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Everything posted by oldNbusted

  1. On my first followup, my Doc said the system is now saying since PrEP is proving to be so effective, frequent testing is no longer necessary, they are now recommneding only testing once a year. I asked her to go ahead, since it was my first followup after starting, but after that, we would go to once a year. Of course, this doesn't change screening for other things, but this could matter in certain scenarios, like monogamous serodiscordant couples.
  2. I love to watch a guy 'help out'. Then I go back back later and do it correctly myself...
  3. I kept forgetting to check this out. My favorite has been first time flippers, to see how much stuff even I know better than to do.
  4. Master List of Gay Male Strip Clubs with Nudity in the United States If you are in town Sunday evening, Rockhard DC is the place.
  5. https://www.daddysreviews.com/review/johny_nyc
  6. The Maryland commuter railroad MARC Train Penn Line will be running Friday morning, it's $7 from BWI to Union Station in DC.
  7. I used to be a runner but due to an injury, I can't handle impact beyond a moderate walk. I'm very excited about a new zero-impact running simulator.
  8. He wouldn't have to tell me he was a bottom twice!
  9. I would encourage you to not dwell on it. I was subjected to commentary for days after admitting I had a meaningful sexual relationship with someone who may have been as old as 30 when I was 15 and didn't consider it assault or felt damaged by it, even though I wouldn't do that or recommend anyone else do that to a minor.
  10. Firefox is down to 13% on the desktop (less than 1% on mobile), I don't think it's coming back. If you really want to keep using it, I would suggest testing the ESR version, it might be more stable, it's a slower release cycle meant for organizations. https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/all/
  11. http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/72/72aaf7dc41950071f5045904b0f78a65f8d500e694ffff8cc93ff2fe6b6dd5c3.jpg
  12. It's not a matter of agreeing to disagree, it's about having an honest conversation. Not everyone can swing it.
  13. Yes, I understand you hit reply to my post, but you didn't reply to what I wrote. You claimed I said something I didn't say, then argued against that false statement. That's a fallacious argument called a straw man.
  14. I feel you, I went through a Whopper phase a long time ago. I would always order one without cheese because they would have to make it from scratch. If you're in the drive through, check it before you pull away!
  15. Did you mean to reply to me? Your reply doesn't seem relevant to what I wrote. Not the end of the world.
  16. I got a gay cashier this past weekend. I was buying an amazon gift card and after asking me if it was for my wife , he said he wished someone would give him a gift card. I said if he was a good boy, maybe Santa would hook him up. I think he realized best not to extend that any further and didn't say anything.
  17. Even if the outcome is the same? The argument is it's a distinction without a difference.
  18. I believe there is a growing awareness that the 'fad' of passive hostility toward anything that threatens white privilege is just as bad as outright white supremacy because it's so much more pervasive and insidious due to flying so far under the radar that many practitioners get away with denying it even exists.
  19. I haven't been in a KFC in over 20 years, i don't like the food and I'm not the only one! Fast Food Reviews: A man of size weighs in. I loved Ray's Hell Burger here in DC, I can't choke down any mass market burger chain gut bombs anymore, and that includes Five Guy's, which has to be the most overrated place I've ever eaten at. I do have fond childhood memories of Whataburger, but I doubt the adult reality would hold up. Subway is just plain nasty. I do like Chipotle but rarely go. I try to keep in mind Michael Pollan's advice that anything that comes through the window of your car as not food, but my oh my, I have a serious weakness for fresh McDonald's hash browns. I think a NYT writer called them the closest thing to a perfect food as exists.
  20. As no man is born an artist, so no man is born an angler – Izaak Walton
  21. I seem to recall Michael Musto asking him if it was true he was Princess Tinymeat and Walhberg could only say he hadn't heard any complaints.
  22. Race car driver Nicholas Hamilton, brother to Lewis Hamilton, who also races. wikipedia.org: Nicolas Hamilton
  23. After my shambolic dumpster fire of a childhood, I was of the opinion that I'd rather never than poorly, so it turned into never and that's fine with me.
  24. Playing devils advocate, how could this be verified in any meaningful way? Having a script doesn't make someone adherent. Should everyone who says they are neg be taking OraQuick tests at the beginning of every session?
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