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    + HornyRetiree reacted to LivingnLA in 411 on Orient MagicMasseur in LA   
    That reply would turn me off because of the horrific grammar. Yes, I'm weird.
  2. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to Kody S in Massage Exchanges?   
    Hey! Have any of you developed relationships with any masseurs who offer massage exchanges: they massage you and then you return the favor? The reason I'm asking is that I am somewhat of an amateur masseur having picked up lots of techniques through the years and I've been told I'm quite good (I know, hasn't everybody been told this? Lol) ....but... I would like more practice to try out my skills. I have a table and I enjoy both giving and receiving, connecting through touch with others, healing, etc. I suppose the logical thing to do is ask but I don't want to be weird about it or seem like I'm taking advantage. I'm not doing this for the money but for the experience and the skill. Also I'm assuming that if the masseur was open to this I would still pay them for their time.
    I also realize there are guys out there who have no skills at all (we have all had a few of those) and still advertise for money and get it! I think this site does a good job at helping to identify skill levels. Also I realize that there are various state regulations about what constitutes massage hence advertising as "body rubs" etc.
    Any thoughts you have are appreciated.
  3. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to + friendofsheila in Butt massage   
    A thread explicitly mentioning sexy body parts and sexy body touching and NOBODY REPLIES?
    Maybe I should bring up another Hints from Heloise question if I want someone to mention sex.
  4. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to + glennnn in erectile dysfunction and lack of penis sensitivity   
    About six visits to two different urologists and I learn more from you guys in one thread than I did from them. I have an appointment soon with a new doctor recommended here. He's reputed to be gay friendly and has a very high patient satisfaction score. I just want him to give me the time, attention and possible answers that I get here. My sincere thanks to you all. Drinks on me in PS in April!
  5. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to + glennnn in erectile dysfunction and lack of penis sensitivity   
    It was with one or more fingers as well as his cock, and it went on for quite a while and equisitely set me up for the biggest cum shot I'd had in years while he was cumming in my mouth. I'm going to take your advice and work on anal orgasm.
    You guys are so wonderful to offer your advice and suggestions. I figure I have a few years of gay sex left after recently coming out and I so much want to make the most of them in spite of my aging body. With you and the who's who of amazing escorts who have taught, nutured, and made love to me, I am determined to overcome BPH and ED (fucking alphabet), and claim the men-loving-men heritage I have been missing all of my life. Thank you!
  6. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to BasketBaller in Two Down, One To Go   
    I wish I had the abs, but I'd rather have the heart.
  7. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to BasketBaller in Two Down, One To Go   
    Thank you! When I started sharing this side of my life I worried it would seem weird or boring to talk about it here, and if it has been to anyone, I apologize. But the reaction from most folks here has been so gratifying, and truly even comforting, I'm humbled and so glad to have found my way here. I have posted things here I've never said to anyone ever, and felt comfortable doing so. Thanks again to you all.
  8. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to BasketBaller in Two Down, One To Go   
    Well so much for my claim that nobody's cried lately.
    (Thank you very much.)
  9. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to + purplekow in Two Down, One To Go   
    Though they may not be physically here, the ones we love are always with us. Today, I started back to work on the one year anniversary of the cardiac event that left me unemployed and physically drained. Though the PS weekend had revitalized my spirits I still had concerns about my ability to do the job. I felt that my skills had faded, my mental faculties had dulled and my physical endurance was not what it needed to be. On my way out the door, I could not find my work ID badge, identifying me as a physician. I searched my home and my car and could not find it and I worked it up in my head that this was a sign that I was not ready to do the job. After all, without the badge, who would known me, what would vouch for my credentials. The hour grew late and a decision had to made, go without the credential or not go at all. I opted to go.
    When I arrived at work, just as I removed the car key, a picture of my wife which I keep in the car, fell from the visor. I went to pick it up and it had landed right on the credential. I swear I had looked everywhere in the car, and yet there it was. I actually started to weep in the car, I am not sure why, but I can tell you I felt loved and reassured and ready to face the day. I went in and did a fair job. Not bad for the first day. I came home exhausted. Tomorrow will be better.
    BBaller, your wife is right there with you, I am sure you know it. I am sure you feel it. I am sure when you are down, memories help supply a sense of peace and contentment with just a tinge of melancholy. So you did do it, both of you. You have been blessed.
  10. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to Good Grief in Two Down, One To Go   
    It appears y'all (we, as you say) did it very, very well. Good job! I'm the proud dad of two teen guys who're trying to decide and figure out what's to come.
    Many congratulations. Be proud!
  11. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to BasketBaller in Two Down, One To Go   
    Honestly, I am. The boys have almost always made me proud, but I can't even express how full my heart is these days. Partly I know it's because an era is ending, partly because a wonderful new one is starting. But also because I think of those three little boys that they were, taking flight, and as complex as my feelings are, the main one is tied to memories of their mom and the thought is "We did it."
  12. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to + purplekow in Two Down, One To Go   
    As to living alone, you will hate it. And love it. When they return, you will find yourself relieved and also wondering how you ever lived in such a chaotic world. Best of luck to all four of you guys. And was it only your son eyeing the midshipmen?
  13. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to MartyB in Antonio NYC   
    The massage was good. Good hands and he worked on all my body. He was fine. But the extra benefits were just what I wanted and preferred. If your looking for a strictly professional masseur maybe not your guy. But for me awesome.
  14. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to TruthBTold in Antonio NYC   
    He looks it. And he posts for a nice price.
  15. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to LADoug1 in condoms   
    Due to kidney and osteoporosis Issues I'm not able to take PreP. Plus I'm still traumatized by the epidemic in the 80's. I use condoms faithfully.
  16. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to marylander1940 in I have a crush on Woody Fox!   
    I wonder if that inspired a porno director to do this scene where he shows off his other skills?

  17. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to SuperJunior in Where are the shorties???   
    Yes. Please. Pretty please. With me on top.
  18. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to SuperJunior in Where are the shorties???   
    No problem. I thought I'd misread the posts. :-)
  19. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to SuperJunior in Where are the shorties???   
    Lordy. That makes him even hotter.
  20. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to SuperJunior in Where are the shorties???   
    Isn't this thread from a guy looking for short men? Sorry. Perhaps I misunderstood.
  21. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to SuperJunior in Where are the shorties???   
    This guy looks great.
  22. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to AlexThomas in condoms   
    Its about 300 a bottle where im at, before insurance. My medical cuts it way down, and what I cant pay the gilead assistance covers. Bottle is a 30 day supply.
  23. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to + OliverSaks in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    When an escorts lists himself as 19 cm one place in the ad and 20 cm in another part...
  24. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to beachboy in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    Well said Oliver. I wanna kiss before, during & after everything!
  25. Like
    + HornyRetiree reacted to + OliverSaks in Escorts Say the Darndest Things   
    That's surprising to me - a shower beforehand usually makes things... palatable (for kissing, before and after)
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