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Posts posted by HornyRetiree

  1. Even though, at 70, I am nothing to look at physically! and am a real "grower", I grew up with gang showers in school and the military -- I figure we are what we are -- and some days are just too hot for clothes!


    What saves me and gets other men (always younger) interested in me are my great smile, beautiful smiling blue eyes, infectious laugh, pleasant personality and good energy. We we so much more than our physical body.

  2. Was at a nude/clothing optional beach today. Every age, body shape and flaccid size imaginable!


    Four young men (early 20s?) came down. They wrapped a towel around themselves while pants still on (not even down to underwear) and then went through amazing contortions to get pants & underwear off and bathing suit on UNDER the towel. Ridiculously amazing.


    What goes? Why? I have heard friends mention similar at the Gym.


    Anyone know why this is?

  3. Just note some licenses/state massage board rules state that genetalia must be covered. So at minimum a wash cloth.


    I think most States do - but private practice allows nonewhere there is trust - I have joked about “I bet they didn’t teach that at massage school” when they are deep throating me:)


    It comes down to trust and is why I a regular masseur and hate it when I habe to find a new one - as I have said before, a referral from another client makes a big difference and usually means things get off to a good start the first session:)

  4. I always have two sheets on the table and I say before the massage “drape for your level of comfort.” Makes for more laundry duty I know. However, as provider it is impingent to give the option. I have found that clients sometimes get on top or underneath depending on their mood. When therapists assume things about client preferences is when you open yourself to trouble. I just do outcalls so the warmth or not is largely dependent on the client. But as a courtesy when I get a hotel call and I see the temp set at 70 I encourage the client to let me turn the heat up because in two decades experience I have found that 70 is the point at which people get cold with a massage. Also just because someone says they are warm with their clothes on does not meant that they will be warm wince the take them off and get moist oil on them.



    Know you may not want to reply here — are you strictly therapeutic or do you appreciate all parts of the male body? PM if you wish.

  5. Only one decided to use a hand towel to cover me at the start but it came off in the end...supposedly therapeutic ;)



    Yes,happenedto me once too, only a wash cloth - didn’t last long the first session amd after that sessions were nude - even though therapeutic

  6. I prefer undraped - I can not tolerate material touching during a massage- it interferes with my “zoning out” - also why I

    Prefer masseur be nude even if strictly therapeutic.


    When I was younger (into late 50s) I would ejaculate spontaneously during a good massage - while flacid/semi - didn’t needa full fledged erection - it is all energy


    Had one guy who I would trick into helping me cum, by explaining that the scar tissue on my lower abdomen needed some work. He would do the scar tissue, never touch my penis and I would ejaculate.


    These purely therapeutic masseurs were told up front that I did ejaculate spontaneously during a good massage w/o genital stimulation — wanted that on the table — many were intrigued and could injoy it because they didn’t cross any lines.


    NOW, I still need to ejaculate for the massage to be totally beneficial and I do need assistance:) More often than not that assistance is oral after a few visits with new masseur toestablish trust. It can happen 1st time if I am referred by a current client.


    Now with the way the climate is, referrals are best if seeing a new masseur. Glad I have regulars and contacts in many places

  7. I had a similar thing happen in a non-escort situation recently. I contacted a guy online, we had very similar interests and got into some very hot talk about some roleplay fantasies we'd explore together. This was on a Friday night, and he even emailed me early the next morning to continue the conversation.


    Then at one point that day, the conversation just stopped. Cold. I emailed him a few times over the next few days - no response. I was actually rather upset because our conversation had been very intense and it really felt like we were majorly clicking.


    I let it go.


    Then recently - it had been about 2 months since the initial conversation - he emails me out of the blue. Claiming he had family issues to deal with, and was very sorry that he had been out of touch. (As far as I know he's a gay male in his mid 20's - no marriage or anything like that - so this wouldn't be a "dodging the wife" kind of thing. I figured it was an illness/death or something - understandable. He didn't elaborate, I didn't pry.)


    I told him I had been bummed he had disappeared, but was glad he wrote back. We started up talking again, picking up where we had left off with barely a hitch.


    After that night (it's been about 2 weeks now), haven't heard from him since. Same M.O. - he just stopped emailing - no heads up to say he might not hear from me, etc - just nothing. Again, I checked in once or twice - nothing.


    I fell for it, whatever it was.


    When he emails me again in another few months, no doubt, I won't be responding back this time. It's a shame, because the talk was incredibly hot - and very specific and detailed in terms of what we both liked. And he did seem to make it clear that he wanted to meet - that this wasn't just talk. But I guess ultimately it was.


    In this day and age, I don't think there are many situations (even "family issues" etc) where one can't simply send even a very quick email, or txt, or whatever, to say "sorry, really busy, will be back in touch soon, just wanted you to know I'm still interested" or whatever. So I have to think that this "family issues" thing was just a flimsy excuse, and that he's either intentionally playing me, or that he's just in it for the fantasy talk until he gets off, or whatever. A real shame. But I have to let it go.


    I expect that He is just getting off with the online communication - He cums, feels guilty and disappears until horniness consumes him again!

  8. I don't call it uncut - it's INTACT - as in "I will never know how it feels to be intact"


    LOL - point made but you must understand that as a 70yo cut man, I grew up with cut/uncut -- seeing more INTACT on younger men - still not all that common in my experience - over a life time a few I could "dock" with and that was HOT.

  9. Found it!


    Glad that your pom is doing well. All it takes is a loving human who takes good care of their dogs and/or cats.


    She is a real Sweetheart! I decided that at my age (70) I should no longer be going the puppy route, I should adopt senior canines and make what ever time they have left the BEST POSSIBLE. Poms can go to 16 - so who knows.


    My only criteria was Female (if I am going to rub a belly and run into a penis, it will be on a man, not a canine:):):) and 20# or less - weight criteria due to aging and RA.


    It is a perfect match.

  10. i am convinced if they dropped the legal age of consent to 14 many on here would be over the moon. He is a kid that looks like a kid what is so good to be true about that?What kinda life would he have to have had to be on rentmen at 18? Does anyone care?


    By his looks, he could easily be 19,20 or 21 and be using 18 as his pitch - I know at 18 I was horny and active! Just not getting paid for it. At that age seconds and thirds and more possible:)

  11. Adopted a senior (12yo) Pomeranian 13 weeks ago today:) Used to use Blue Buffalo w/ my Scotties and then read some not so good things (no I can't find them).


    Now, after checking with canine owning friends, I am using Nutro Senior for dry and making a gravy with Merrick's Lil Meals - (one pack does 4 feeding) I get everything now from chewy.com.


    When she was turned in to Humane Society in Feb she weighed 17.88# - when I adopted her Apr 20th, she was 15# and 4 weeks ago she weighed in at 11.8# just under the goal weight of 12#.


    I have increased her food and weigh her every 3 weeks to see that we are maintaining.

  12. There is a certain stretch of I-90 just west of Ellensberg, WA that had an interesting affect on me. I remember more than once driving my VW in the eastbound lane and for some reason I would get a roaring hardon. Of course, I was in college at the time and erections came frequently and unexpectedly, but I always remember rubbing one off on the interstate.


    Only one??????

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