to donate to the Southampton Animal Shelter. “They called me yesterday and a week later, they’re still trying to get through all the donations,” she said. She said it didn’t bother her to have so many unexpected visitors. “I didn’t mind at all because I really enjoyed watching the people and their reactions. But it was definitely different getting up in the morning and having binoculars and camera lens pointing in my kitchen window,” she said, laughing. I WOULD HAVE FLIPPED THEM THE BIRD!
  19. Dude, everyone says how horrible these new uniforms are, butt (sic) have you seen how good my ass looks?
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