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Everything posted by musclvr

  1. https://rentmasseur.com/HoldenFlex Another former Sean Cody model pops up in SD. Also with presence on Twitter and IG, and Onlyfans account. And partnered with this guy: https://rentmasseur.com/SDMasseur At $120/hr, Holden is surprisingly inexpensive but methinks there would be an upsell. And with a reported age of 32 and saying that he has been giving and receiving massages for over 15 years*, he would have to have started young. *"Hey! I’m a massage therapist here in San Diego that has been giving and getting massages for over 15 years. I welcome and encourage clients of all types to reach out and schedule a session with me. The most important thing to me is that you feel comfortable and welcome during your experience. I am very open minded about the approaches required to meet my clients’ specific needs, and I’ve acquired the skills and techniques necessary to ensure that no client will ever leave a session with me unsatisfied. 

A session with me will be one to remember — I guarantee it!"
  2. Looks TGTB. I did an image search on a couple of the pictures but nothing came up. He's hot.
  3. That's just it, isn't it? His pictures on masseurfinder and rentmasseur show a man who I find very attractive (though some pics date back to the Obama administration). His rentmasseur ad says that he is a certified masseur. He's tall. Only a few tats. Smooth. Says he is vaccinated for both COVID and mpox. His ad ticks all my boxes and I might hire him if he were in my area. So, *thank you*, everybody for posting warnings about this guy.
  4. Did you actually have a session with Ramon? Feel free to PM me with details. The pickings are so slim in SD.
  5. Thanks SamMiller213. I've had some similar experiences in SD with masseurs giving weird vibes but they're no longer advertising. Does Tai use that sling in picture #9 rather than a massage table? Talk about giving an escorty vibe.
  6. And I am usually disappointed with the services, especially for the cost vs. value. I'm much more satisfied with the offerings in San Francisco.
  7. The rate of inflation in SD is 8%. But these guys seem above market for just therapeutic. Both straight. MrMagooUncut = $220/hr for therapeutic, $300 for sensual, and $350 for erotic. His reviews sound like they were self-writing by this travel "influencer". https://rentmasseur.com/MrMagooUncut KenfromSD = $250 of therapeutic, also offering "additional massage styles to meet the unique needs of each client." https://rentmasseur.com/KenfromSD
  8. Something similar happened to me when I searched for another provider... The search function now has a drop down menu that appears in small font that I missed. It defaults to searching in "This Topic". I now have to manually select "Everywhere".
  9. musclvr

