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Cody Converse

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Posts posted by Cody Converse

  1. Where

    The website is actually called "Seeking Arrangements," lol.


    That being said, when you say "long term arrangements," what do you mean? If you're talking about regulars, we've all got 'em. My favorite clients are my regulars, since we know what each other likes and what to expect.


    I have had offers for a full-time gig, basically living with/nearby a client over an extended period of time. It's certainly an enticing fantasy, but, like someone else said, fresh meat is always just around the corner...

  2. I agree, I often works like this, afterwards, if they have nothing else to do. But it looks like the OP wanted to spend time to know them before the act.


    I think this is the key differential. This question seems sort of like the guy who asked about a meet-and-greet before the actual "appointment;" I don't think there's anything wrong with spending some time together off the clock, but going into your appointment expecting a bonus would majorly turn me off a client.


    I think sometimes it can be hard to find that sweet spot between the cold, business aspect of what we do and genuine human connection. My motto has always been "ask, because the worst thing that can happen is they say no."

  3. I heard Viagra cant be done with poppers, which I enjoy sometimes. So that would steer me away from it.

    Viagra and poppers are both vasodilators, so yeah, using them together can cause dangerously low drops in blood pressure. Thankfully the latter's effects wear off very quickly, but I know I've had at least one encounter where I almost passed out from using too much poppers and had to sit and wait for my BP to stabilize before getting up.

  4. the radio discussion you were listening to no doubt mentioned the recent van attack in Toronto....it's been suggested the driver suffered from "incel" - involuntary celibacy and blamed women.....had never heard of this "affliction" before the Toronto attack.....



    Oh yeah, incels have been around for a while. They're insane. The term was mostly limited to specific sections of the internet, but with the Toronto attack and the rise of the alt-right and other proponents of online misogyny, it's entered more prominently into the national dialogue.


    If anyone needs information on this concept, NPR did a very informative and concise piece on this subject in response to the Toronto attack. As others have mentioned, Elliot Rodger (the 2014 Santa Barbara shooter) is probably the most prominent incel, who publicly posted about his contempt for women, especially those in interracial couples. There's a lot of overlap between incels and the alt-right.

  5. So sad to hear about continuing tragedies. I just finished watching the Frat Boys documentary on Netflix. I'd be afraid to let my kid get near a fraternity.


    As a new hire out of college I was suspicious of coworkers that made a point of their Greek history. On campus we judged Greek life as contemptible and selfish. I still have ill feelings towards their behavior. They claim to carry on their traditions into the business world, as if that is a good thing. How can they expect to be looked upon as noble? The hazing and their selfish nature towards the rest of students on campus was nothing to be proud of. Still, some want to wear that kind of behavior as a badge of honor.


    I was bombarded with invitations to visit and pledge but somehow knew not to try. I'm glad I didn't.

    It's difficult and problematic to paint all Greek organizations as the same. I used to hold your opinion on Greek life as well, until I actually joined. As a horribly anxious 19yo, it was the best thing I could have asked for, and helped me grow into a confident young man. My organization had parties and had its share of douchebags, but we never hazed, and we encouraged our new members to see us as friends rather than superiors. We were known on campus for being a "safe place" (especially for women). We were (and I continue to be) abhorred by hazing and abuse committed by other organizations.


    I'm sorry people looked down on you for staying unaffiliated. Anyone looking down on others for not going Greek are assholes, no matter their affiliation status. As for "carrying my traditions into the business world," I can't say. I always saw Greek creeds the same way I saw the Ten Commandments: I don't need a document to tell me to be a good person. It's pretty easy to treat people with respect.

  6. Okay, I've been lurking on this forum for a bit, but this is the dumbest fucking post I've ever seen and I refuse to stay quiet about it.


    Short version: Let people have sex the way they want to, and they'll let you have sex the way you want to. No need to shame anyone for what they do in bed in private.


    Long version: Fuck all the way off.


    You say you've been barebacking for thirty years, so you must remember when HIV was literally named Gay-Related Immune Deficiency? You've been around to see 35 million people killed by HIV since its discovery? You attended a new funeral every week in the 80s, because all your friends were dying? You've seen gonorrhea becoming borderline-untreatable? You've seen STD rates in America soar to the highest they've ever been?


    We are where we are today because of tremendous advancements in technology and medicine. We have antibiotics, we have antiretroviral therapy, we have so much more knowledge on prevention. We are in a much better place than we were thirty years ago, but millions of people died and suffered along the way to get us here. To ignore all of this and say "I was right, you're all a bunch of pussies" shows that you don't have a goddamn clue what you're talking about.


    Whatever you do in your bedroom in private is none of my business. But don't you for a fucking second tell me I am less than you because I choose to protect myself. Your right to get your rocks off ends exactly where my health begins.

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