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Everything posted by oldNbusted

  1. wikipedia.org: Unitarian Universalism and LGBT people They do exist...
  2. Saw this, can't speak to the veracity of it... https://twitter.com/Ian323/status/913200727715078144
  3. vulture.com: Beware the Open-Plan Kitchen Good for a laugh. I do watch some of these shows occasionally. I am a claustrophile, so I"m fascinated by the tiny house shows, I have to tear myself away.
  4. I used to go to the Fireplace in the 90s, I kinda liked it, esp. in the wintertime for some reason. It was 'rustic' as a coworker of mine once diplomatically described my taste...
  5. Yeah, I'm also in the 'define sex' group. I can't remember a time I wasn't experimenting, I could have been the schoolmate with @sync . And no, there was no abuse. But later my dad did have a girlfriend who had a son about my age, so he and I were having sex to orgasm pretty much every weekend over a couple of years. We were 11-12. Then our parents split up, so I didn't see him for a while but I do remember the 'rents hooking up again a couple of years later and so the son and I were alone again overnight. At first he was all "I don't do that gay stuff anymore" but of course, he did.
  6. https://rent.men/CutlerXXX http://www.daddysreviews.com/review/cutler_x_la
  7. Ah ha, you aren't reading the famous @latbear4blk blog: http://ilikepinga.com/2017/07/28/secrets/
  8. That's why he's still in my RM buddlylist. Have you read the text of his reviews?
  9. He changed his handle. I think it used to be WolfBigby, then DaftZane for a minute
  10. I would suggest that just means your metabolism is in the middle of the bell curve. Not so simple for people on the low end, where they have to limit to something like 1,200 cals a day to maintain, while not becoming malnourished. Fortunately, much more info about this phenomenon is coming available.
  11. http://rodonline.typepad.com/.a/6a00d8341c6d4753ef0133eda45c62970b-800wi
  12. He was discussed within a thread I'll link where it was reported he did not reply to a FaceTime request from @latbear4blk. Since then, he did not reply when asked directly by @latbear4blk in previous travel threads if he was the person in the pics he is using. Since travel posts are hidden after the dates have passed, there are no links for those threads available. https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/recommendation-for-latbear4blk.124857/#post-1293400
  13. arstechnica.com: After murder conviction and suicide, Aaron Hernandez found to have severe CTE
  14. My impression is some people, after they have had issues or learned to make adjustments to accommodate the changes after a surgical intervention, say they wish they had just made those changes without the surgery. It's not for me to judge them personally, but I do tend to set aside those statements, as I tend to want to trust they would have not gotten the surgery if they didn't really need it.
  15. https://www.amazon.com/Lutron-600-watt-maestro-MIR-600THW-WH-compatible/dp/B000JJYJMM/ Works fine with good LED lamps.
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