    411 on fitasian

    I second that. I saw him in Boston 7+ years ago. I remember my experience with him was *meh*. I remember that there was something off-putting with him in bed but I don't remember what it was specifically. I wouldn't repeat.
  10. He caught my eye too. But, as others have written, the search function is your friend.
  11. Tony. https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/17975/
  12. The profile pics look familiar but a search is negative. Anybody with experience with Sammoon? https://rentmasseur.com/Sammoon
  13. A heads-up for those of us attracted to muscular Asians. The guy who will show up after booking with Asiantantric_UK is not the hot, tall, muscular, clean-cut guy in the ad. The guy who shows up is shorter, scruffier, less toned with C-grade massage skills and D-grade interactivity. YMMV if you're Asian because he told me he likes only other Asian guys for hooking up. https://rentmasseur.com/Asiantantric_UK He changes his profile name. There have been at least two threads on this guy before but I can't find them now. A couple of the RM reviews talk about the bait & switch profile pics.
  14. Yes, Konstantin (the Ukrainian) has been around for a few years. I saw him years ago when he lived in SF (and had a full head of hair). It was a great session (muscle worship). He was a very nice, accommodating young man. I can't vouch for his massage skills. If he ever came back to SF I would see him again.
  15. This guy is a bad penny, with name and picture changes. The latest ad shows one of the pictures from a series in a previous version of their ad (under a different name). There are other threads about this guy/group, none positive. The guy in the picture is not who shows up. I wish. The picture looks to be swiped from Chinese-language social media based on a reverse image search.
  16. In short, kind of, yes. The monkeypox vaccine give what can be generally called sterilizing immunity. https://www.cdc.gov/poxvirus/monkeypox/clinicians/smallpox-vaccine.html But... https://www.theatlantic.com/science/archive/2021/09/sterilizing-immunity-myth-covid-19-vaccines/620023/ To be extremely, extremely simplistic, a lot depends upon the virus, its site of infection/entry into the host, and the type of immune response elicited by the vaccine. Viruses are incredibly diverse, very cool life forms. For SARS-CoV-2, our current vaccines, while reducing symptoms of severity, don't elicit the type of immune response at the right virus' points of entry in our body, to prevent infection. And SARS-CoV-2 replicates like crazy once in the host. For monkeypox (and smallpox, and the unrelated viruses, measles, HPV etc.) the vaccines elicit immune responses that prevent infection, or slow it down sufficiently to halt it and to stop it from becoming symptomatic.
  17. Here is, what I think is, a nuanced view of the monkeypox situation with opinions from several epidemiologists. The author of the piece won an award for her coverage of the COVID pandemic. https://www.statnews.com/2022/07/19/monkeypox-spread-many-experts-believe-the-virus-cant-be-contained/ For the TL;DR crowd, I would summarize it as: 1) there are steps on a path to containment 2) based on past and current behaviors - human and government - and the current situation, we are unlikely to execute the requisite steps 3) Therefore, monkeypox is likely to become endemic on a global basis, with a possibility to contain it in the US. I would be more optimistic on containment in the US if vaccine weren't in such short supply.
  18. Exactly. Immunity wanes over time. From what I have read we don't know how long the immunity from the small pox vaccine lasts. Though all of us who were vaccinated probably carry some immunity, it may not be strong enough to afford what is called "sterilizing immunity", which is prevention of infection from the smallpox virus, which is considered effectively extinct. It's the same concept why people over 50 are recommended to get the shingles vaccine even though we all had chicken pox as children. Also, articles I have read say that the smallpox vaccine is 85% effective at preventing infection with monkey pox. So with only ~85% protection under optimal ("fresh") immunity conditions multiplied by the factor of waning immunity over the decades since receiving the smallpox vaccine, our protection from monkey pox infection probably isn't great. As of July 15, there are 461 cases in NYC, up from around 336 a week on July 13 (this ramp up surprises even pessimist me), and none of the 336 individuals identify as women. So odds are that it's still spreading in the population in NYC (and other cities that have recently had events that promote/lead to lots of body-to-body contact, such as Pride in San Francisco). https://www1.nyc.gov/assets/doh/downloads/pdf/monkeypox/data-daily-cases-demographics-071522.pdf Chances are that we are only at the beginning of the outbreak. The New Yorker had a good article on the situation a couple of days ago. https://www.newyorker.com/science/medical-dispatch/whats-at-stake-in-the-fight-against-monkeypox For me (and acknowledging that everybody has their risk acceptance levels), these are scary numbers. So now, after well over a year off massage tables because of COVID, I am again abstaining, at least until I can get the monkey pox vaccine.
  19. Envious of your 25K BTU burner! I think our local building codes won't permit that hot. "The Wok" by Kenji Lopez-Alt is a great reference with excellent recipes. Any cookbook by Fuchsia Dunlop, especially if you like Sichuan and Hunan Chinese food. http://www.fuchsiadunlop.com/books/ If you Google "Fuchsia Dunlop recipes" several come up without needing to buy her books.
  20. Here's a thread on my experience in London. The pictures used are not who shows up. I suggest "avoid".
  21. Has anybody tried the rebranded RebelSF, formerly known as Philippe in San Francisco? I have seen Philippe maybe three times through his ad on masseurfinder. The massages were always A-grade. The first time I saw him I was younger and in shape; the sensuality was fun but did not cross into erotic. When I saw Philippe again a couple of times a few years later, I was older and less in shape (life and time take their toll). While the massage was still good, the sensual finish was mechanical, as noted by others in a previous thread on him (Philippe in SF) from ca. 2019. So now there is this... https://rentmasseur.com/RebelSF Philippe's pictures are more erotically suggestive than ever, and he's offering erotic massage fully nude, which I think is new for him. Plus his pricing is about 75% more than I remember. I am wondering whether anyone has recent experiences with him and whether the service increase is worth the price increase.
  22. https://rent.men/MarkMilleril
  23. I saw the subject line and immediately thought that American Airlines must be offering some amazing perks in the Admiral's Club at DFW.
  24. Name change. He looked familiar and his use of "naturally vegan" in his ad clicked for me. He used to go by "veganman". Search for that term and you will get hits for several conversations about him. Also, there's this: http://veganman1.com
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