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Everything posted by Typical

  1. They will take it as a compliment
  2. NYMassageAddict: Seems like you are referencing the wrong post. Your post I believe has nothing to do with Hush Manhattan Spa.
  3. I would highly recommend Aleksei at Hush Spa. He isn't profiled in the staff section so you have to go to the appointment booker to find him. He's a tall, good looking, super strong, friendly and very talented masseur. A+
  4. Saw him a couple of times, the last time probably two years ago. Not terrible, but each time some confusion and ambiguity about what exactly he offered. Frankly I wasn't much interested in anything above just a normal therapeutic massage. But he made it a little awkward, not to mention the second time I went up he asked me to wait outside in the cold for like 10 minutes because he had forgotten about the appointment. I would have left if I hadn't travelled all the way up town. Will not go again. BTW, NEVER make someone wait outside past the appointment start time. NEVER, EVER.
  5. Not sure anyone "expects" a lower price for a way uptown location. But it's a real time commitment and a pain so there has to be some incentive. Lower price is one possible draw. If the service cost is comparable to midtown, why bother? I guess the alternative is to sit way uptown without any clients! Above 96th Street is just not a viable option for most people who work in midtown. One must trek way up and then trek way back down. It simply isn't worth the effort when there are numerous options much closer. It's reality.
  6. Agree. The massage was fine. He's a nice enough guy. I don't regret the money spent. He's somewhat hot, but a little bit more effeminate than the photos suggest (not a criticism, just a fact). But nothing to compel my return was there. There are so many options in NYC!!! So I only return when things are very good, or when I have reason to believe things will become very good. My regulars offer above and beyond on a consistent basis.
  7. You don't owe him a review. I suppose you won't return; therefore, just move on without further concern. You hired him, were respectful (I gather) and paid him the agreed fee. You owe him nothing else.
  8. His handler recently put a wig and fake beard on him and rechristened him "Danny". It's absurd.
  9. Sounds like a massage service for dogs.
  10. Nice enough guy. He worked at Hush a couple years ago. But...saw him recently in his new incarnation. Mediocre massage. Started late and ended early. And very transactional ($60 "tip" request on table + $140 base fee = $200 = No, Thank You!). Not sure what these guys don't get about up-sells at point of purchase. It's not a business enhancing attitude to say the least.
  11. He was in New York about five years ago and I saw him then. Unless someone has stolen an entire previously legitimate profile, the guy is who he advertises to be and is Spanish. And as I recall the massage was B+/A- quality.
  12. Saw him probably 10 plus years ago. Those photos were out of date then. Underwhelming to say the least.
  13. Typical


    Totally agree. Nice enough. Wish him well. But a one time only event for me. FWIW, he used to be a dancer at Adonis in NYC. He was much more fun in that venue. Maybe 10 minutes is enough sometimes.
  14. There are two bathhouses in NYC: The Westside Club and the Eastside Club. They operate under a grandfathered license and can never close because if they do they cannot reopen. They are private "clubs" and you must "join" upon entering. I haven't been to the Westside Club in probably over 10 years and it was not a well maintained facility back then; however, it serves its purpose.
  15. The irony of THIS post complaining "he doesn't know any words" is too rich. Brain (Brian?): Here is a little advice for you, if you can read it. Get someone with a basic understanding of the English language to post your faux, self-serving babble.
  16. The more clothes the better in this unusual case... Trust me.
  17. Ahhh. Memory lane. Now I recall 15+ years ago....bat shit crazy!
  18. I made an appointment with the guy using these photos maybe 5 years ago. The photos were very dated even then. He wasn't 29 or anything close to it. So my supposition is if your inquiry suggests that you will be displeased by a much older guy than the ad promises he blocks to avoid the problem.
  19. He had an ad on either MF or the old defunct site a few years ago. I think he probably no longer advertises on MF because people were constantly looking for more than therapeutic. He is totally legit and very good. But you will be draped, he will be fully clothed, and nothing beyond a spa protocol massage will happen.
  20. I predict with great confidence that sometime in the near future your luck will end and you will (a) get the living shit beat out of you and/or (b) be charged with assault.
  21. I feel like everyone in this discussion could sit at a bar in person and become friends. BUT.... this being anonymous "social media" ....there MUST be a fight over absolutely fucking NOTHING. No wonder the world is being torn apart. For no reason whatsoever.
  22. His neighbor had problems with unknown people coming and going all night for sex? How strange.
  23. You have seen Rob and you were happy? I tried to set up something with him a few times when I saw his "available now" indicator on. He would reply maybe an hour later or a day later saying something like - I'm available next Thursday or I can see you over the weekend. Apparently the word "now" has a different meaning to some folks than the generally accepted definition. In any case, after the third time of that, I totally moved on.
  24. I don't think it was an undocumented worker issue. I would guess the three were all native to Long Island from their accents. I think it was something else....they seemed out of it. Like really out of it. I'm guessing substance-induced paranoia. I waited for a few minutes to pay (although the whole thing wasn't worth a single dime and was so weird), but then worried that something really bad could happen there. So I ran up those steps an across 15th Street as fast as possible!
  25. Of course I KNEW better. But went in anyway. (I had some decent to good experiences there, but more than five years ago...) 30 minutes into a strange 60 minute massage appointment (after a lot of yelling on the premises) the door to my "room" was thrown open and cell phones were tossed in. The "therapist" announced "you are done" and left. I was certainly ready to leave, got up and dressed. But I then discovered everyone had apparently fled the premises. The guy therapist and two women up front all left! Gone. No one anywhere. Front door was left open. No one in sight! P.S.: They were all VERY high. Lesson learned. Hot shower now with a whole lot of soap.
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